Wednesday, July 26, 06:33:31 PM

This movie is the worst I’ve ever seen. It doesn’t even deserve the one star.

Wednesday, July 26, 06:03:18 PM

Loved the cast and how unexpected the film was.

Wednesday, July 26, 02:21:31 PM

This movie has nothing to do with entertainment, for neither kids nor adults, and is a poorly disguised “lesson in life” by far left knucklehead activist claiming to be film producers. Don’t waste your and time on this goofy movie.

Wednesday, July 26, 02:02:55 PM

I thought it was mediocre. I think my daughter like it more but I don't think that she liked it much either. I find it sad that people who haven't even seen the movie are coming here to spit political venom and to 'other' their fellow man as inhuman simply because they have different political beliefs. See review below and don't be that loser, because that is massively pathetic.

Wednesday, July 26, 10:46:17 AM

It was alright the movie was hyped up way to much. I would compare it to the minion movie with the hype around it

Tuesday, July 25, 08:46:29 PM

I went in pretty blind on the plot, and not really a Barbie toy person, but was really pleasantly surprised with where Gerwig takes the movie. Endlessly fun, it’s Not your generic toy movie at all. Some really smart ideas about the duality of Barbie and the themes of Feminism and commercialism expressed were really well done, it’s had me thinking a lot about it since which I really wasn’t expecting. Margot and Gosling are phenomenal. Would 10/10 recommend

Tuesday, July 25, 08:34:24 PM

I thought it was harmless fun. WRONG. Opening scene is TERRIBLE, having little girls smash the heads of their baby dolls in favor of the newly discovered Barbie. There were some funny moments but in order to get those you have to sit through a lot of crap messaging.

Tuesday, July 25, 08:08:16 PM

One of the most fun movie experiences I’ve had in a long long time. Couldn’t stop laughing. Really smart and funny.

Tuesday, July 25, 05:49:51 PM

The woke message was so strong, we took our children out halfway through the showing. Hollywood should focus more on entertainment and less politics.

Tuesday, July 25, 05:44:50 PM

Three or four funny moments, but there was a lot of unfunny to sit through to get there. Visually interesting, but not interesting enough to save a tired plot, using the word plot in the most generous way imaginable. Too adult for my eight-year old. Too juvenile for anyone else.

Tuesday, July 25, 03:40:17 PM

It was boring, dumb and stupid. 2 hours of my life I will never get back !!👹

Tuesday, July 25, 03:23:51 PM

I just loved this movie. I thought it was very clever. So many laugh out Ioud moments. I also cried! think it's one of those movies where you hate it or love it. Well, I loved it!!

Tuesday, July 25, 11:49:58 AM

0 to 1/2 star rating if I could. Hollywood has absolutely NO IDEA what they're doing or thinking. They're all puppets, trying to be liked. Well, WHO CARES? What message are we sending to young girls? To be just like Barbie? What a joke! It's great to have girls be empowered, but for them to be subjected to the dumbness and dullness that this movie implies is sickening! How much more woke can you get? I hope the message comes across that people are pawns and need to think for themselves. As for the movie itself, poor acting, no humor and we are all robots for wanting to be the blonde bombshell. Not fun at all, just sad, sad sad! WAKE UP. LOOK AROUND. LOOK AT THE WORLD! WE ARE SLOWLY LOSING THE BATTLE!

Tuesday, July 25, 10:23:04 AM

Totally anti family oriented and non Christian, the acting is terrible and boring. Please don’t waste your time watching this movie.

Tuesday, July 25, 09:30:55 AM

Really fun! Visually stunning. Great acting. Not the biggest Will Ferrell fan but overall great movie!

Tuesday, July 25, 01:22:09 AM

Never go to a movie expecting answers to the difficult questions of the human condition and modern society. Lol. The 60+ white male that I am was very confused. Didn't hate it though. The lead actors and actresses did a great job and some of the visual humour made me laugh out loud. Not a fan of Will Ferrell - he always looks like he comes up with everything he does and says on the spot and it's rarely good. It was great to see the kids around me enjoy the movie though. A visual spectacle it definitely was.

Monday, July 24, 09:24:52 PM

If you’re a man giving this movie a bad rating, there is probably something wrong with you!

Monday, July 24, 06:39:27 PM

Truth be told the best part was America Ferrera's performance and lines on how women were seen and felt about themself. The movie was a bit weird and appeared to be a battle with men & women and some political act of all the women voting and taking control.

