Thursday, April 25, 12:57:02 AM

Terrible movie. Beautiful girl plays part of picked on plain girl, while the picker is average in looks! Then it gets really bad with a PCP hallucination, a caricature of the weak white husband and the wife as ruler of the's a really bad movie trying to be campy.

Sunday, February 18, 02:18:24 PM

Funny, and a touching love story. Really enjoyed it.

Wednesday, February 14, 06:54:44 AM

We went to $5 tuesday for another movie. It was not playing so we picked this one with no expectations. It was orginal. A few laughs. Hey, it was $10 bucks!

Saturday, February 10, 07:11:25 PM

Awesome movie,comedy horror love story,nice

Thursday, February 1, 08:53:02 PM

I'm surprised this isn't a Nic Cage movie.