The first seasons were peak classic Star Wars. Then it was ruined just to shoehorn the VILLAIN BoTox-Karen into Din´s rightful place, the writing became absurd and chaotic because you can´t just rewrite the story in such a significant way and make it work. Watch the first two seasons and then make up your own S3 which wraps up Din´s story in a way that makes sense.
Make yourself a favour and don´t watch anything after the last episode of S2. Another great, wholesome stuff ruined in the name of current propaganda.
If only it ended with S2... Could have been 5 out of 5 stars.
First two seasons were great, but they just had to ruin it with shoehorning that insufferable Karen into Din´s place. It is obvious where the script was rewritten to push her into the spotlight. She is a terrible person and deserves to die, not to be put into position of power again. Don´t bother with S3 if you don´t want to be disappointed.
Perfectly ballanced amount of coolness, seriousness, campiness, badasness and cuteness!
Amazing series! Perfectly captures the soul of Star Wars and the cinematography is beautiful.
This is the Way! If only the sequel trilogy captured the soul of Star Wars the same way this short series of short episodes managed it! To have a masked nameless lead character is a challenge in itself but they nailed it perfectly. The western influence (like in original trilogy) is very obvious.
The first episode was ok but the second at only 28 minutes long was too short. It's extremely weird that you never see the main characters face.