Wednesday, August 7, 07:15:28 AM

Truly honest amazing movie. Looking forward to what the future has instore !

Wednesday, August 7, 01:16:50 AM

I agree the Deadpool character isn't necessary. He was ok in the Wolverine Origins movie because both his dialogue and screen time was very limited, but he never shuts up in this unwarranted rematch and the movie frequently comes to a full stop just so Deadpool can make some "clever" wisecrack. These "team up" movies are becoming more and more tired, this one being the most tired of all. There's a potentially interesting Wolverine movie fighting to surface from all the dross and excess fanboy service on display here, and let's hope a director's cut delivers on that promise by leaving Deadpool on the cutting room floor.

Tuesday, August 6, 08:56:12 PM

Would be better without Deadpool.

Tuesday, August 6, 05:03:01 PM

Thought it was GREAT. For people complaining - its a Deadpool Movie, if you have seen one of the other 2, you got a good idea what's coming.

Tuesday, August 6, 04:46:48 PM

Disney acquired so many of the great movie franchises and destroyed them. The first Deadpool movie was interesting but any movie with homosexual behavior or references is appealing to less than 1% of the movie goer base. Shame on Disney!

Tuesday, August 6, 04:22:06 PM

Great funny dialogue and action fir a summer flick!!

Tuesday, August 6, 12:39:34 PM

Admiral Akbar derka derka this be very bad!

Tuesday, August 6, 10:12:27 AM

Very fun, full of references, and was laughing the whole time. Ignore the snobs review bombing who don’t understand the source material or the poor parents who brought their kids. Adult fun for an adult movie. Can’t wait until the next.

Tuesday, August 6, 09:54:07 AM

The movie is obviously for people with low intelligence.

Monday, August 5, 08:34:29 PM

i love so funny

Monday, August 5, 07:25:54 PM

Wesley is back

Monday, August 5, 07:25:23 PM

Is the plot made you lost yikes

Monday, August 5, 07:24:50 PM

There were no references

Monday, August 5, 06:49:45 PM

Very funny, entertaining movie. Just like the good old days when the super hero movies were gave us what we wanted!

Monday, August 5, 06:43:55 PM

The gay references were too much. If they made fun of any other culture or race, the movie would have been torn to shread and boycotted.

Monday, August 5, 02:09:02 PM

Too much gay reference, foul language, sick humor. I expected some serious thought to this movie, was disappointed. It's a shame Hugh Jackman and Wesley Snipes lowered themselves to this level. The plot lost me right from the beginning. I won't watch another movie with Deadpool in it..

Monday, August 5, 11:00:55 AM

2 of my favorite actors in a filth driven movie and language; and ridiculous humor attempts. The end was much better but the beginning and middle was disgusting and too boring

Monday, August 5, 10:15:45 AM

t’s like they are in competition with The Boys on how to be the most awesome , cool and awesome. I love the actors but was extremely sairisfied. They did display humor, and I ottaly get why Disney is collaborating with Superheroes, seems very appropriate

Monday, August 5, 09:00:12 AM

1. It's pretty funny. 2. Yes it's got a lot of blood and guts, ITS. DEAD. POOL.. 3. Yes, lots of language, ITS. DEAD. POOL.. 4. For everyone complaining about "bringing your kids" it is a rated "R" movie, do we not remember movie ratings now... 5. It's amazing how the people getting angry about this are the ones who get "triggered" because their feelings weren't taken into consideration and the movie theatre isn't a safe space.... 6... there are some slow parts and pointless parts of the movie sure, but every movie has filler scenes. Lastly.... overall good movie. ITS RATED "R" PEOPLE! Quit complaining about language and blood. Next, they leave a review about rated "M" movies because it's too provocative.....

Sunday, August 4, 10:05:25 PM

It’s like they are in competition with The Boys on how to be the most vulgar, crass & disgusting. I love the actors but was extremely disappointed. They did display humor here and there but I just don’t get why Disney is collaborating with Superheroes, seems inappropriate! Not what I expected…keep children home!

Sunday, August 4, 04:22:55 PM

August 04, 2024 The language was bearable to listen to. myself and people with me had to stay until the end of the show. I hope Hugh or Ryan do take any of their children to see the move.

Sunday, August 4, 12:07:47 PM

The movie was more than I expected it to be! The action, the cussing, the humor was all there... It pushed the bar just as you would expect with a Deadpool movie, and it was a good way to show Wolverine, and getting him in that yellow outfit! It was very much fitting and better than expected.

Sunday, August 4, 01:12:51 AM

The language was unbearable to listen to. myself and people with me had to leave the show. I hope Hugh or Ryan do not take any of their children to see the move.

Saturday, August 3, 06:36:01 PM

It's like they stole their movie plot from Rick & Morty.

Saturday, August 3, 04:06:07 PM

Well, I love it. I am a very childish person though. My therapist doesn't know I went to see it. Shhhhh.

Saturday, August 3, 08:59:13 AM

It was a cleverly written and had many funny parts, however, the blood, guts and gore were overdone.

Saturday, August 3, 12:37:30 AM

Beverly Hills Cop IV is better.

Friday, August 2, 08:37:12 PM

This movie is for adults enjoy your adult movie

Friday, August 2, 08:36:40 PM

The new hangover!

Friday, August 2, 08:09:20 PM

I guess the Deadpool franchise got pulled into the Disney Marvel universe of stupid movie plots. This movie totally disrespected the Logan movie. And I hate stories that involve multiple universes. You're basically telling the audience that nothing means anything.

Friday, August 2, 04:22:55 PM

This movie had me from the get-go. It is non-stop action and hilarity. The pairing of Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds is pure magic. The film keeps you guessing until the end and it is filled with great cameo appearances. That being said, parents are strongly cautioned. The violence and gore is also non-stop, and so is the cussing. I am no prude, but (if I had children) I don't think anyone under 13 should be allowed to attend this movie.

Friday, August 2, 02:41:52 PM

Add one more to the 33% who have given this a 1 rating (it would have been 0 if that was an option). Why the gay slant now for all the Marvel characters - they got my money for the last time.

Friday, August 2, 10:51:45 AM

I just love Wolverine, that's why I wanted to see it.

Thursday, August 1, 11:57:29 PM

A two-hour and seven-minute advert for Tim Horton's.

Thursday, August 1, 06:57:43 PM

This is my new favorite movie. I will come watch it 10 more time.

Thursday, August 1, 01:51:44 PM

The combination with Wolverine and Deadpool was amazing idk why people be hating on it. It was a great movie

Thursday, August 1, 10:32:18 AM

With all The Publicity regarding this Movie....., a big disappointment! Good actors....., unable to deliver the goods! Boring.....

Thursday, August 1, 09:20:32 AM

This movie is for teens. Enjoy your dumb movie.

Wednesday, July 31, 04:09:42 PM

take the movie out of the trash it was terrific!

Wednesday, July 31, 04:09:13 PM

marvel boys keep gushing over this movie