Thursday, October 10, 05:56:27 PM

I wasn't sure what to expect from this film when I went to see it. Was it going to be something of a glorified Hollywood grade documentary? After all, we all knew the ending..right? Wrong! This film wasn't just about an American president. It was a story of a man like any one of us. All the struggles, ups and downs that we all face and have to overcome. This was a truly amazing individual who touched so many lives in his own special way that only he could. Anyone and everyone should watch this film, it's not at all about politics, it's about a life well lived and a time in America that we can only hope to catch a glimpse of once again.

Tuesday, October 8, 01:07:45 AM

A beautiful love story within a story of an amazing, strong, brave outside-of-the-DC-swamp leader. Reminds me of another strong, brave, take-no-BS outside leader, we desperately need back in the swamp!

Monday, October 7, 03:00:40 PM

Enjoy this movie. Was very factual. A movie the family could see together.

Saturday, October 5, 12:44:57 AM

We need a strong leader now. Where are our leaders?

Monday, September 30, 06:21:00 PM

My husband and I lived through the Reagan years and thought this was a very fair depiction. Reagan was my favorite President of my lifetime, and I was glad this movie was made. The negative reviews baffle me…..maybe written by young people whose Social Studies teachers shaped their negative view of Reagan? Surely anyone old enough to have lived through the Carter years and then experienced life during Reagan’s presidency would love him and this movie.

Monday, September 30, 09:22:39 AM

Good movie! Great portrayal of Reagan!!! This was a good refresher regarding the history of that time.

Monday, September 30, 09:17:30 AM

The smart Democrats eventually realize that conservatism is the smarter/better way to preserve traditional American values.

Sunday, September 29, 06:26:47 PM

I learned more about the man , from his background,childhood, connection to his world. I was reminded of our history during his presidency. I wish I had voted for him. We were so naive mention of the torture video sent to him that created the Iran/contra debacle.. Well done…and yes, history rhymes.

Saturday, September 28, 06:15:01 AM

It is so ironic that history seems to repeat its self over and over again. The same cycle is in play right now. people made fun of Reagan and was attacked from within ,but most interesting is the role that was played by the soviets and the communism that played such a role against freedom and freedom won. Is the United States ready to fight for freedom again?

Friday, September 27, 11:51:10 PM

Accurate and truthful.

Friday, September 27, 11:58:11 AM

As my life was jam packed during the Reagan was historically accurate - uplifting our country as it is really one of the few countries where we have liberty ! (which is different from freedom) , Looking back, if Reagan had been elected rather than wonder where the trajectory of our country would have gone. And after voting for Carter while in University - and when mortgage interest rates were in the low 20% when I was trying to buy a house - so glad to vote for a strong President who brought the hostages home from Iran...a country whose leadership hates what the USA stands for. Well acted by both Dennis Quaid & Penelope Ann Miller ! Tomato people will probably hate that means it is a great movie !

Thursday, September 26, 04:13:04 PM

The movie was historically on point and the acting fit perfectly well with the movie. Loved it!!

Wednesday, September 25, 12:37:02 PM

Very accurate movie.Two things were not mentioned in the movie. 1. Our hostage situation in Iran, was going no where. Reagan openly said if they were not released, by the time he took office, he would eliminate the problem of Iran, and he meant it. As soon as he took office they were released, No payments made. Soviet Russia, took notice of this. The second thing that took place at the end, was He agreed to stop the star wars program, in exchange for tearing down the the Berlin wall, etc. He also dealt harshly with Satanic communism in this country. God Blessed him and touched both the USA and Russia, in a good way (Spiritually). It was harder for Russia, but eventually led to a big Revival there in the early 90's. Pray for Revival here, and Russia. The Holy Spirit told me he isn't done, with Russia and the USA. Stand by for huge Revivals, all over the World, God bless all.

Tuesday, September 24, 07:50:23 PM

Acting was very good. Brought back a lot of memories.

Tuesday, September 24, 05:13:37 PM

Very well scripted and made you feel that you were right there as it happened. I learned allot about Ron Reagan that I never knew growing up when he was the president. He was the right person at the right time.

Tuesday, September 24, 08:41:21 AM

Very good on the history of a president. Oh for more presidents like him. A man of integrity!

Monday, September 23, 11:08:12 AM

Great movie about the best President America has ever had. We need another one like Reagan.

Monday, September 23, 07:33:41 AM

Glorifying an awful man who took down unions and stagnated wages.