Monday, July 24, 01:58:38 PM

This was the most fun I’ve had in a loooong time. From the visuals to the message portrayed, it was an absolute home run. What an important film for women (and men) of all ages to see!

Monday, July 24, 01:44:52 PM

Movies based on toys is generally a bad idea. Hollywood cannot hope to compete with a child's imagination. Mattel's Barbie Doll has been attacked by feminists for decades. Political ideology will almost always go too far, and attacking the realms of childhood and imagination is a particularly low move, but feminists remain ignorant or apathetic of the lines they are crossing. Continuing this unfortunate trend is the Barbie movie, a very tiresome bit of hand-wringing. Patriarchy? Give us a break. We're living in the least patriarchal society in human history. This is not only lazy but dissolute, disingenuous and irresponsible.

Monday, July 24, 01:28:36 PM

Come on Barbie let's go party! I love Barbie and so do my children we are going to go a couple of more times! This is especially lovely as my daughter came out as trans a few months ago and she is now able to see something of such beauty!

Monday, July 24, 12:38:01 PM

This is like the best movie evah! It really highlights how beauty is more than skin deep, and that the patriarchy is so bad for modern america! plus the colors and acting and special affects were just so cool and pink and sparkly!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love love love this! thank you for making this! I am going to see this so many more times!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 24, 11:02:09 AM


Monday, July 24, 10:27:32 AM

Thumbs down. This is a movie for immature adults not kids. Totally misleading, but par for the course, using a toy brand to promote an agenda. Very strange movie and very disturbing. Definitely some talented people in the movie. I hope it doesn't hurt their careers but in this day and age it probably won't. Don't waste your time.

Monday, July 24, 09:11:05 AM

the fact that all little girls wanted to see this but it was not for children. I thought the scenes showing little girls banging their baby dolls heads on the ground was disgusting!

Monday, July 24, 07:33:25 AM

Wokeness and feminazism on steroids. Definitely not for children.

Monday, July 24, 12:38:52 AM

Barbie’s emotional core will surprise you. Margot and Ryan ignite the screen with soul, charm, and unique flair. It’s a fantastic film!!!

Monday, July 24, 12:32:24 AM

The movie was OK. The cast was great in the movie. I think that some parts of the movie was very boring in the middle.

Sunday, July 23, 03:16:01 PM

I should have listened to people and not took my 9 year old grand daughter to this movie.

Sunday, July 23, 12:03:08 PM

Greta Gerwig and cast do not disappoint. Way to shine a light and flip the script. LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie.

Sunday, July 23, 11:09:12 AM

If you don’t want your children groomed into hating men and transgenderism,don’t let them watch this movie. If you are into transgender and hating men, then I recommend this movie

Sunday, July 23, 11:05:19 AM

It's definitely for teens and adults to watch. The movie was very well written and the actors were fabulous! The story is provocative and sends many humanizing messages.

Sunday, July 23, 10:07:26 AM

This is the perfect summer movie, and a great romp. My husband wasn't too enthusiastic about a BARBIE MOVIE, but he loved it!

Saturday, July 22, 09:55:53 PM

After viewing a few trailers which promotes the WOKE agenda, won't be wasting money on this film. Movie sends a negative impression to young, impressionable minds.

Saturday, July 22, 06:34:30 PM

better than i ever expected. funny, cute, deep, all at the same time. great message for all humans, if they would just listen! *not for people w/ archaic thinking--skip it

Saturday, July 22, 06:24:26 PM

A powerful story of female empowerment, based on actual events.

Saturday, July 22, 06:09:27 PM

Too much for children to watch. A lot of sexual thoughts placed into the young minds seeing this. More Hollywood thrash

Saturday, July 22, 05:14:25 PM

This movie is fantastic. It touched on some very deep emotions and gender roles.

Saturday, July 22, 05:06:10 PM

Not for kids and too much propaganda/ and sexual content. If your going to use kids toys to make movies then stop inserting sex and indoctrination in the movies!

Saturday, July 22, 02:29:02 PM

This is a propaganda movie meant to brainwash young girls into becoming celibate radical feminists. The message of this movie is that women women are are oppressed victims and a need to foment a literal revolution against men and deprive them of all their rights as revenge for past or perceived wrongs. Things such as children and relationships with men are simply part of the chains of patriarchal oppression. If you want to have grandchildren, you better not take your daughter to this movie.