Sunday, February 20, 11:48:16 PM

Absolutely worth the price of a movie ticket... Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler are fantastic together.

Sunday, February 20, 08:49:33 PM

Best Adam Sandler movie ever, Great story line and very funny, Nicole Kidman played a good part. Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler have great Chemistry. Best Comedy in a while

Sunday, February 20, 05:36:08 PM

really enjoyed it very much

Sunday, February 20, 01:38:39 PM

sooo funny! haven't laughed like that at a movie in a long time!..a must see for sure!

Sunday, February 20, 09:17:08 AM

somewhat funny

Sunday, February 20, 09:16:56 AM

just ok

Sunday, February 20, 03:34:11 AM

Besides the smoking bodies of Jennifer Anniston and Brooklyn Decker, this movie was still a decent Sandler flick. The kids played a good show and the antics were good enough to warrant a 4 stars.

Saturday, February 19, 11:42:32 PM

This movie made me laugh! You walk out feeling good, it was definitely worth the money to go see if you like great Adam Sandler humor.

Saturday, February 19, 11:11:25 PM

The storyline is silly but it is actually very funny. Jen and Adam are cute together. Worth seeing for a few good laughs.

Saturday, February 19, 11:07:56 PM

This movie was much better than I expected. Everyone in the theatre was laughing. Came out pleasantly suprised.

Saturday, February 19, 07:34:52 PM

I went to the show, afraid it would be a disappointment, and I was pleasantly surprised. I laughed from the beginning to the end. Jennifer finally played up to her potential and Adam was incredible. Definitely worth the time....... you won't be sorry.

Thursday, February 17, 08:59:53 AM

Really funny from start to finish! Don't listen to the critics on this one. If you're looking to kick back and have a good laugh, this is the movie for you.

Thursday, February 17, 08:11:35 AM

ridiculous movie. I wish sandler would go back to the 90s and make good movies again.

Wednesday, February 16, 09:29:22 PM

Good grief ! I fear for a world where this garbage is considered funny . No writing talent was needed at all. They just reused old "bodily function" and sophomoric humor.

Wednesday, February 16, 07:40:32 PM

Great Movie, I was pleasantly surprised. I haven't laughed so much at a movie in a long time.I Definitely recommend this movie.

Wednesday, February 16, 05:46:22 PM

Brooklyn Decker hot and sexy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 03:53:17 PM

Out of your seat funny. Sandler and Aniston have great chemistry, a must see film.

Wednesday, February 16, 11:07:56 AM

worst movie ever can believe all u idiots giving it a high score im sad to say im part of the human race

Wednesday, February 16, 09:56:50 AM

Good movie but why did they need a hot supermodel like brooklyn decker to play that role when any hard body women could have played that role

Wednesday, February 16, 09:22:57 AM

Adam Sandler was great in this movie. "Dolph" was a hoot, and the kids and Jennifer Aniston were hilarious as well. Surprisingly, very funny!

Wednesday, February 16, 07:17:39 AM

funny from beginning to end. loved it. always love romantic comedy.

Tuesday, February 15, 10:49:09 PM

Very funny, good story would recommend it to everyone.

Tuesday, February 15, 07:04:27 PM

Love it

Tuesday, February 15, 05:22:30 PM

I laughed from beginning to end. Great movie!

Tuesday, February 15, 03:51:05 PM

Great movie! Lots of humour from all the character. My husband was skeptical but loved it just as much as I did. Laugh out loud funny!

Tuesday, February 15, 01:30:21 PM

really funny! Adam Sendler and Jennifer Anniston are great!!!also the guy who played Danny is hillarious!!!

Monday, February 14, 11:47:43 PM


Monday, February 14, 10:12:08 PM

TOTALLY FUNNY MOVIE...Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston were really good..I do not recommended for young kids-only young teens and adults

Monday, February 14, 09:41:08 PM

really enjoyable.

Monday, February 14, 06:45:04 PM

very very good movie

Monday, February 14, 02:29:37 PM

A good Valentine flick, but where was Rob Schnieder! Other than that dissappointment, Sandlers movies are still funny, but jokes are getting a bit repetative. Be careful...

Monday, February 14, 01:29:04 PM

Adam Sandler's best film since Billy Madison.

Monday, February 14, 10:48:23 AM

Funniest movie I have seen in a very long time!

Saturday, February 12, 08:04:46 PM

Very funny but easily coulda done without the bikinis, i dont see how this was only rated PG

Saturday, February 12, 05:41:05 PM

Awesome movie!..LOVED IT!! you won't be sorry.. You will actually want to go see it again!! Best Jennifer Anniston movie ever!

Saturday, February 12, 04:19:32 PM

Just saw this movie and let me tell you Jennifer Aniston is back. This is a movie with two stars at the top of their game. Kudos to the director and editor, a fast paced funny comedy reminiscent of Cary Grant and Irene Dunne. Excellent repartee, from the main characters to the children and cousin. Loved it, loved it, loved it!!!!

Saturday, February 12, 01:52:34 PM

Very bad movie......laughs were cheap and cheese.

Saturday, February 12, 01:33:07 PM

People who hate this movie are morons. It was AWESOME! Not what I expected at all. Go watch your boring predictable love an dother drugs losers.

Saturday, February 12, 12:02:47 PM

I haven't laughed that hard in a long long time!

Saturday, February 12, 09:44:08 AM

so bad!!!!!!!!!!!