Wednesday, December 17, 08:05:32 PM

Great MOVIE! My favorite this year! Realistic sci-fi, don't expect Star Wars, its NOT, think of it more as a modern version of 2001 A Space Odyssey.

Sunday, December 7, 09:18:14 AM

If you have an interest in cosmology, go and see the movie, don't be deterred by some of the negative reviews. I think some people are expecting Star Wars and beginning-to-end eye-popping CGI. I enjoyed it and liked the story arc, as well as the post-movie discussion about what parts of the science depicted in the movie are plausible. I did find the soundtrack overly loud in places though.

Thursday, December 4, 05:48:06 AM

Movie got too much hype. It is no 2001 Space Odyssey. Film is visually good. Plot could have be achieved using better editing.

Monday, November 24, 07:00:17 PM

Worse movie ever! It is NOT what they are trying to make it out to be. Boring. Not many special effects.

Wednesday, November 19, 10:59:15 AM

What a waste of time and money. The movie could have been good for the 90-s. No special effects, the story is old, the actors are so-so (you can't even make out what the main actor is saying, most of the time). Now stretch that over 3 hours... Worst movie of the year!

Tuesday, November 18, 01:04:15 PM

what a waste of a good cast...the music was very loud and anoying which drowned out some of the dialog.

Monday, November 17, 05:43:57 AM

Anne Hathaway is even more gorgeous in IMAX.

Friday, November 14, 05:27:24 PM

This is TRULY the MOST REMARKABLE MOVIE on the history of man on earth! I was so amazed with the complexity of the plot and super cinematography..The acting is incredible as well. Hey I rarely say this about any movie but this one blew me away. Anyone of any age will just love this movie...So dynamic and so long but so spellbound for the whole time!

Monday, November 10, 05:31:42 PM

Great movie, but don't see it in IMAX if you value your hearing. In some scenes it's actually impossible to hear the dialogue over the over-amplified sound effects.

Monday, November 10, 03:07:45 AM

this movie was amazing!! if i could give it more than 5 stars i would!

Sunday, November 9, 05:42:07 PM


Sunday, November 9, 02:26:56 PM

I wasnt excited to see this but it was an amazing movie! Great for those interested in philosophy and physics.

Sunday, November 9, 08:30:07 AM

Awesome movie

Saturday, November 8, 07:31:25 PM

The IMAX shakes the bejesus out of yah. What a great movie 2001 part III

Friday, November 7, 08:45:28 PM

meh. could have been great but only OK in the end. it sure was long though.