Monday, October 24, 12:44:05 PM

Imbecilic and irresponsible. A truly terrible movie.

Friday, December 8, 06:23:50 AM

One of the stupidest films ever. Not scary or suspenseful, with a ridiculous story and a protagonist who turns out to be a genocidal monster (!) The people who made this film should be embarrassed.

Sunday, December 3, 06:37:44 AM

Really bad movie. Infuriating ending.

Sunday, December 3, 04:29:23 AM

Imbecilic, illogical, and Idiotically contrived. They should have given Glenn Close a big ole moustache to twirl. Maddening wrap up. Horrible movie.

Sunday, April 30, 06:45:02 PM

pretty good movie