Saturday, November 30, 11:30:24 AM

o place for god in running of countries, just ask Iran

Tuesday, September 24, 01:37:16 AM

Scary how real to present day this is! We need to bring God back to our world, or we are doomed. Lord, have mercy on us!

Monday, September 23, 10:19:10 PM

I’m praying for our country that Christians will get out and vote this time!!! Don’t sit and wait for others to make a difference. We can take back our country one vote at a time!!!

Thursday, September 19, 04:08:53 PM

An excellent behind-the-scenes taste what it takes to run for public office, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Thursday, September 19, 12:24:13 AM

This is very well done and was and excellent movie. Thanks Pat for bringing it to Windham!!!

Sunday, September 15, 10:22:09 PM

This movie shows the main reasons for voting in the upcoming election.

Saturday, September 14, 09:13:18 AM

I LOVED the way the movie pointed out that there will be no change in the status quo of the USA, and indeed, the world, without God!

Friday, September 13, 09:57:01 PM

Outstanding movie !