Thursday, October 31, 07:48:46 PM

Great post apocalyptic movie. Jodie Foster was believable as a cold, ruthless bureaucrat. The hero, played by Matt Damon, is someone you root for from the beginning. Four and a half stars.

Thursday, October 31, 05:51:58 PM

Lots of fun action. good sci fi adventure

Thursday, October 31, 05:09:11 PM

Great action and cast, but a little predictable.

Thursday, October 31, 04:49:15 PM

It was power pacted, on the edge of your seat. Hoping those who needed help got it and the blonde bimbo was demoted.

Thursday, October 31, 01:12:59 PM

As always Matt Damon is the best. Love the story, love the cast love the movie.

Wednesday, October 30, 11:14:30 PM

Imaginative and engaging, Matt Damon and Jodi Foster are a complete pleasure to watch in this sci-fi adventure. A relevant commentary on the current disparity between classes across the world, the lessons here should be heeded by all...while enjoying this very cool film!

Wednesday, October 30, 09:11:58 PM

Matt Damon is absolutely amazing in this movie.

Wednesday, October 30, 06:04:37 PM

Really great movie! It had me on the edge of the my seat the entire movie, and it always kept me guessing and wanting more!

Wednesday, October 30, 02:49:06 PM

Great action film and great cast. But a little predictable.

Wednesday, October 30, 01:23:19 PM

J'ai adoré Matt Damon dans ce film.

Wednesday, October 30, 09:55:21 AM

Good movie and MAtt Damon was great.

Wednesday, October 30, 09:07:34 AM

Lots of great special effects and twists.

Wednesday, October 30, 12:40:38 AM

An other great performance by Matt Damon.

Tuesday, October 29, 03:41:24 PM

This was an entertaining movie with a unique story. Matt Damon shines in the starring role and Jodi Foster plays the evil one for one.

Tuesday, October 29, 01:41:07 PM

Damon's acting along with the cinematography saves the movie. The story is as compelling as a mushy wet piece of stale bread. Completely uninteresting story line bores you to tears

Tuesday, October 29, 01:13:55 PM

Matt Damon and Jodie Foster were both amazing (always have loved Jodie Foster). The show was different in a way of story line which was interesting. The fight scenes had too much movement to the point of being nauseating. So if you have issues with vertigo or too much movement this movie may not be for you but the movie was good other than that.

Tuesday, October 29, 12:23:17 PM

I was never a huge Matt Damon fan but after seeing this I am now!!! Awesome movie!!

Tuesday, October 29, 11:06:31 AM

Good acting, good action. Fun! I enjoyed Jodie Foster's accent.

Tuesday, October 1, 08:02:42 AM

I almost walked out; there were so many plot holes it's ridiculous. Started laughing a lot toward the end. Pretty disappointed.

Monday, September 23, 12:13:17 AM

Overall a nice surprise, some holes, but they did not take away from this enjoyable flick.

Wednesday, September 11, 06:18:05 PM

Not as emotionally compelling as District 9, Elysium is more summer blockbuster than I was hoping for from Blomkamp but is a well exexcuted film. Damon gives a solid performance, Foster is believable if annoying as the icy rich snob and most of all Sharlto Copeley steals the spotlight as a crazed bounty hunter. The music manipulates the mood, which I didn't like but the action scenes are really enjoyable with some nice big shootouts and fights

Tuesday, September 10, 07:06:06 PM

I really enjoyed this movie. It reminded me of Gattaca which is one of my favourites. I wasn't sure if Matt Damon could pull off a cyborg, but he did. Some plot holes, but I loved the action. I wasn't sure what would happen next.

Saturday, September 7, 04:18:19 PM

Some nice f/x... this is on par with Johnny Mnemonic (1995) in terms of directing, story-telling; they rely heavily on trying to wow the audience with CGI, but it gets boring after a while because the story's so lame. Most of the time, it's simply a fighting scene with people being blown up by grenades. They go more for gore factor toward the end. Jodie Foster is a complete waste of talent in this one. Really, I think it's just another one of those lame sic-fi short show pieces for Vancouver post production talent (think I-Robot), which means you'll get very little substance in the actual production.

Tuesday, August 27, 12:10:29 AM

Great movie. One man's sacrifice to save all mankind. Reminds me of Jesus.

Monday, August 26, 01:02:51 AM

Good story and great effects. A few of the action scenes were a bit hard to follow, and also some of the foul language seemed "out of place" for this kind of movie. I don't know why, and I personally am not offended by such language, but it just didn't seem to fit with the whole look and mood of the movie. Oh well, it was still a very cool movie to watch! I look forward to seeing this director's movies in the future as I also really liked District 9 a lot.

Sunday, August 25, 06:52:31 PM

Good movie but not for me!

Sunday, August 25, 07:53:37 AM

Action-packed sci-fi

Saturday, August 24, 12:39:33 AM

I loved this movie. It was the bomb. Matt don is so cool as he slowly gets his memory back and realizes he's a super bada$$ secret agent. I think the cameo by Ben Affleck was the biggest surprise at the end (spoilers!!!?!LOL) I would tohtslly go see his moie again but my mom doesn't even slinks I saw it the first te she thinks we saw Planes.

Friday, August 23, 06:12:53 PM

Very entertaining,well done! Matt Damon did an awesome job! Excellent movie!

Tuesday, August 20, 07:40:07 PM

the camera was a little shaky but effects were good and I like LA in the future but did anyone get the ending I left to go to the washroom?

Tuesday, August 20, 07:29:49 PM

I haven't seen the movie yet but seen the trailer it looks good I might go see it today but is there lots of swearing?

Tuesday, August 20, 04:02:00 AM

good show.. don't listen to the bad reviews go see it and decide for your self...

Monday, August 19, 03:11:00 PM

awefull way too much shaky camera. this will be the last movie i see from this director...

Sunday, August 18, 07:36:28 PM

Overall good science fiction movie. Camera shaking was a bit annoying and some spoken dialoge was difficult to understand.

Saturday, August 17, 02:39:50 PM

I wasn’t going into this movie with any expectations. It wasn’t on my list of movies to see but I was asked to go, so I went. Overall, It was a decent movie. Lots of action, effects and CG were good, acting was average and the concept was neat. The story line was a little on the weaker side and predictable. I was entertained for the most part.

Saturday, August 17, 01:13:48 PM

Good effects I am so so on the movie

Saturday, August 17, 10:42:52 AM

I find it funny when people get upset when they see a movie they don't like.$h!t happens.You do have a trailer to see...Anyhow it was well done in most parts.I hear there is a remake of Bambi coming up for those who may think this too violent...

Thursday, August 15, 07:59:29 PM

A movie with a story that only an activist would love. Rich people build an Eden with machines that heal any illness and they don't market it on earth and make a killing? Riiiiight. Contrived plot and no character development as they are too busy preaching socialism. That's 2 hours I'll never get back.

Thursday, August 15, 03:56:51 PM

Great movie. Good message about the divide of the rich and poor. Good mix of story and action. Matt Damon and Sharlto Coplay are the ones who bring this film to life.

Wednesday, August 14, 03:41:02 PM

Loved the depiction of LA in the future... and draws many parallels with issues today. Going to see it again today!