Tuesday, June 30, 10:43:33 AM

very action packed !

Thursday, April 23, 09:51:38 PM

Though I still enjoy Liam and the action movie, this one was a little too tacky but I still enjoyed as a rental.

Thursday, April 16, 06:32:02 PM

Taken - my $50 bucks!

Friday, February 6, 08:59:03 AM

Not as good as the first ones, not really on the edge of your seat, but it was ok.

Saturday, January 24, 06:36:02 PM

Really good movie?

Saturday, January 24, 06:34:55 PM

After seeing the first film I was blown away , and the next to weren't,t quite as good as the first but they are still awesome movies as well

Saturday, January 24, 06:32:15 PM

Movie has a little bit of everything and a lot of action, can't get any better than that.

Saturday, January 24, 06:30:05 PM

Liam Neeson kicks ass as usual, he shows you no matter the age you can still put a whoopin' on someone even if you are acting.

Saturday, January 24, 06:27:19 PM

Great movie loved it!!!!!!

Saturday, January 24, 06:19:33 PM

This move was very fast paced and action packed like the rest of the taken movies, if you're a fan of the other two films you will love this one as I have!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 07:59:51 PM

The movie was good. It was similar to the other two Taken movies he has made. :)

Monday, January 19, 11:28:58 PM

Liam seems to always be in movies these days where he is getting revenge for his murdered (movie) spouse - plot is getting very tired

Monday, January 19, 01:11:49 PM

This movie is so bad that a half an hour in I got up and walked out, I went over to another theater playing a different movie so I would at least get some value for my money.

Monday, January 19, 10:58:58 AM

Not sure what movie the people that gave this 5 stars saw, this was complete garbage. Within the first 20 there were 4 plot holes large enough to drive a super tanker though and it only went down hill from there.

Sunday, January 18, 09:19:59 PM

Sat on the edge of my seat for this one. Interesting twist and a set up for #4.

Sunday, January 18, 01:49:19 AM

5 stars opening and 3 stars ending. Not better than the 1st one.

Friday, January 16, 08:15:20 PM

wow....great story line and lots of action. I give lots of credit to Liam Nelson.

Thursday, January 15, 05:25:24 PM

I Love is amazing movie

Sunday, January 11, 11:39:28 PM

Iconic action series gets better with each picture.

Sunday, January 11, 04:41:42 PM

You know what to expect when you buy your ticket for this movie. Lots of action, razor thin plot and Liam kicking everone's butt! There is no Oscar here.. but still enough fun for a mindless two hours

Sunday, January 11, 04:34:05 PM

Always a good ride! Really enjoyed that his friends were a little bit more involved. Does make you think the producers are kicking themselves for not giving him a bigger family. Leaves you wondering who's going to be taken in Taken 4!!!!!

Sunday, January 11, 01:23:29 PM

I thought this movie was excellent. I know it is far fetched but the fact that there was no swearing (unlike most modern movies where the "f" word is used so many times, and so uneccessarily) and it is fast paced, all the actors excellent and of course, Liam Neeson so effective in this role, I'd go and watch it again! I think it is just as good as the previous two "Taken" movies.

Sunday, January 11, 08:48:29 AM

A "must-see" for fans of the genre!

Saturday, January 10, 06:10:56 PM

Fresh and exciting; an exhilarating action pic that keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time! The trilogy saved the best for last, that's for sure!

Saturday, January 10, 05:50:05 PM

Worst movie from the rest. Truly disappointed. Music just didn't match the action :(

Saturday, January 10, 04:37:17 PM

Save your money on this one, an abomination compared to the first one!

Saturday, January 10, 04:36:17 PM

The worst out of the trilogy. Too many story holes. My eyes were hurting from the hour of hand held shaky camera parts. It should be banned from being released period!

Saturday, January 10, 04:32:35 PM

The first one was great, the second one wasn't bad but this one is absolutely crap. The story is not half bad, the cast is good but acting isn't great and I blame the director. The Director did a horrible job. The action was terribly shot, a mix of very shaky hand camera and fast cut scenes back of forth makes you lose track of what is going on and induce headaches. Liam Nisam, as much as I like him, seemed like an out of shape elderly man in this movie. The first hour and a half were torture, it wasn't until the last 20 minutes that it became bearable. This one is bad even by horrible hollywood action movie standards. I really feel like I lost my money.

Saturday, January 10, 03:55:16 PM

It was an average action movie. Taken 1 was amazing and I am a big Liam Neeson fan but this wasn't a good movie. There was nothing particularly thrilling about it. It was quite cheesy in a lot of places. Also the change in actor for Stuart was incredibly noticeable and unfortunate. The "epic" conclusion can easily wait until the movie is released on video on demand.

Saturday, January 10, 12:50:32 PM

Lots of action!!! Really enjoyed it!!

Friday, January 9, 09:04:20 PM

It was really good movie

Friday, January 9, 08:23:14 PM

This movie was awesome! Action paced, wild ride. If you are a Liam Neesom fan, it is a must see.