Anti-vax folk singer dies after catching COVID on purpose Published By Alexandra Heilbron on Jan 19, 2022

Hanka Horká courtesy of FacebookCzech folk singer Hana Horká purposely caught COVID-19.

Her son, Jan Rek, spoke with a radio station, saying that his mother, who was a singer for one of the best-known and oldest Czech folk groups, Asonance, deliberately exposed herself to the virus after both he and his father, who are fully vaccinated, caught it in late December.

He said, "She was supposed to stay away from us, but she decided to remain at home with us normally, preferring to go through the disease than to get vaccinated. It is sad that my mom trusted strangers more than her own family."

He blames her death on the anti-vax movement. On her social media pages, Horká had shared the claims of Czech anti-vax leaders. He said they'd brainwashed his mother and now had "blood on their hands."

Currently, COVID rules in the Czech Republic state that only citizens who have proof of vaccination -- or who have had a recent infection and then test negative -- are allowed to travel, and get into public places such as restaurants, theaters and spas. This was the main reason she was thrilled to come down with the virus, so she could do those things without being vaccinated. Two days before her death, Horká wrote on Facebook: "I survived Delta. It was intense. So now there will be the theater, sauna, a concert… and an urgent trip to the sea."

Last Sunday, she felt well enough for a walk outside, but by the time she returned home, she began to feel pain in her back and went to lie down. Ten minutes later, she began choking and died in bed. Horká was 57 years old.

Rek, heartbroken, said he wanted to share the experience in order to convince people to get vaccinated.

Approximately 63 percent of the Czech Republic's total population has been fully vaccinated, similar to the United States, where the rate was 62.8 percent as of January 13, 2022. The average vaccination rate in the rest of the EU is 69 percent, while in Canada, it's 83 percent. ~Alexandra Heilbron

