Thursday, January 2, 01:39:18 PM

Best movie I’ve seen in a long time. Acting was superb and I lived the 60’s so brought back true to life events and memories. Love Bob Dylan and his music is timeless. Some will think it’s a ‘60’s free love negative connotation which it is not and I can’t say enough about the quality . I watched it again at home but was best at the theatre.

Thursday, January 2, 12:25:35 PM

Loved this movie! Awesome acting, awesome soundtrack! A must see.

Wednesday, January 1, 10:15:15 PM

We thought this was a great movie. The acting was so good, the story moved along very well, we were surprised when it ended so quick! We could have watched hours more and enjoyed it. There was a lot of cussing, but it was a good story and worth seeing if you are a music fan of any kind.

Wednesday, January 1, 11:20:06 AM

Loved every minute of it. Hearing the music is wonderful. Timothy Chalamet does an great job. So glad this music is being passed on to young people. Dylan, like all of us is a complex person. Love that it starts with Woodie Guthrie and Pete Seeger. Can't get enough of hearing Dylan's words and stayed til the last credits which I rarely do. Form your own opinion and don't be swayed by all of the negative reviews. If you feel negative let it be from your own experience not from a reviewer.

Tuesday, December 31, 10:01:31 PM

Did not like BD before the movie like him even less after. Total waste of time unless you are a fan. I noticed loads of hippy baby boomers in the audience seemed pleased, laughed at the stupid, contrived moments, one damaged soul within earshot was sobbing in response to shameless, contrived fiction. I caught myself checking my iPhone watch every 5 minutes couldn’t take any more of it and I got up and left.

Tuesday, December 31, 06:10:58 PM

Great overall

Tuesday, December 31, 05:09:52 PM

This movie is a lovely, but superficial overview of Dylan's first five years as a performer in The Village, recording artist and concert favourite. The movie and his desire to perform as a rock & roll artist peaked at his highly controversial appearance at the Newport '65 Folk Festival with a rock band. Fellow travelers Joan Baez, Pete Seeger, Suze Rotolo (renamed Sylvie Russo in the movie at Dylan's request), Albert Grossman, Bobby Neuwirth are all portrayed faithfully by a group of wonderful actors. If you are expecting to see a movie that is 100% factually accurate, then you will be disappointed. If you want to see a delightful movie spotlighting the finest folk/rock composer of the 20th century played beautifully by Timothee Chalamet, then by all means go and enjoy 'A Complete Unknown'!

Tuesday, December 31, 09:46:00 AM

Depressing. I was named after him and i think my hopes were too high. Pretty girlfriends, though. Every time i see scoot mcnair, i think of his great character in killing them softly

Tuesday, December 31, 04:20:32 AM

No sure why anyone would go see a biopic about Bob Dylan if they weren't a Dylan fan but the stupidity of the movie going public these days never ceases to amaze me. I guess if Dylan wore spandex tights and had laser beams shooting out of his eyes the people on this forum might give it a thumbs up. Sadly, most of them wouldn't know a good movie if hit them in the face.

Monday, December 30, 06:25:20 PM

The first years of Dylan's career, from his arrival in NY in 1961 to the Newport Folk Festival in 1965.

Sunday, December 29, 06:27:24 PM

I agree with the film being a love letter encompassing Dylan, the music, an era. Superb filmmaking, storytelling, acting & performances throughout. There's a soulfulness permeating this one. I appreciate the depiction of those times. A beautiful film.

Sunday, December 29, 10:11:00 AM

Loved the movie! Superb acting. The fact that all the main actors learned to play their own instruments and each sang their own songs was amazing. Always enjoy learning the back story and what makes songwriters and musicians tick.

Sunday, December 29, 09:45:00 AM

The movie was great! Timothee' Chalamet did a great job performing. Loved Ed Norton as well. The film depicts a man who, while not the greatest singer, certainly had a magical (his words) way of saying something about the world in profound and prophetic ways. Those who give it a bad review obviously know nothing about the man. He was a bit anti-social, not nice to the press, and a contrarian. Perhaps that was his way of dealing with the pressures of stardom - and what made him prophetic. No one has to love the artist to love the art.

Saturday, December 28, 06:49:21 PM

Stay home for your afternoon nap.

Saturday, December 28, 06:47:59 PM

There is nothing to like here. N

Saturday, December 28, 06:46:08 PM

Well I never understood what was so great about Bob Dillon. He's an awful singer. The folk songs are cute and it was nice to hear some oldies though. The actor bore some resemblance to him but the character was very flat. Overall, the movie is a snoozer.

Saturday, December 28, 06:25:30 PM

Timothee Chalmette was amazing as Bob Dylan Good movie!! We all enjoyed the story and music of the of the 60's

Saturday, December 28, 01:50:32 PM

The movie didn't overstay it's welcome and covers the beginning of Bob's career. Tim did a great job all around and deserves an Oscar nom. The music is great and you get the strange mix of super extreme progressive politics and music industry capitalism with all it's hypocrisy, as well as the audience's power to hold back artists that want to periodically reinvent themselves. Lots to mull over, especially on how you lose your privacy when you become famous.

Saturday, December 28, 01:27:40 PM

Too bad it didnt remain that way and saved everyone some money.

Saturday, December 28, 12:28:26 PM

I was disappointed in this movie. I thought Bob Dylan’s character was very one dimensional who provided great advertising for the tobacco industry. I found it difficult to relate to Bob Dylan’s character as a human being. He came across as a bit weird and anti-social. The music was well done but the humanity and personality seemed to be lacking.

Saturday, December 28, 10:26:22 AM

Chalemet does a fair job of imitating Dylan's horrible singing voice. My favorite part of the movie is when those pathetic folkie losers lost their minds when Dylan picked up an electric guitar. Hilarious.

Friday, December 27, 11:50:34 AM

Great music and acting

Thursday, December 26, 09:13:52 PM

Snooze fest. Barbie is better

Thursday, December 26, 05:45:39 PM

Great acting, music and storyline. Brings back a lot of great tunes by Bob Dylan. Would see again and recommend to friends.

Thursday, December 26, 10:59:22 AM

This film is a love letter to Dylan, the music, an era, a nation. In Shamanism there's a practice called soul retrieval. I sense that somehow this film is helping to retrieve our communities soul parts lost in that era. May the experiencing of this film return to you any lost parts of yourself and to Bob may it all be brought back home to you. Thank you. James Mangold and this cast were touched. Go see this film!

Thursday, December 26, 09:39:05 AM

The almost non-stop Music, the acting makes this the #1 hit of 2024.

Wednesday, December 25, 08:51:49 PM

Loved the music all the way from the beginning to the end. Just so entertaining

Wednesday, December 25, 08:50:19 PM

Best movie this year - best acting, best music.

Friday, December 13, 05:33:51 PM

I loved the movie about Bob Dylan’s life, its one of the best movies I’ve seen!in a long time! Ive always liked his songs but this takes it to another level. I’m taking all my sons to watch it