Saturday, June 1, 02:30:52 PM

I liked it. It felt like a classis horror film. The acting was good and the story line was good.

Thursday, May 30, 05:24:19 PM

we liked the movie. Can’t wait for chapter 2

Saturday, May 25, 04:36:25 PM

Brought back nostalgia of the original and the times. True to original.

Tuesday, May 21, 02:05:25 PM

I liked more than most of the recent horror movies. 18% rotten tomatoes is off the mark, imo. Of you like this reality horror genre, give it a go.

Monday, May 20, 02:03:43 PM

Don't waste your money - it's about as boring and predictable as they come. Not one creepy moment.

Sunday, May 19, 04:37:53 PM

My wife and I just watched it and enjoyed it! We love the Strangers movies, and although the first one is our favorite, this one was good! If you like the Strangers movies, don't pay attention to what other people have said, go see it for yourself. We saw the negative comments but are glad we went to see it. Waiting for Chapter 2!

Sunday, May 19, 07:33:17 AM

Love horror movies, but I doubt this could be considered one. Extremely boring, most of it just running around in a house with “strangers” chasing them. Predictable and again very boring. You will more than likely be disappointed :(

Saturday, May 18, 07:23:37 PM

I thought it was quite scarry and suspenseful. Don't listen to others see it yourself and then make a judgement.

Friday, May 17, 05:03:47 PM

After such a long wait - I just could not believe how bad it was - not one creepy momen t