Saturday, February 15, 11:28:37 PM

I liked most of the movie action packed i didnt really liked where they chained and shackled that guy up and where Mark Wahlberg stabbed that poor guy twice but rest of movie was good though!!!

Saturday, February 15, 01:49:00 PM

This movie had me on the edge of my seat. It had my total attention! I love this movie. Good Job Mel Gibson and Mark Wahlberg! I am now a fan of Michelle Dockery

Saturday, February 15, 11:59:23 AM

I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. This is a very good movie.

Saturday, February 15, 11:57:31 AM

Mel Gibson is the consummate story teller.

Thursday, February 13, 06:28:30 PM

Great actors but too many weird scenes and the cap on Wahlburg that tries to make him look bald is hilarious! The line shows completely. I kept trying to figure out if it was done like that on purpose. This movie is so bad, it's actually funny.

Monday, February 10, 12:15:27 PM

Mark Wahlberg was funny. It was hard to take his character seriously. The wimpy "prisoner" really annoyed me! I was disappointed by the poor acting and political correctness.I enjoyed the suspense in the last half hour of the movie. Overall, the movie was entertaining, but not believable.

Saturday, February 8, 03:23:45 PM

A review from someone in the industry, and a Mel Gibson fan Movie was good and entertaining, almost mo laguing scenes, a few plot twists, of course a strong Performance by Mark how we never seen him like this, and Mel always delivers.

Friday, February 7, 09:51:56 PM

Not even kidding awful movie. Low budget, terrible dialogue was terrible just (just sex talk). Special effects awful. Just overall seemed bottom budget everything.

Thursday, February 6, 08:14:15 PM

Great movie …. Every minute was exciting ????

Thursday, February 6, 03:52:41 PM

I am sick of people putting a good acter like Mark Wahlberg in a film to trick people to see a bad film any other small time acter can play his part easy and I went to the theater to see this shit .

Sunday, February 2, 07:51:03 PM

THe tension and excitement had me nail biting and sitting on the edge of my seat for the hour and half this movie ran. Mark did a remarkable job of acting and I was thrilled to see this movie. Just go see it - it's great.

Sunday, February 2, 08:12:39 AM

Mel Gibson knocked it out of the park!!! The movie was tense and suspenseful the whole time. It made me squirm. Mark Wahlberg was fantastic in this movie!! For the ones who don't like Mel Gibson and posted negative remarks TOO BAD for you!!! You did not have to go to see this movie and you more than likely loved the movie. There were more people who posted good remarks and should give Mel Gibson his dues!!

Saturday, February 1, 11:50:46 PM

Actors & Director. Crazy eyes in Wahlberg's character reminds of The Shining. Was funny a guy wearing a ball cap also wearing a toupee. Guessing it melded with crazy eyes.

Friday, January 31, 10:35:40 AM

It has a good plot; Wahlberg does a good job at the bad guy in this one and keeps you interested throughout.

Wednesday, January 29, 06:29:23 PM

I really enjoyed it. Would recommend.

Wednesday, January 29, 10:26:22 AM

Best movie i've seen in a long time.

Tuesday, January 28, 01:01:00 PM

Great movie acting was great n would go see it again, Mel Gibson is a great actor n Director.

Monday, January 27, 09:54:49 PM

Give it all the Oscars!

Monday, January 27, 09:54:08 PM

Gibson did it again!

Monday, January 27, 03:38:52 PM

I was thinking it looked like it might be good, but then noticed that it's directed by gibson. I won't go see it even it were to win an academy award.

Saturday, January 25, 07:41:27 PM

It’s alright but the horrid AI. Gross dialogue and ‘jokes’ just bought everything down for me.

Saturday, January 25, 04:57:21 PM

There hasn't been a movie this good in a long time. It's a must see.

Saturday, January 25, 04:54:16 PM

Wow! Now that's a great movie! So much excitement and most of it happens in a little private plane. The actors are great. They put you through your emotional paces. The music fits the drama. The story is easy to follow. Very good!

Saturday, January 25, 10:15:35 AM

The comment from the guy below me is an ignorant comment. If the movie is good why make a stupid remark about the director. Some people can't accept they lost. That said, the move was excellent!

Friday, January 24, 04:06:32 PM

If i had known gibson directed, i wouldn't have gone to see. That said, very good movie, all three actors awesome (even if wahlberg a little hammy). Great pace, thrills, even some poignant scenes. The actress can have dinner with us anytime. Check it out.