Wednesday, December 3, 07:47:47 PM

Best comedededidy this year! Will Ferrel is the funniest man on earth. I really liked the old rudolph animation for the north pole. Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 09:41:20 PM


Tuesday, December 2, 06:56:36 PM

Boring, unfunny total waste of film and time. My 9 year old also agrees

Monday, December 1, 07:09:11 PM

Elf was amazing, it`s a wonderful comedy. I think that if somebody goes to the theater with the intention of seeing a very professional movie, they won`t enjoy it, because viewers need to keep in mind that it is a child`s movie and there are some childish themes. However, it contains great hilarity and I would HIGHLY recommend this movie to ANYONE.

Sunday, November 30, 06:30:31 PM

Elf was hilarious sure to be a classic for generations to come. It is fun for the whole family including adults. The DVD is already on my wifes Christmas list for next year. A+++++

Sunday, November 30, 01:19:07 PM

Will Ferrell does it again... VERY funny

Sunday, November 30, 01:48:17 AM

I think this guy is helarious. I needed a movie like this to make me laugh after a streak of some very bad movies in the theatres.

Friday, November 28, 11:26:49 PM


Friday, November 28, 05:42:51 PM

Elf was really great. Especially Will Farrel playing Buddy, It was also VERY funny! I would recomend it to anyone, a very good family movie!

Friday, November 28, 04:17:14 PM

soo funny

Friday, November 28, 02:35:35 PM

Will Ferrell is the sexiest actor of all time and i loved him in this movie.

Friday, November 28, 01:02:02 PM


Friday, November 28, 02:01:44 AM

BESTEST EVER! Will Ferrell is a god!

Wednesday, November 26, 03:12:03 AM

The best family movie this Christmas! This is one movie that will instantly become a Christmas classic! There was no objectionable material as there was in The Cat in the Hat. Just an all-round great movie!

Tuesday, November 25, 07:52:20 PM

if you liked old skool you will love elf... same same but wiht a holiday flair!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 06:10:33 PM

This movie was great. It`s been a long time since i`ve laughed out loud to a movie. There were so many funny parts. I would definitely see it again. "Hi, Buddy the Elf. What`s your favourite colour?"

Tuesday, November 25, 03:26:26 PM

The Funniest Christmas Movie Yet!

Monday, November 24, 10:53:47 PM

very fun and entertaining!! well worth it!! leaves you with a very happy feeling!!

Monday, November 24, 09:21:39 PM

I loved it! Elf was the funniest movie ever. A definite *****‼ Will Ferrell is a great comedy actor and looks really cute as an elf!

Monday, November 24, 07:57:18 PM

i thought it was ever funny and entertaning but at some parts it is boring

Monday, November 24, 03:20:52 PM

this was one of the most hilarious movies that i have ever seen! a must see for sure. i think that will ferrel did a really good job and they coudn`t have picked a funnier person to play buddy!

Monday, November 24, 10:31:27 AM

One of the best Christmas movies I have seen. It was really funny. Great for kids and adults alike. Really puts you in the christmas spirit.

Sunday, November 23, 09:40:11 PM

I can only think of one word to say, AWSOME. It is a true classic Christmas movie. It falls in line with all the top Christmas classics.

Sunday, November 23, 04:44:59 PM

it was da bomb! YA

Saturday, November 22, 08:53:02 PM

It`s very funny!Will Ferell is a great actor and he`s hilarious.I don`t know for some people,but for me, Christmas movies never get old.

Saturday, November 22, 06:40:15 PM

This movie was amazing. Will is the man! Definitely a must see for the holiday season! hoe hoe hoe

Saturday, November 22, 05:38:38 PM

loved it. Made me laugh!

Saturday, November 22, 12:50:59 PM

A real nice childrens film

Saturday, November 22, 11:21:45 AM

GREAT!!!!!!The Elf was the best movie I have ever seen!I have seen it four times already!!!!

Friday, November 21, 11:07:26 PM

meh this movie was ok...not too bad..but not too good had its moments...its an ok christmas movie..but not great though...6.5 out of 10

Friday, November 21, 10:38:42 PM

Most hilarious movie of the year

Friday, November 21, 07:18:41 PM

If it weren`t for Will Ferrell, this movie would`ve been NOTHING! I love you will!!

Thursday, November 20, 08:17:19 PM

It was the most lame movie I ever saw.. I give it a 2 Thumbs Down

Tuesday, November 18, 08:55:58 PM

Elf is a great new addition to the Christmas favourites that I watch every year. It combines new wonderful Christmas spirit, along with adding old Christmas cheer with characters from other older Christmas Classics. Definitely a great movie for everyone and anyone!

Tuesday, November 18, 05:35:56 PM

great i want to see it again!

Monday, November 17, 08:22:46 PM

Instant Christmas Classic. Will Ferrel is Hilarious!

Sunday, November 16, 11:46:47 PM

I liked it! It was funny and entertaining. One of those movies you come away from feelling good. A wholesome family movie. I see at least 52 movies every year. On a score of one to ten I gave it a 5, that is the best rating I have given this year. There are better movies don`t get me wrong but I would recommend as a movie to see.

Sunday, November 16, 07:31:42 PM

I liked it! Gets you in the Christamas spirit..."You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout I`m telling you why. SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN!" HaHa :)

Sunday, November 16, 06:27:55 PM

Very funny movie, one of the best Christmas comedies today!!! A must see for sure!!!

Sunday, November 16, 04:15:42 PM

I believe that this movie was pointless and idiotic. It could have been done better; it sucked overall.