Saturday, December 19, 06:26:50 PM

This film brings the truth behind Scientology to light. Thank you for such a great production. It takes a lot of courage to expose the truth.

Friday, November 27, 01:27:23 PM

This is an important film. This dangerous cult needs to be exposed. everyone should see it.

Sunday, October 4, 09:40:23 AM

just recommend everybody to see this movie

Friday, September 18, 08:26:56 PM

An important film. Scientology is worse than you can imagine. Human rights abuses, dangerous practices in unmedically supervised 'drug rehab' Narconon centres resulting in deaths are just the tip of the iceberg. The ONLY reason this cult received tax-exempt status in the U.S. is because it launched hundreds of lawsuits against the IRS and its employees. Sadly, the IRS caved in to the pressure. It's time to turn this around.

Wednesday, August 26, 08:09:19 PM

everyone needs to see this movie

Wednesday, August 26, 08:08:53 PM

everyone should see this movie.