Tuesday, April 18, 04:00:08 AM

If you liked SUPERBABIES: BABY GENIUSES II, you won't want to miss TURBO KID, the wildest ride since MAD MAX FURY ROAD!

Tuesday, April 18, 03:09:15 AM

Apple was adorable. She made this movie.

Friday, January 22, 06:07:34 PM

Totally Stupid, and great. If you're a mid to late 80's baby you'll probably enjoy the indie-nostalgic vibe. If you think it's for actual babies, you should probably take a hint from the title and cover and give it a pass.

Saturday, December 12, 08:17:42 PM

stupid, for babies

Saturday, November 7, 12:12:16 AM

25 star movie turbo kid fresh movie 2015 must see