Friday, January 23, 07:26:30 PM

What a horrible movie. A waste of time. Jlo made this movie to stroke her ego. She is not intelligent enough to be perceived as any kind of teacher. She is a hack trying to act.

Friday, January 23, 01:36:38 PM


Friday, January 23, 11:54:32 AM

This movie has the three L's necessary for a successful romantic comedy: Love, Laughs, and Lopez!

Friday, January 23, 09:59:28 AM

The movie exceeded my expectations! There was a lot of suspense and action. The ending was terrifying. There is a crazy sexy sex scene and wow JLo does not look her age. Best sex scene ever for sure.

Monday, January 12, 10:29:06 PM

Awesome!!!!!!!!! J.Lo Totally Diva