Wednesday, July 17, 11:33:48 PM

I appreciated the factual information given, but was particularly impressed with the sensitive nature of it's delivery - through the eyes of the main character. The love and forgiveness shown her by her family and those in the prayer group truly reflect the heart of God, and allow those who've had abortions to also sense/experience His love.

Wednesday, July 17, 11:25:53 PM

Amazing. I drove 53 kilometres to see the movie and 6 showings sold out. It was well worth the drive. I liked that the movie focused on the journey of Abby from both sides of the spectrum. The movie lays out her experience in a way that you can analyze for yourself. I am sure glad I made the effort to see it.

Wednesday, July 17, 07:43:57 PM

Saw this twice - pro-woman and offers hope

Wednesday, July 17, 01:39:18 PM

As a guy, this movie spoke to me on so many levels. Because behind every abortion, there is usually at least one guy. And they show a lot of that in the movie. I think it's great for any pro-choice or pro-life or undecided to see this moving film. Left me so much to think about, in a good way.

Wednesday, July 17, 12:24:01 AM

What a flurry of malarkey, half-truths and downright lies we've heard repeated for decades from the anti-abortionists (baby parts on the black market ??). A true story turned and twisted to fit the agenda of people who want to take away women's right to control their own body and a massive encouragement to be violent towards medical people offering support to women. Revolting.

Tuesday, July 16, 10:09:30 PM

Very factual, going by real life experiences. Dr. In movie is an actual Dr. Who at one time performed many abortions! Yes, it was gruesome, but there’s going to be blood, there’s going to be physical negative reactions to various types of abortion. I urge those criticizing to do your research, see the movie, This was an experience by a woman who had a high position with planned parenthood. She layer her life on the line to deliver this story.

Tuesday, July 16, 06:57:33 PM

This movie is so touching and so needed ... we all left the theatre wanting to tell others about it. The theatre was absolutely packed!

Tuesday, July 16, 03:19:10 PM

The truth always reveals itself.

Tuesday, July 16, 01:15:22 PM

Five stars. Very well done with truthful information. Planned Parenthood isn’t about Women’s health they are about abortions and pushing women to do so now and not wait and think about options. There are people out there that will adopt and help those finding themselves with an unplanned pregnancy. Excellent movie!

Tuesday, July 16, 12:07:25 PM

Very sobering. I find the comments about misinformation very interesting. So... Pro-Choice advocates have not been providing misleading information for decades?

Tuesday, July 16, 10:33:49 AM

The movie was remarkable. It is a true story. Powerful.

Monday, July 15, 09:54:51 PM

I had to compose myself several times while watching, I am now decidedly pro life with my GF

Monday, July 15, 05:40:17 PM

Excellent movie, a must see movie for as many Canadians as possible to see! Hollywood 3 Theater in Pitt Meadows was sold out while I was there. People cheered in support of the movie when it ended!!!

Monday, July 15, 03:56:09 PM

For those who say the movie is anti-woman - remember that half the babies killed in abortion are female

Monday, July 15, 03:11:47 PM

This heartfelt movie and amazing but shocking testimony, movie showed the truth and unravelled all the pretty little lies that the pain and proof revealed showing how ugly and evil the love of money, ignorance and selfishness can lead to millions of innocent children dehumanized and murdered.

Monday, July 15, 01:07:56 PM

Thank you for hosting the viewing of this movie. I have followed Abby Johnson's story from the beginning. Looking forward to seeing the movie this week. Let the truth be told!

Monday, July 15, 01:01:53 PM

For those who cry censorship....what happened to freedom of thought and belief? You don’t have to like don’t have to go...celebrate that we all have a right to belief differently...that is the definition of a free society.

Monday, July 15, 12:32:46 PM

An eye opening, powerful movie!

Monday, July 15, 10:57:20 AM

This movie is filled with lies and is ANTI woman. It should have never been allowed to play in Canada. We are smarter than this garbage.

Monday, July 15, 10:45:48 AM

Abortion is absolutely heinous.

Sunday, July 14, 07:45:03 PM

Go with an open mind, or go to reinforce your basic human conscience of life and being. It is intense. it is quite emotional and powerful and well done.

