ZERO STARS...... I find it very strange that there are so many good reviews... is this a way of boosting attendance for more $$$$$!!! Maybe 2 people laughed while I was at this movie.... BORING & PATHETIC!!!!!
Very funny movie.
This is a great date night movie - classic Adam Sandler. The plot isn't that original, but it was very well done.
Ok for the first time in a few movies Jennifer was good and I thought theree were enough funny moments in the movie to keep me interested. Overall a good family film and a good date movie.
excellent movie im even going to see it again
Great date movie. Good chemistry between Adam and Jennifer. A definite must watch
Surprisingly funny! Chick flicks are often mediocre with a couple of good laughs but this one is a cut above the rest.
Didn't expect it to be as funny as it was. I may even go to see it again with my girlfriends.
Excellent movie. Very funny. Great acting by Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler!
This movie made me cry twice I was laughing so hard. Awesome movie.
A heart warming , slapstick ,rollercoaster ride on relationships , with a twist of faith added in . A great date movie . Only goes to prove the one you've been looking for is usually right in front of you .
4.5 stars. this was way better than 50 first dates. was laughing so hard at some parts. a bit predictable. plus eddie completely stole the show!
Not exactly Sandler's best - there were a few actors and over-the-top foreign accents that seemed funny for about the first 5 seconds but quickly became annoying. This is, however, an easy-to-watch movie aside from that and almost heart-warming. Great for a night out with friends.
Save your money and wait till it comes on tv.A few funny scenes but that's all. In fact, I found Adam Sandler annoying in this movie. I know he can do better, I'm usually a fan of his but not in this movie. Jennifer was so-so too.
Very Funny Enjoyed it
It was cute but not her best movie. Some parts were ridiculous, but others were funny.
I loved this movie i laughed through the whole movie its way better then grown ups
its a great movie alot funnt parts.real life people can relate to this what movies adam sandler does
Loved it!
Everyone did a good job on this. Definitely worth watching.
good film and full copy of bollywood film... totally copy
average did not see the love connection
really good movie
full of laughs!!!!
loved this movie. aniston and sandler were great together....
fabulous movie!!! everyone should go and see it.
I am not a Jennifer Aniston fan but was surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie! A good rom-com!
I absolutely loved this movie. Great partnering with Jennifer Anniston & Adam Sandler. The genre seemed to be a little bit milder when compared to Adam Sandlers usual movies, but it was still an amazing movie. Never a dull moment.
Super funny, I had a good time watching this predicatable comedy.
Aniston did a really good job. Pretty funny.
Can't beat it.
One of Jennifer Aniston's better movies. Finally.
Great Movie! Did tell friends about it.
We had lots of fun watching this movie. Good comedy and good actors.
We enjoyed the movie. Light and funny and the actors were good. Cute comedy and beautiful setting.
This movie was hilarious, a laugh out loud comedy! I plan to buy the DVD.
A group of ladies went to see it and there weren't many spots where we didn't chuckle. What a great core workout and a fab movie!
Pretty funny movie.
A comedy that is truly funny. It is comedic in many portions not just a couple moments.
SOOOOO Funny!!! First movie in a while that was worth the $