Wednesday, May 2, 06:28:15 PM

Great movie, but did lack a few items that could have made this film a lot better.

Wednesday, July 12, 08:35:52 AM

Disappointing, to say the least. Unfortunately the filmmakers have chosen to turn President Ford into some sort of cinematic action hero when the opportunity was there to do a thorough examination of his mishandling of Watergate.

Saturday, February 4, 07:08:47 PM

A vote is required to comment, but this is far below 0 stars. A star-studded cast, you may point out, but to no avail. It's one of the worst movies in history. If you need to see this, I recommend watching it as an absurdist comedy. A flag-draped, fawning paean to a mythical superhero president taking out the stereotypical bad guys and saving, oh, everybody. Guess what happens. You can. Anyone can, because that's how predictable this sh*t is. Whew! The air sickness bag is located in the seat pocket in front of you.