Sunday, February 9, 12:47:19 PM

sooooo funny!!!!!! it cheered me up! just what i needed

Tuesday, January 28, 03:59:36 PM

Very Funny! Female version of Hang Over!

Tuesday, January 28, 03:48:46 PM

i loved it

Monday, January 27, 10:15:56 AM

The movie was boring and senseless it was a waste of money and time

Friday, January 24, 09:35:11 AM

the NEW Hangover! I liked it so much manager said I could watch again for free!

Sunday, January 19, 07:40:36 AM

Excellent movie

Sunday, January 19, 07:40:35 AM

Excellent movie

Saturday, January 18, 11:50:35 PM

It was soo boring the movie cut halfway through and the manager said deal with it.

Friday, January 17, 11:29:21 PM

It was so bad, I couldn’t even watch the whole movie and walked out