Sunday, September 22, 06:12:58 PM

Quaid was real & convincing as Ronald Reagan. All acting & directing was superb! Went back to see it a 2nd tie.

Sunday, September 22, 08:31:54 AM

Today's progressives as well as past liberals will hate this movie but patriots and Americans will live it. Quaid does an exceptional job. Reagan was a good president and did some historical milestones but like all Presidents, will not satisfy all.

Sunday, September 22, 07:52:07 AM

Appreciated the way the story was told thru viewpoint of KGB agent well played by Jon Voight. Ronald Reagan library celebrates his life with so many achievements including part of the Berlin Wall. Great movie celebrating his life!

Saturday, September 21, 11:54:49 PM

It was portrayed in a meaningful way.. Well done story telling ! It’s also a very romantic story of Ronnie & Nancy - so I didn’t think I needed a Kleenex - but even my husband who never cries during a movie cried! Music - sound track was well chosen ! A time in history everyone should remember ! ( whether they lived it or just read about the Reagan era )

Saturday, September 21, 03:59:00 PM

Misinformation and lies.

Saturday, September 21, 03:16:09 PM

Good period piece, I lived through those times so it was good to “go back”. To the racist reviewer who stated “good vs evil” and implies Trump is another Reagan, PLEASE don’t compare a good man with the “evil” Trump. Reagan would be appalled to have that comparison made. In no way can you compare an immoral, ignorant, con man who is a felon, rapist, adulterer, and TRAITOR who lies every time his mouth is moving compared to this good man. Sad to think anyone would compare Reagan to Trump. How weak is anyone who still follows and condones this criminal.

Saturday, September 21, 01:17:51 PM

Captured his whole life accurately.

Friday, September 20, 06:58:21 PM

So well written! I will see again.

Friday, September 20, 05:46:37 PM

I was a teen in the Reagan years and being a son of a postal worker and a factory worker I did not hear many positive things about Ronald Reagan for sure. I learned alot about Reagan from this movie! Outstanding movie!! Dennis Quaid kills it!

Friday, September 20, 04:30:20 PM

Loved how background of his life was woven into how he served the country.

Friday, September 20, 11:58:48 AM

Was a good movie, like others said, if you want a movie to watch through rose colored glasses. I lived through the administrations of Reagan and everyone knew, and accepted, that by the last years of his second term he was dealing with dementia issues. Nancy tried to hide it from public view and others in his administration protected him. Nevertheless, he had respect for the office he held and although not all of the policies he promoted were beneficial to all his constituents he was respected here and abroad. To the reviewer who is asking how our country got so bad in the last 30 years I disagree, I say it got bad only since the most corrupt, immoral, racist, felon conned the masses ever since he rode down his golden escalator ! HE has no respect for our Constitution or the office of POTUS, only hopes to stay out of prison. HE is no Reagan.

Friday, September 20, 11:42:53 AM

Just plain awesome! A beautifully crafted docudrama! And much needed reminder of courage and virtue, which have been abolished in this age of vapid, politically correct woke idiocy ... ! Highly recommend everyone see what the world was like before western civilization went insane!

Friday, September 20, 08:38:44 AM

Just plain bad.

Thursday, September 19, 07:52:26 PM

Very good movie. Historically accurate as well as inspirational

Thursday, September 19, 03:19:43 PM

Rotten tomatoes got their ratings wrong on this one... It brought back Alot of history... It's a very good movie and great acting!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 07:39:43 PM

Well acted & produced. I learned so much about Reagan's life. He was a strong man with integrity and a great President!

Wednesday, September 18, 03:13:52 PM

So relevant to today's America and world. How did we get so bad in last 30 years.

Wednesday, September 18, 01:02:57 PM

Every American should watch this movie

Tuesday, September 17, 10:35:20 AM

GREAT MOVIE! I enjoyed the movie, and Dennis Quaid did a great job!

Monday, September 16, 07:21:49 AM

Jon Voight acting as Soviet the leader Breschnive. Tells a story about Reagan Very interesting!

Sunday, September 15, 10:04:59 PM

Wonderful to have such a talented actor portray President Reagan. It brought back the memories of how much I loved Ronald Reagan and the spirit of optimism he brought back to the country after the gas lines and 18% inflation under Jimmy Carter. Great job, and thank you to all the actors and crew !!

Sunday, September 15, 10:03:25 PM

I just saw this film. I was going to avoid it but I am glad that I went. It is a very well done movie and it reminds America that we must all stay focused on maintaining our freedom. Life is good in free America!