Tuesday, November 4, 11:57:54 AM

Yes, great kids' movie with enough to engage the parents. Very good animation, music and story line.

Wednesday, September 17, 03:56:22 AM


Wednesday, September 10, 05:42:52 PM

Surprised by the other ratings. I don't do a lot of movies/TV, but found this banal, predictable, cliched, and dull. Laughed maybe 3 times in the first 20 minutes. Left the theatre after realizing that not even Ed Harris could save this.

Sunday, August 17, 06:16:05 AM

We took our two boys to see this movie this past week. We (the adults) weren't bored as with other movies we have seen, and the for the most part, our boys stayed riveted as well. Great plot in this film as with the original Cars. It's one we will be buying.

Monday, July 21, 09:12:42 PM

I wouldn't say it has the multi-age appeal of most Pixar movies, but kids under 10 will love it. It was refreshing to have a Cars/Planes movie that's NOT about racing. I would rank this one just behind the original Cars movie. The story and message of selflessness is a great one for kids. The action scenes were quite fun and exciting as well.