Tuesday, May 31, 10:57:39 AM

Perfectly badass with just the right amount of action, romance, and humour!

Thursday, May 26, 03:45:03 PM

Who makes movies like that, nothing made sense. Long boring movie

Wednesday, March 9, 03:45:35 PM

Okay, you have a Jane Austen book with zombies. If you're taking this seriously, you should have picked another movie. It's fun, and a bit bizarre. You'll find something of interest to talk about afterwards. Guaranteed.

Monday, February 29, 01:39:15 PM

Liked the movie. Lots of action, costumes and staging fun to look at. It was a great parody. For the folks that critiqued acting and whatnot, it is a zombie movie for crying out loud.

Wednesday, February 17, 03:29:40 PM

Just assume that any positive reviews for this movie are fake. Terrible acting. Nothing interesting. Waste of time. The theatre started emptying 20 minutes into the move. I left shortly after. I watched the second half of Dirty Grandpa so that my trip to the theatre would not be a waste of time. After Dirty Grandpa ended, I stopped back into PPZ out of morbid curiosity. There were only 2 people who stayed to watch.

Sunday, February 14, 03:03:45 PM

Terrible character development, cheesy ending and poor acting. The film also provides no synthesis of the zombie and period piece genre. Instead, the film just inappropriately forces two separate genres together in an awkward, highly compartmentalized fashion that is non-creative and uninteresting.

Wednesday, February 10, 10:33:40 PM

Watched it with my friends and we all almost fell asleep, so boring with so much yapping and not a lot of action scenes. It was waste of time and money.

Sunday, February 7, 10:40:58 AM

I love Pride and Prejudice and I love the Walking Dead so it had zombies. It was almost the perfect movie! It had action, karate fighting by women, it was a period piece, it was visually spectacular, the killing was gory with exploding heads, it was funny and there was actually honest-to-god romance! it was great! Must see!

Friday, February 5, 11:26:43 PM

Good movie.

Friday, February 5, 02:25:01 PM
