
Inspired by true events, City of Dreams follows Jesús, a young Mexican boy whose dreams of becoming a soccer star are shattered when he’s trafficked across the border and sold to a sweatshop making fast fashion in downtown Los Angeles. Thrust into a world of exploitation and despair; he’s forced to adhere to the grueling work schedule dictated by El Jefe, a boss who promises freedom for those who complete their quotas. Despite Jesus’s hellish existence, he finds solace in Elena, a girl who was similarly betrayed and sold into slavery. When she goes missing and another co-worker Carlito’s is severely beaten, Jesus realizes that his only hope for freedom is to make a daring escape.

Mohit Ramchandani
Roadside Attractions
Jon Graham, Rufus Parker, Matthew Diezel, Sean Wolfington
Jason Patric, Alfredo Castro, Ari Lopez, Samm Levine, Paulina Gaitán, Francisco Denis, Diego Calva
Mohit Ramchandani
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