Saturday, March 5, 08:12:45 PM

ZERO STARS...... I find it very strange that there are so many good reviews... is this a way of boosting attendance for more $$$$$!!! Maybe 2 people laughed while I was at this movie.... BORING & PATHETIC!!!!!

Saturday, March 5, 04:07:57 PM

Very funny movie.

Saturday, March 5, 02:12:54 PM

This is a great date night movie - classic Adam Sandler. The plot isn't that original, but it was very well done.

Friday, March 4, 11:40:40 AM

Ok for the first time in a few movies Jennifer was good and I thought theree were enough funny moments in the movie to keep me interested. Overall a good family film and a good date movie.

Friday, March 4, 09:50:11 AM

excellent movie im even going to see it again

Friday, March 4, 09:15:59 AM

Great date movie. Good chemistry between Adam and Jennifer. A definite must watch

Thursday, March 3, 05:54:42 PM

Surprisingly funny! Chick flicks are often mediocre with a couple of good laughs but this one is a cut above the rest.

Thursday, March 3, 09:49:05 AM

Didn't expect it to be as funny as it was. I may even go to see it again with my girlfriends.

Thursday, March 3, 08:48:00 AM

Excellent movie. Very funny. Great acting by Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler!

Tuesday, March 1, 10:37:23 PM

This movie made me cry twice I was laughing so hard. Awesome movie.

Tuesday, March 1, 08:05:12 PM

A heart warming , slapstick ,rollercoaster ride on relationships , with a twist of faith added in . A great date movie . Only goes to prove the one you've been looking for is usually right in front of you .

Tuesday, March 1, 06:26:22 PM

4.5 stars. this was way better than 50 first dates. was laughing so hard at some parts. a bit predictable. plus eddie completely stole the show!

Monday, February 28, 08:58:45 PM

Not exactly Sandler's best - there were a few actors and over-the-top foreign accents that seemed funny for about the first 5 seconds but quickly became annoying. This is, however, an easy-to-watch movie aside from that and almost heart-warming. Great for a night out with friends.

Monday, February 28, 03:57:06 PM

Save your money and wait till it comes on tv.A few funny scenes but that's all. In fact, I found Adam Sandler annoying in this movie. I know he can do better, I'm usually a fan of his but not in this movie. Jennifer was so-so too.

Monday, February 28, 08:11:11 AM

Very Funny Enjoyed it

Sunday, February 27, 02:08:36 PM

It was cute but not her best movie. Some parts were ridiculous, but others were funny.

Sunday, February 27, 11:09:43 AM

I loved this movie i laughed through the whole movie its way better then grown ups

Saturday, February 26, 06:20:16 PM

its a great movie alot funnt parts.real life people can relate to this what movies adam sandler does

Friday, February 25, 01:25:32 PM

Loved it!

Friday, February 25, 12:49:57 PM

Everyone did a good job on this. Definitely worth watching.

Friday, February 25, 12:11:12 PM

good film and full copy of bollywood film... totally copy

Friday, February 25, 11:48:45 AM

average did not see the love connection

Thursday, February 24, 08:59:30 PM

really good movie

Thursday, February 24, 07:16:22 PM

full of laughs!!!!

Thursday, February 24, 07:15:08 PM

loved this movie. aniston and sandler were great together....

Thursday, February 24, 07:13:10 PM

fabulous movie!!! everyone should go and see it.

Thursday, February 24, 06:45:03 PM

I am not a Jennifer Aniston fan but was surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie! A good rom-com!

Thursday, February 24, 02:51:31 PM

I absolutely loved this movie. Great partnering with Jennifer Anniston & Adam Sandler. The genre seemed to be a little bit milder when compared to Adam Sandlers usual movies, but it was still an amazing movie. Never a dull moment.

Thursday, February 24, 11:59:49 AM

Super funny, I had a good time watching this predicatable comedy.

Thursday, February 24, 09:57:04 AM

Aniston did a really good job. Pretty funny.

Wednesday, February 23, 06:11:53 PM

Can't beat it.

Wednesday, February 23, 04:27:27 PM

One of Jennifer Aniston's better movies. Finally.

Wednesday, February 23, 03:11:10 PM

Great Movie! Did tell friends about it.

Wednesday, February 23, 02:54:02 PM

We had lots of fun watching this movie. Good comedy and good actors.

Wednesday, February 23, 02:51:42 PM

We enjoyed the movie. Light and funny and the actors were good. Cute comedy and beautiful setting.

Tuesday, February 22, 05:39:02 PM

This movie was hilarious, a laugh out loud comedy! I plan to buy the DVD.

Tuesday, February 22, 09:53:49 AM

A group of ladies went to see it and there weren't many spots where we didn't chuckle. What a great core workout and a fab movie!

Tuesday, February 22, 05:07:50 AM

Pretty funny movie.

Monday, February 21, 08:50:36 PM

A comedy that is truly funny. It is comedic in many portions not just a couple moments.

Monday, February 21, 12:07:48 AM

SOOOOO Funny!!! First movie in a while that was worth the $