Monday, October 5, 04:44:45 PM

One of the most filthy, foul mouthed women I've ever had the displeasure of paying a movie ticket to go see. She is an embarrassment and the movie was not funny, just boring. Left after one hour and so did half the theater

Saturday, December 17, 01:40:19 AM

What a terrible boring movie... The first 30min is ok then it all goes to hell.

Wednesday, May 25, 12:17:30 AM

Hhheeedreeerfeeeeeedeehhhhhhhhhh I was laughing so hard.overall good movie for people falling in love.

Friday, December 25, 04:03:08 PM

One of the worst movies I've ever seen, acting, editing and cast was just awful no chemistry, jokes were cheap, and trust me I can deal with crude and dirty jokes, but as long you do it and deliver them with humor

Tuesday, December 1, 01:03:01 PM

Don't wast your time!

Saturday, November 21, 08:52:03 PM

Sucked. Amy Schumer is an insufferable boor.

Wednesday, November 18, 09:59:01 PM

One of the worst I've watched in a long time. First movie I've ever left the theatre before it ended.

Friday, November 13, 06:52:18 PM

I tried to give this movie a chance because I love Bill Hader and Amy but it was nothing but unfunny cliches, bad jokes and porn humor. I don't blame people for wanting a refund.

Wednesday, November 4, 10:14:44 PM

It was funny, but too crude. I liked the lead guy, have never seen him before.

Monday, September 21, 01:53:52 PM

I loved this movie. Yes there was nudity, but there were no nude women. I think all the people who complained about it just want to see the female body exploited. well, in this movie the shoe is on the other foot. How do you like that guys?

Tuesday, September 15, 02:08:50 PM

Watching in Vernon where the rating was 14A.....wasn't funny at all....was very disgusting....sexual content up there with a porn movie. We walked about and asked for our money back but no such luck.

Thursday, September 10, 11:52:03 PM

This movie should have been rated as XXX porn. we walked out ! Totally disgusting!

Thursday, September 3, 10:51:27 AM

Awful. Not funny at all.

Thursday, August 27, 04:14:53 PM

This movie should have been rated as XXX porn. Sickening, and poor acting especially with the lead female star. We would have walked out but my friends has eye problems and can't see with that much light when the movie is on. Totally disgusting to us.

Tuesday, August 18, 09:06:45 PM

I feel bad for the people who made this. All that money spent for this poor excuse of a comedy. Amy Schumer should not act, ever. Leave the dirty comedy to Melissa McCarthy and keep Amy on a stage instead of f**king around in front of the green screen. The story might have been good if this weren't a comedy, but just a romance. And without Amy's dirty mouth running. I don't have anything against her and I don't hate her, but she is meant to be a stand-up comedian, not an actress. If I could choose the cast, I would put in Melissa McCarthy. Then it'd be at least three stars.

Tuesday, August 18, 08:58:22 PM

The trailers are just big loads of shit, meant to lure you in and waste your money and time. Dirty jokes are my favourite, and I love to listen to them and tell them, but this movie took the humour so damn far where it's just crude and abhorrent. If you can even call it humour, that is. It's past being funny, now it's just disturbing. Don't waste your time with this movie - it's far too long for what it is, and I'd rather be forced to eat elephant shit than let my loved ones watch this.

Tuesday, August 18, 08:49:00 PM

I only stayed for the whole thing because I paid for it, and I hoped that maybe there would be something that MIGHT make me laugh. But my hopes of that were crushed within the first hour. Waste of money and a huge waste of time. Not funny at all. I love dirty humour, and that's why I wanted to try this movie out, but I would much rather watch the trailer 100 times before ever seeing this trainwreck of a movie again. The only thing that could be redeeming about it is the honest title.

Friday, August 14, 05:49:09 PM

For a comedy, it wasn't remotely funny. I also found the female lead quite revolting; leave this sort of shtick to Melissa McCarthy.

Friday, August 14, 04:47:20 PM

I like this movie and I like Amy. I found the reviews are very controversial, it's either love it or hate it. In fact quite surprised that many people got offended, it is almost fifty/fifty between 1 star & 5 stars. Chilled out, guys! This one is a comedy, why so harsh? Just enjoyed it!

Thursday, August 13, 03:30:40 PM

The commercial was funnier than the movie. The people that make commercials should actually make the movie as they know how to make boring seem to be a funny movie. I was duped by the trailer to think it would be fun.

Wednesday, August 12, 10:41:38 AM

Not sure if all the values were given justice. But OK to see.

Sunday, August 9, 09:22:20 PM

Absolutely hilarious! Could not stop laughing. Should warn about the highly adult themes (sex, alcohol, etc.)

Saturday, August 8, 01:11:36 AM

It had a few good moments in it but it was disappointing the only good thing about this movie was Amy Schumer

Friday, August 7, 06:12:25 PM

She really needs new material. She's funny, but getting one-dimensional.

Thursday, August 6, 11:00:30 AM

Terrible very long slow moving movie. Don't waste your time.

Tuesday, August 4, 12:20:18 AM

terrible movie. weak attempts at humour. never write reviews...just hoping to save someone else 2hrs of their lives they will never get back by watching this. Seriously bad.

Monday, August 3, 06:55:13 PM

Terrible, boring movie. Waste of time and money. I was surprised that Bill Hader couldn't even save it. Too bad.

Sunday, August 2, 10:26:16 PM


Saturday, August 1, 07:59:44 PM

I haven't laughed this much in a long time! The psychologist who wrote a review should consider seeing one him self or changing a career!

Saturday, August 1, 07:58:00 PM

Loads of fun!! Very funny

Saturday, August 1, 11:21:48 AM

Well an interesting evening. Trainwreck seems to be a bit of a Trainwreck. Moments of laughter, moments of sadness and moments of up lifting one's spirits but too much swearing for most peoples tastes. Won't recommend other than a rental.

Saturday, August 1, 10:43:28 AM

Excellent humour!! Thanks Amy!

Saturday, August 1, 10:42:46 AM

I read some reviews and can't believe how offended some viewers are! This is a comedy and if you can't laugh, either you are a total prude or need to visit a psychologist!

Friday, July 31, 08:28:47 PM

Funny shit with diverse characters & a good story.

Tuesday, July 28, 09:37:28 PM

Very funny, definitely wort seeing !

Tuesday, July 28, 10:36:10 AM

A long sad movie, sorry I spent the time and movie. Really not funny

Saturday, July 25, 02:18:25 PM

Terrible movie! It was not a comedy! We walked out. I thought with Bill Hader it would of been really funny.

Saturday, July 25, 01:33:10 PM

I struggle with this as I am a fan of Amy. If you are not you will hate this movie. The movie had some great moments and some really long ones. It was watchable but it's not the comedy it could have been.

Friday, July 24, 08:09:36 PM

I enjoyed this movie very much. Very entertaining, as most of the cast is from SNL, pretty sure I won't be disappointed! For some reason I believed who gave this rom-com a one star rating got to be females.

Friday, July 24, 10:43:47 AM

Was really impressed as I just thought it was going to be funny but ended up being sweet and touching as well. There were a few excellent performances that surprised me as John Cena really captured his character well and Bill Hader as a romantic lead was surprising as well. They really pulled it off and Lebron James was a great addition to the cast. Very enjoyable date night movie with the hubby!