Thursday, December 26, 11:55:30 PM

As a child I was part of the unwanted Herdman's. But, I am so thankful to the few (Jesus' words, not mine) who did actually care. Today, as a pastor, I can attest the truth of both sides of this movie!

Friday, December 20, 11:18:17 PM

It addresses the hypocrisy that goes on in a person's heart, making assumptions, and thinking we're better than someone else. We are ALL guilty of this at some point in our lives, and this movie addresses it in a church. A must see!

Monday, December 9, 09:12:58 AM


Sunday, December 8, 06:23:03 PM

Had all of the elements of a Christmas classic.

Tuesday, December 3, 01:32:01 PM

Would you believe The Worst Christmas Pageant was first published in a magazine in 1972? Well, those of us who were around then have loved it ever since, and this movie adaptation is wonderfully done! Great for kids and grown-ups alike. A bit sappy, but Imogene Herdman is just like you would imagine if you were reading the book! Wow. Don't miss this one!

Saturday, November 30, 04:03:59 PM

This gentle rebuke to “Churchianity” should be in theater classes’ repertoire, besides Sunday School pageants!

Saturday, November 30, 12:38:25 PM


Wednesday, November 27, 08:41:14 PM

Loved loved this movie. We need more of this kind of movie in our world of chaos. I was fortunate to be a part of this movie. Dallas Jenkins is an amazing director.

Monday, November 25, 01:44:39 PM

Really enjoyed this movie could see it be a annual Christmas movie for some

Sunday, November 24, 01:56:56 PM

I loved this movie! I've been telling everyone to see it. It is a wonderful heartwarming plot. So refreshing to have something with no sex violence or bad language, that you can take your kids to without worrying about that, The best thing I've seen in years.

Saturday, November 23, 12:42:00 PM

So important that we instill morals and integrity in the lives of children for generations to come. And it is a reminder for adults that we just think we have it all together until we look at what matters most. Beautifully done and it warms the heart. Dallas Jenkins has a vision and is an inspiration!

Friday, November 22, 12:50:58 PM

Wonderful! Just the thing I needed. A movie to encourage us to look at ourselves.

Thursday, November 21, 02:35:16 PM

I really appreciated the attention to human behavior and how others affect other peoples opinions, including church people!

Tuesday, November 19, 06:23:15 PM

it made me laugh and cry. the acting was great and the writing was top notch also. I have already seen it twice and will probably go see it again. Once at regal and once at westown

Tuesday, November 19, 10:41:19 AM

Most churches are like the movie says they are. Most people go for entertainment, not the Good News that Christ was born and died for our sins.

Monday, November 18, 09:53:11 PM

Funny and so heart warming! Great movie for anyone especially families with all ages of children. Captures the true meaning of Christmas.

Sunday, November 17, 08:59:18 PM

The Children just wanted attention and love and they got it by playing the part of Mary and 'Joe' while their brothers and 'Gladys' played others in the nativity scene. The play was a great success.

Saturday, November 16, 05:56:52 PM

Way too much narration at the beginning but overall a very good movie.

Friday, November 15, 05:57:00 PM

It was nice, but predictable.

Thursday, November 14, 06:18:37 PM

liked everything great acting and directing

Thursday, November 14, 03:40:08 PM

We have a new Christmas Classic. It portrays the true meaning if Christmas delivered with humor and a bunch of characters.

Thursday, November 14, 09:51:34 AM

Such a great movie! It’s so refreshing to see the Christians in Hollywood taking a stand for their faith.

Tuesday, November 12, 04:13:16 PM

Great movie for family and friends. Laughter and tears.

Sunday, November 10, 06:58:26 PM

I saw it just out of curiosity and it really blew me away. I loved the story and the message it gives. I wasn't expecting to tear up at the end of the Pageant. Must see movie!!!!

Sunday, November 10, 04:40:53 PM

It speaks about Christ in a great light! It's a great family movie; they need to make more like this.

Saturday, November 9, 05:51:26 AM

I had never heard of this book until I heard Dallas Jenkins talk about how it touched he and his wife, and how he wanted to buy the rights to make the movie. This tweeked my curiosity to see the movie. I wasn’t disappointed! It is funny, heartwarming….and the best Christmas movie I have seen in a while.

Friday, November 8, 11:05:34 PM

I remember reading the book this movie is based on to my kids when they were young. They did a great job! Very heartwarming and humorous!

Friday, November 8, 04:39:42 PM

It was heart warming and one of the best movies I have seen in years. The storyline was amazing and the children actors were great 😊 We need this message of kindness to be in more movies and spread around this world

Wednesday, November 6, 10:48:09 PM

I was expecting your typical Christmas movie, but I like to support Christian films, so we went to see it. My 64 y/o husband was boo-hoo'ing he was so moved by the humanity shown to and by the Herdman kids. I enjoyed the "Dallas Jenkins of The Chose" style humor and the surprise twists to the story. I love how the blessed Mother was highlighted since her role (and her Yes) was so significant in the Christmas story. We will probably go see it again!

Wednesday, October 30, 03:42:59 PM

Please go see it before you give it 2 stars because it's not what you expect a "Christmas" movie to be. It's not just a comedy. It's also an emotional drama mixed in there.

Tuesday, October 29, 01:27:09 AM

Why can't they make nice Christmas family movies...why does it always have to be mean and cruel, and yet, made to be funny???