Sunday, April 2, 11:04:08 PM

Boring movie, don't waste your time and money.

Sunday, April 2, 10:03:26 PM

At some point in the movie I figured Hanka - the robotics company - is actually a Scandinavian name, that's why the company reps AND the cyborgs have Western European faces so there is NO whitewashing here. This also explains why Aramaki and Hairi, the mother of Motoko are among the few Asian characters. This is a ruthless western company which exploits weaknesses in an Asian country's laws and a bunch of vulnerable people to turn them into value added products for an elite market. Johansson takes her role very seriously to every details and the one that struck me the most is the stance she takes when standing up and looking down at a sleeping Dr. Ouelet. The gait she uses to walk in various circumstances is also striking - this is not a women's elegant steps at all, it's a machine on a mission. Even if the "ghost" keeps the humanity in the "shell", the tenderness, softness and mostly the need to exchange love appears to have been eradicated. Impressive play.

Sunday, April 2, 08:22:36 PM

All special effects and absolutely no plot!

Sunday, April 2, 05:34:48 PM

I liked it.

Sunday, April 2, 01:36:36 PM

It was good entertainment for a raining day. Whitewash? Who cares! If I believe all critics I wouldn't see anything beside movies like La La Land and Train wreck which BOTH stunk. Just entertain me is all I ask.

Sunday, April 2, 07:27:33 AM

Funny how anyone who gives an honest review, and did not like this Movie is a "troll" LOL. How about people have different opinions and that is what this page is for. I found this movie to be poorly done and would not recommend watching it. Btw does anyone know what "we,re" means ? I have heard of we're as a contraction of we are.

Sunday, April 2, 07:02:03 AM

Excellent movie, sci fi was excellent and futuristically dazzling

Saturday, April 1, 11:57:28 PM

A worthless pile of cow dung!

Saturday, April 1, 09:50:28 PM

*anime characters are fluid...they do not have to be a certain race in the adaptation and the anime character female does not even look a hundred percent Asian* Do some research it called the Default Human Being Effect

Saturday, April 1, 09:47:01 PM

*All you clowns out there who rate the movie without seeing it, give us a break! We,re not interested in your speculations or opinions! * How about all the 5 star ratings with comments of looking forward to seeing the movie? or comments of.. Well she was alright in Avengers....

Saturday, April 1, 09:41:17 PM

Another Box Office Failure for Hollywood and their pathetic Live Action versions of Anime and Manga... Maybe they should hire directors and writers who are fans of the original source material.... and maybe they shouldn't whitewash the hiring of cast..

Saturday, April 1, 09:39:38 PM

A movie that had been out for 3 weeks sold 2x more tickets then Ghost In The Shell On its opening night.... As a matter of fact 3 movies all out sold it opening night b 2x or more....

Friday, March 31, 08:39:49 PM

This movie was absolutely terrible, I'm usually ok with bad rated movies but this was literally the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life. I walked out not even halfway. Please for the love of god do not waste your money on this movie.

Friday, March 31, 07:03:24 PM

Great special effects. I soon got absorbed in the story....Lots of action. I would see this movie again.

Friday, March 31, 04:09:21 PM

They hire a Caucasian to play a Japanese, and she can't act....If this was the 1950's I would expect this. Their are many much better looking Japanese women who can actually act. Shameful

Friday, March 31, 03:53:12 PM

no heart to movie

Thursday, March 30, 10:04:25 PM

Just amazing in every way possible - blew away my expectations!

Monday, March 27, 10:16:43 AM

Looking forward to it. I agree, whitewashing is an issue, but it's a little more complicated with Japanese anime. Why? Japanese culture fetishizes north american culture. This is why the Asian leads in anime films are drawn to have Caucasian characteristics like wide eyes, lighter skin, etc. in some cases. I think casting a Caucasian lead in GITS is an annoyance and disappointment, but given the stylistic choices of Japanese anime, it's not at all surprising or alarming.

Friday, March 24, 04:49:43 PM

This movie looks great!! I agree, it is not a 'race' issue in this film...the main female character in GITS Anime version doesn't look 'Asian.' Besides, if Scar Jo is Caucasian, and she is, and people are not happy about that, their is "Asian" in the word CaucAsian! Get it? Ha ha...heeeheee...This will be a great movie and anime is multi-ethnic and diverse all the time...if the world did abide by anime principles of inclusion in the artist's and writer's character development process, we would all be a lot better off...!!!!

Saturday, December 3, 10:42:45 AM

anime characters are fluid...they do not have to be a certain race in the adaptation and the anime character female does not even look a hundred percent Asian...she is more diffuse...besides don't bring race into this fantastic story we already know the bias of Hollywood. think instead about the technology and how it is used and is continuing to develop in the GITS movie.

Friday, December 2, 01:47:47 PM

Crappy looking wanna be matrix movie... Half the stuff in the trailer is nothing like the original source material. 2 examples She isn't the only cyborg and she doesn't do matrix style moves.... Should have at least gotten the Wachowskis to direct the movie.... They only spent 10+ years trying to get a production company to get the rights to make it.....

Wednesday, July 27, 06:36:22 PM

Hollywood claims they don't whitewash movies when hiring. Then go and hire a white actress with no box office credibility. When there are dozens of talented Asian actresses out there to play a Asian Character role.

Sunday, July 24, 03:46:55 AM

This movie is going to fail in box office like all Hollywood made live action adaptations. Hire talentless actresses/actors Whitewashing of main characters. Giving them small budgets Or spending the majority of the budget on actors Hiring directors that know nothing about the original source material and ignore it.