Best comedededidy this year! Will Ferrel is the funniest man on earth. I really liked the old rudolph animation for the north pole. Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boring, unfunny total waste of film and time. My 9 year old also agrees
Elf was amazing, it`s a wonderful comedy. I think that if somebody goes to the theater with the intention of seeing a very professional movie, they won`t enjoy it, because viewers need to keep in mind that it is a child`s movie and there are some childish themes. However, it contains great hilarity and I would HIGHLY recommend this movie to ANYONE.
Elf was hilarious sure to be a classic for generations to come. It is fun for the whole family including adults. The DVD is already on my wifes Christmas list for next year. A+++++
Will Ferrell does it again... VERY funny
I think this guy is helarious. I needed a movie like this to make me laugh after a streak of some very bad movies in the theatres.
Elf was really great. Especially Will Farrel playing Buddy, It was also VERY funny! I would recomend it to anyone, a very good family movie!
soo funny
Will Ferrell is the sexiest actor of all time and i loved him in this movie.
BESTEST EVER! Will Ferrell is a god!
The best family movie this Christmas! This is one movie that will instantly become a Christmas classic! There was no objectionable material as there was in The Cat in the Hat. Just an all-round great movie!
if you liked old skool you will love elf... same same but wiht a holiday flair!!!
This movie was great. It`s been a long time since i`ve laughed out loud to a movie. There were so many funny parts. I would definitely see it again. "Hi, Buddy the Elf. What`s your favourite colour?"
The Funniest Christmas Movie Yet!
very fun and entertaining!! well worth it!! leaves you with a very happy feeling!!
I loved it! Elf was the funniest movie ever. A definite *****‼ Will Ferrell is a great comedy actor and looks really cute as an elf!
i thought it was ever funny and entertaning but at some parts it is boring
this was one of the most hilarious movies that i have ever seen! a must see for sure. i think that will ferrel did a really good job and they coudn`t have picked a funnier person to play buddy!
One of the best Christmas movies I have seen. It was really funny. Great for kids and adults alike. Really puts you in the christmas spirit.
I can only think of one word to say, AWSOME. It is a true classic Christmas movie. It falls in line with all the top Christmas classics.
it was da bomb! YA
It`s very funny!Will Ferell is a great actor and he`s hilarious.I don`t know for some people,but for me, Christmas movies never get old.
This movie was amazing. Will is the man! Definitely a must see for the holiday season! hoe hoe hoe
loved it. Made me laugh!
A real nice childrens film
GREAT!!!!!!The Elf was the best movie I have ever seen!I have seen it four times already!!!!
meh this movie was ok...not too bad..but not too good had its moments...its an ok christmas movie..but not great though...6.5 out of 10
Most hilarious movie of the year
If it weren`t for Will Ferrell, this movie would`ve been NOTHING! I love you will!!
It was the most lame movie I ever saw.. I give it a 2 Thumbs Down
Elf is a great new addition to the Christmas favourites that I watch every year. It combines new wonderful Christmas spirit, along with adding old Christmas cheer with characters from other older Christmas Classics. Definitely a great movie for everyone and anyone!
great i want to see it again!
Instant Christmas Classic. Will Ferrel is Hilarious!
I liked it! It was funny and entertaining. One of those movies you come away from feelling good. A wholesome family movie. I see at least 52 movies every year. On a score of one to ten I gave it a 5, that is the best rating I have given this year. There are better movies don`t get me wrong but I would recommend as a movie to see.
I liked it! Gets you in the Christamas spirit..."You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout I`m telling you why. SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN!" HaHa :)
Very funny movie, one of the best Christmas comedies today!!! A must see for sure!!!
I believe that this movie was pointless and idiotic. It could have been done better; it sucked overall.