Friday, August 26, 10:02:00 PM

Fun sequel, but I don't remember a 'fist movie' in it. Maybe at one of the adult theaters Biff owned? The time travel mechanics are twisty and actually don't make sense if you think about it. Could've used a lot more hot broads, but it's still fun.

Monday, July 20, 05:32:37 PM

Watched it the other week and I still have to say, it's one of the best sequels ever made and still holds up to this day. They could polish up some of the CGI work with current tech, but otherwise, It's still one of my all time favs for sure.

Saturday, October 24, 02:35:21 AM

Headache-inducing sequel to the relatively charming original.

Friday, October 23, 02:58:04 PM

Most original concept for a sequel: going back in the fist movie and trying to avoid messing it up by having characters run into their "other selves". Also very funny to see how they envisioned 2015, although most of those "predictions" were made as jokes. Full of action. Great movie!