Amazing, moving, heartbreaking. Jim portrayed the situation to make you feel the pain
So many people that don’t watch the news or live under a rock have no idea what is happening to these children. It’s horrendous and outrageous!
There is a much better movie on some universe about this sensitive subject. It is a poorly scripted bore of a movie. I was expecting much more.YEM
I liked they get their point across without showing the abuse these children have to go through. My heart breaks for them.
Every American should see this movie.
It was the most gripping terrible (topic) I’ve seen in a long while, yet tastefully and amazingly done.. edge of seat type movie. Ends well (spoiler alert) but the subject matter rips your heart out if you love children. I’m praying for the people who gave it 1 star.. obviously sick people themselves... Go see it and support the end of this EVIL .. actually all trafficking.. also adults.. people are not for sale. But the world needs to wake up and get into this battle....
So well done. Tough topic we all should be aware of
Amazing movie, a very hard topic but one that needs to be shouted from the roof tops. Given the topic it was handled very well, the scenes to the point but not overly graphic. I took my kids to see this, they needed to be aware of the dangers to kids these days. Both loved it and said it was the most inspiring movie ever.
This movie had all the elements of a great movie. Great acting. Inspirational. Difficult subject matter tactfully done. Powerful and moving.
Eye opening and moving. Child predators are alive and doing well unfortunately and sick people are willing to accommodate them. This is a far more important movie than Barbie.
It was so amazing to see the true heroes of Mexico and Columbia
All 21st-Century parents and grandparents need to know to protect their young ones and stand united that God's children are NOT 4 SALE. Standing ovation and applause at our local theater. :) Plus Pay-It-Forward makes it possible for EVERYONE to see for FREE. .
All of the one star reviews are probably from pedophiles. Me thinks the MSM does protest too much.
Highly recommend seeing this movie. Great script and cinematic onscreen images with brilliant actors. The children are amazing. Go see you'll be truly challenged
This is happening all around us. It’s real. Hopefully it opens many eyes and we can put a stop to this. While it is heartbreaking in many scenes, the abuse is insinuated so you do t see it.
This movie reveals the horrific and tragic 150 billion dollar human trafficking 'business' that exists throughout the world. Millions of children are victims of this crime every year. The actors, producers and directors of this film are outstanding. The writers did a brilliant job with even the most heart breaking scenes so that this movie can be watched by everyone(PG Rated). I highly recommend this movie, especially to parents with children.
The producers, directors and all involved did a very good job of protraying what is going on with the child trafficking without showing any violence . I really enjoyed watching it and hope more people will go and see it
This heart wrenching film is so well made and sheds light on the horrific truths of child trafficking. Please see!
The core of the movie was far removed from reality. It has all the reality of an elephant flying with hummingbird wings.
It is true and it exposes what is happening around the world. Everyone needs to watch it and do something.
Good storyline based on a true story. Gripping details about a worldwide problem. And it's happening here, too. Well done & well acted. Those who gave it one-star are probably pedophiles involved in the trade themselves who don't want the ever-growing child trafficking problem exposed. Hence, they make light of it. Very sad, really.
Thank you for exposing the elite pedophile rings around the world. The world must be informed with this sickening and disgusting evilness all around us.. God help us..
I thought it was well done for a movie about such a horrible topic.
This movie is done so well! Nothing shown that I had to close my eyes or cover my ears for. Definitely eye opening to reality of what is happening in this crazy world. God is working through these good people and many others involved in finding children being trafficked.
Not a good storyline. Not sure why some people are talking about this
Great production of an ugly topic. Camera shots were great. Acting very good, Oscar-worthy for sure. Thank you for educating others and God Bless You All.
We must ALL join together in the fight against human trafficking and sex slavery!! God's children are NOT FOR SALE!!
It is so sad to think how many children are living as slaves. Even sadder is the US is the #1 country for child trafficking. Guess we know now what the open borders is all about.
Anyone who is against this movie is a pedo and supports child trafficking period! We each need to do our part and stop child trafficking ! America has fallen .. the largest sex trafficking industry is at our borders!
Based on TRUE EVENTS ! and is happening as we speak , GODS CHILDREN ARE NOT FOR SALE !
Liked: That it's based on a hard-realty-expose' of major criminal enterprise, that world society must face, and fight-- it is humanity at its worst when children are terrorized & abuse & slavery still exists! While the film could have been more polished w. major film studio backing, this is a minor point, considering that the subject matter came to light on the big screen anyway. Kudos to those who worked hard to get it out there in the public medium. That said, this film was nevertheless well-dramatized and acted (again, kudos to star actor, Jim Caviezelli, who portrayed the real-time compassionate & courageous man, Tim Ballard-- a true hero!!
After lunch my wife and I went to see "Sound Of Freedom" I urge you to see this movie! And spread the word about it! As a devotee of Tom Clancy novels, I've always loved stories about international intrigue. This story could've been written by Tom Clancy ("Clear And Present Danger") except - IT'S REAL!
Everyone needs to be aware of the child sex trafficking that is going on in our country and the world. No one deserves to be sold into slavery.
It is sad that this is happening daily to children and is being ignored and normalized. For all of you that gave a 1 star, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Extreamely polarizing movie, all the ratings are one star or five stars.
This was a stilted hacky production, reminded me of the schlock films made just to give Netflix something to show. Character development was weak, dialog was laughable, directing poor. I stayed for the whole thing but was tempted to leave it so bad.
the best ever
Pay very close attention, and remember the names of those who have a problem with this movie!!! It says more about the watcher, than the movie, and they can’t help exposing themselves. It’s a true story, about a real life super hero!
Please don't waste your time. All my friends recommended it, but it turns out they never actually went to see it. They all just believed the hype.
It was a tedious remake of every "Taken" type movie ever made. I went because of all the hype about theaters wanting to keep people from seeing it but, by about thirty minutes in, I was praying someone would pull the fire alarm or evacuate the theater or something. Sadly, I had to sit through the whole thing in airconditioned comfort. I want my 2 hours and 11 minutes back!