Sunday, July 14, 07:43:37 PM

This is a powerful movie. Go to see it. Let your heart and humanness speak to you. Sometimes difficult to watch, but a must see. Movies can be so powerful, effective and making at its best.

Sunday, July 14, 05:54:47 PM

This was one of the most powerful movies I have ever seen! You cannot watch this movie and leave unchanged unless you have a heart of stone!

Sunday, July 14, 01:20:26 PM

I did see the movie, and wasn't drawn into melodrama. Unlike the Passion of the Christ - effectively torture porn - this movie at least attempts accuracy, and misses the mark. I find it odd that in our modern culture, we criminalize a woman's right to choose, but we could care less about children in cages, or fraudulent preachers asking for seed capital to buy a new jet, or finally bringing catholic child molesting priests to justice. Welcome to American religiosity.

Sunday, July 14, 07:15:35 AM

This is such pro-birth propaganda (you can't really call them pro-life, since they don't care about any lives AFTER they're born) with bad, inaccurate information, and totally invented right-wing lies they need to tell themselves (like baby parts being sold on the black market!) in order to make themselves feel good. This subject matter deserves intelligent, thoughtful treatment, not utterly simplistic situations, outright lies, propaganda, hackneyed dialogue, etc.

Sunday, July 14, 01:16:37 AM

I like this movie. It shows that any abortion is a murder even with compassion for women who doing it.

Saturday, July 13, 11:52:52 PM

One of the best films I've ever seen! Although the portrayal of aggressive pro-lifers was a bit over the top; hasn't been my experience in Canada. Everyone should see it. It's honest, difficult to watch at times, powerful and thought provoking. Excellent! Formerly pro "choice" for many years. NOW pro-life for Life!

Saturday, July 13, 08:56:47 PM

Loved it about time truth come out.

Saturday, July 13, 03:23:25 PM

A very moving film.

Saturday, July 13, 09:41:06 AM

Tells the true life story. Biographies aren't propaganda, they're simply reality through one person's eyes. The message was profound.

Saturday, July 13, 06:19:45 AM

I saw this movie last night and it is a must-see. Well produced, sensitive and powerful treatment of a contentious issue based on a true story. Don't expect to leave the theatre unchanged.

Saturday, July 13, 05:16:25 AM

Great for people on all sides of the abortion debate. It is done with such a loving spirit! Abby is a planned parenthood mananger and has had a couple abortions herself. The movie is based on a true story. I like that Abby is portrayed as a good person throughout the whole movie! I think many could relate to this show and find it a great show to attend! My whole family loved it!

Saturday, July 13, 12:16:12 AM

This movie should be mandatory to every woman watch before decide whether or not to abortion. No judgement, this movie brings light to one of the most controversy subjects nowadays. Give yourself a chance and choose to watch first!

Friday, July 12, 09:25:08 PM

You will not leave this movie unmoved. Great expose of what takes place at Planned Parenthood.

Friday, July 12, 09:20:07 PM

Truth finally

Friday, July 12, 08:54:20 PM

This movie focuses on an anti abortion individual so it has an obvious anti abortion slant to it . The main character is painted as a radiating beam of goodness and sunshine ,while every person in the film on the abortion industry side are portrayed as evil uncaring monsters . The head honcho woman of the planned parenthood organization is portrayed in the film to look like Mortica from the addams family , and the doctors portrayed looked like they worked for Dr. Mengele . I can't speak on the accuracy of the facts presented but I would venture a guess that they are skewed in favor of the anti abortion side . Hey ,I read the reviews and saw it anyway to make up my own mind . It was as expected ..... a one sided affair . Judge for your self .

Friday, July 12, 05:22:43 PM


Friday, July 12, 03:28:36 PM

A well-told true story certain to inflame the pro-abortion crowd. Thank goodness this is getting shown despite all their efforts to censor it.

Friday, July 12, 10:40:03 AM

Ive actually seen the movie and give it 5 stars. I find it funny how anti-life people who’ve never seen the movie or read the book give it 1 star. Not like those people have any credibility anyways.

Friday, July 12, 10:31:47 AM

Seen it... great movie