
Medical student Nancy (Blake Lively) travels to a warm vacation spot where she can get in plenty of surfing. After calling home to say she's arrived safely, she heads out on her board.

She's suddenly grabbed by a great white shark and pulled underwater. Although she's bleeding from a number of wounds, she manages to get away to safety on a large rock 200 yards from shore. She tries to warn the other surfers that there's a shark, but it's too late. Now all alone, she has to figure out how to get back to land in one piece as the shark circles the rock.

Columbia Pictures
Lynn Harris, Matti Leshem
Blake Lively, Óscar Jaenada, Sedona Legge, Brett Cullen, Pablo Calva, Diego Espejel, Janelle Bailey, Ava Dean, Chelsea Moody
Anthony Jaswinski
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