The true story behind the astonishing movie Sound of Freedom Published By Alexandra Heilbron on Jul 19, 2023

Since it debuted in theaters on July 4, 2023, the independent movie Sound of Freedom starring Jim Caviezel has been creating quite a stir. On opening day, it beat all other movies at the box office, earning a total of $14,242,063 -- more than the previous weekend's top movie: Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, which took in $11,698,989, according to Sound of Freedom moved to second place on the second day, then to third over the weekend when Insidious: The Red Door took the top spot.

However, then it did something astonishing. On July 10 and 11 it beat those two Hollywood movies to claim top place again, and moved only one spot to second place when the blockbuster film Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part 1 debuted on July 12. Sound of Freedom, about child trafficking, has held onto the second spot since then.

The movie, based on a true story, is about Tim Ballard's (pictured below in a photo from Angel Studios) fight to save children from being trafficked as sex slaves in America. To read Tim Ballard's true-life story, click here.

For more about Sound of Freedom, click here. If you have seen Sound of Freedom, click here to rate and/or review it, and to read other moviegoers' reviews. ~Alexandra Heilbron

Jim Ballard and the true story behind Sound of Freedom

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Comments & Discussion

  • Joan Steffen - 7/20/2023 9:33:55 AM
    Matthew 18:6 whoever causes one of these little ones, who belong to me, to sin or stumble, it would be better for him to have a millstone fastened around his neck and drowned in the depths of the sea...may the Almighty God bless and protect all involved with the making of this movie and those who continue to expose this evil
  • Virginia C Campbell - 7/20/2023 9:41:48 PM
  • Maclovia - 7/21/2023 12:53:35 AM
    It was an amazing true Story depicting children being sexually trafficked without being graphic and disrespectful to the child actors. It was very informative about what is going on in this country and how our children need to be protected from pedophiles. He said we needed to do something to protect children before it happens to each one of us. It shows that with God one person is the majority
  • Taylor summit - 7/21/2023 10:12:53 AM
    Need a coalition world wide to dig out these scum along with the drug traffickers no reason this cannot be done for god sake we put a man on the moon think about it
  • George - 7/21/2023 12:50:22 PM
    mind blowing that some would criticize this movie as being "Political" Well if one's politics include evil than yes it is political. Or Christian, I don't see anything overtly Christian other than it is done by a company that also does Christian themed movies. Who does that leave to criticize it, organized crime (cartels) who profit from human trafficking! Perhaps the cartels are behind to bad publicity efforts.
  • Tom - 7/21/2023 4:02:08 PM
    Any theater who plays this movie and there are any issues with the theater AC being extremely high or even off or anything else not rights twith the movie or theatre, tells you that the actual theatre owners are among the owners that are are traffickers themselves.
  • Marian - 7/21/2023 5:35:24 PM
    Am EAGER to serve this cause to stop trafficking, because of this EXCELLENTLY done movie/ SSOO indebted to all who told this truth!
  • Taylor summit - 7/21/2023 5:49:41 PM
    Need a coalition world wide to dig out these scum along with the drug traffickers no reason this cannot be done for god sake we put a man on the moon think about it
  • Paula Canty - 7/21/2023 10:57:37 PM
    I want to help...tell me what I can do to b part of the solution! God bless the Children!
  • Pamela Tyrrell - 7/22/2023 5:49:04 PM
    We need to retrain our thinking so we can react quickly to prevent a child being snatched on the street. The Bystander Effect is a natural psychological response to not help if others are present. People hesitate, wondering who is in charge. But if there is only one witness, there is a better than 90% chance that witness will help because it is clearly their responsibility. All these children are the responsibility of all of us. We need to react quickly to save them even if we are standing in a crowd of 100 cops!!!
  • Rose - 7/23/2023 2:36:36 AM
    To Paula Canty who asked how to help. A non profit organization named Life Outreach Intl takes donations for this cause. James Robinson heads this cause n is verifiable organization. God Bless you for wanting to help this cause.
  • F Nicolson - 7/23/2023 10:36:05 AM
    This should take priority over all the "other" agenda that is pushed in our faces. This is so critical, the true HORROR that, at this very second, is being forced on children world wide must be confronted for the pure evil it is.
  • Dave - 7/23/2023 12:02:36 PM
    I live in canada yarmouth nova scptia where is the sound of fredom its not ever advertised there people doing this should be ashamed to keep movies like this hidden just sp garbage movies like mosdion immposible can flurish and there only garbage movies
  • Dollie - 7/23/2023 3:39:42 PM
    This nightmare didn't start overnight. The demon of perversion is the root of this plague on children. The message I hope that hollywood hears is: We are sick of your movies that feed the perversion monster. All perversion must stop. Wake up America!!! We are considered to be the leader of perverts!!! The worst kind of slavery again in the home of the free. God please heal this country.
  • Vicki - 7/24/2023 9:42:08 AM
    Are any proceeds from the movie going towards helping to stop the trafficking of children and people?
  • Ray Hahn - 7/24/2023 6:58:17 PM
    Excellent movie

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