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Comments & Discussion

  • Trucker - 1/20/2022 1:40:23 AM
    Dumb broad.
  • George - 1/20/2022 9:51:36 AM
    There is dumb & dumber All these anti-vax morons going down the same dark rabbit hole . They have no expertise, but rather follow the anti-vax sheep from social media pages.
  • Roger - 1/20/2022 9:59:09 AM
    It's so easier and so much safer just to get vaccinated. This is someone who doesn't have their thinking hat on straight. Like all the people who've died after ingesting horse parasite paste (Ivermectin) and then died of covid.
  • Paul - 1/20/2022 10:11:54 AM
    It's a sad and tragic story, There are still millions of people who believe the anti-vax bs. What and how do you get them to understand that at the stage it is the best way to protect yourself and your family from serious illness and death. Sorry for the family's loss. Until there's a better way to beat Covid get vaccinated. The people that love you will miss you. I never thought that a possible civil war would be over a vaccine.
  • J - 1/20/2022 10:58:16 AM
    I say get all the anti-VAX people together in one big room send five people in with the virus with or without being vaccinated and then let all the anti-VAX people die and then the virus should stop
  • King Bomp - 1/20/2022 11:02:22 AM
    Rest in peace, covidiot.
  • Maggie - 1/20/2022 12:13:09 PM
    I totally agree with J, that will solve the problem of ridding the world of ignorant idiots and also be a step towards solving the overpopulation problem.
  • Nikki - 1/20/2022 12:38:05 PM
    Covid was meant to kill off all the dummies. The dummies probably don’t believe that climate change is real either. The sooner the dummies are killed off the sooner we can heal the world and live amongst mostly smart people.
  • MA - 1/20/2022 12:42:34 PM
    Hopefully, someone will start working on a pill for stupidity soon. What a stupid woman, putting her family in danger, ..... these anti vaxxers are a disgrace,
  • Ash - 1/20/2022 12:44:27 PM
    Just love all these comments wishing death on people because they choose what it what not to out into their bodies. Someone has a different view then you, so they deserve to die? Every single one of you is pathetic! Society is so disgusting, because of people like you all! Grow up, and open your eyes to who the real idiots are! All of you!
  • Rob - 1/20/2022 1:34:19 PM
    Hey Ash! Grow up you you pathetic noob! Nope, the real idiots are the stupid unvaccinated morons out there.... Grow us Ash and think about other people before defending a bunch of idiots...
  • Grant Dobson - 1/20/2022 3:06:49 PM
    stupid woman,,, as are all the other non-vaxers and non-maskers. It should be a law that would state if you are non-vaxed, and non-masker,, and someone in you're family or close friends gets this,, should be charged with attempted manslaughter and if they die, then it is man slaughter. Enough with the pussy people, deal hard handed laws and make them a house hold name by lots of media coverage. We need to get rid of this thing before it mutates to something else that may be more deadly. I almost lost my other half in March 2020,,, she was the third in Ontario, and media covered her journey, after 33 days in coma and 72 days alltogether as she had to learn to walk again, feed herself etc. Stop being Covidiots!! Protect your family and friends and grow the f*** up!!!
  • ChattyCdn - 1/20/2022 3:07:23 PM
    Hi Ash, While I agree that wishing death on people is extreme in all situations, this thinking: " because they choose what it what not to out into their bodies. Someone [just] has a different view then you.." is precisely the problem. If, and oh how we all wish, it was just about each person's choice affecting only their own body, nobody would bother anti-vaxxers, because it would impact only them. The problem is, that isn't the case here. Not only are anti-vaxxers putting others directly at risk through close proximity exposure, but (and this is the really BIG issue) through the unvaccinated, the virus is allowed to keep replicating. The more it replicates, the more chances for mutations. The more mutations, (a) the more distant/different current strains become from the original (b) the more opportunities there are for a more dangerous strain to occur and, in combination with those, (c) the less effective the current vaccines - made to target the original and it's most closely related strains - will be; so that the unvaccinated are now putting the entire vaccinated population at risk too. And because of those 3 factors, (d) this pandemic will never end We'll forever be fighting with new strains because new strains will just keep happening. And all the while, people's loved ones are dying. And all of that, isn't even considering the impact (including more deaths) of all of the cancelled medical treatments and surgeries that are ongoing because of the strain infected anti-vaxxer are putting on both the medical system and its personnel. IF it was just about people choosing what to do with their own bodies and that was it, nobody would care. We'd all say "Enjoy your freedoms", "Good luck" and get on with living our lives and letting anti-vaxxers do the same. BUT that absolutely isn't the situation here and, that's why, people feel so very frustrated and angry about the choices that anti-vaxxers making. So, if you or anyone you know, are among the group of people who are choosing not to get vaccinated, please (please!) either reconsider yourself or ask them to reconsider. This is about far more than having the right to make a personal choice because you are also, literally, choosing for everyone else too.
  • Grant Dobson - 1/20/2022 3:09:09 PM
    Hey Ash,, read my other comment. I have no sympathy for you at all!!
  • Richard - 1/20/2022 5:09:34 PM
    Ony vaccinated people use the term " Anti-Vaxer " ? Unvaccinated people don't care if you get vaccinated. Why do you worry so much about what they don't do? In many areas there are vaccinated people getting Covid. Vaccinated prople can transmit Covid. Pfizer CEO was on the news stating that the first vaccines are not working as well as they had hoped. Fact Check That!
  • JJ - 1/20/2022 6:14:00 PM
    Reading these comments... some of you are really sick in the head with your replies... sick in the frigging head... wishing death upon people, disrespecting those who have died because they didn't follow what you think they should have done... some of you really need a come to Jesus moment - cause your sick and twisted mentalities are taking you on a one way ticket to hell... wow - I am disgusted reading through the comment section here... sick twisted people
  • Had vaccination - 1/20/2022 7:21:39 PM
    Lol to the people who didn't notice that covid19 was in the home because the vaccinated contracted it. We need better. Canada has a vaccine with far fewer with side effects, but it was not given emergency status and has been slowed in getting out. It is from Medicago and Canada's Peime Minister isn't helping this become available at all. We have to take the much higher side effects displayed mrna vaccines- why? In closing, remember she caught it from the vaccinated- so please stop thinking everything has been taken care of by the currently available vaccines. Ask for better, ask for more, ask for more research into treatment outside of vaccine, and ask for better vaccines with fewer side effects. My period started again, but only with this vaccine. 1 in 5 women have noted an effect on menstruation and too many young men have heart impact. Write the Canadian government about Medicago and insist your governments put more research into treatment, above vaccine, because there are vaccinated who still die of covid.
  • Tee - 1/20/2022 7:21:55 PM
    Ash im with you and im not even an anti vaxxer just pro choice. If your vaccinated you can still get and spread it right. Its said to lessen your symptoms not the symptoms of ppl around you so you getting it only benefit you right. Since non vaxxers are excluded from almost everything how are they the spreaders lol they cant do anything but yet its still spreading like wild fire. New variants was brought to Canada but at that time non vaxxers couldnt travel to even bring it in so guess who brought it. Ding ding ding a vaccinated person. Common sense is common sense. If you vaccinated i hope you made your desicion because you wanted to lessen YOUR symptoms because thats allllll it does and not so you can travel, keep you job watch a movie go to a restaurant and think its going to kill the virus in any way if you did it for any of these reasons your a puppet being controlled and didnt get it for the right reasons #SHEEP
  • Dee - 1/20/2022 8:40:49 PM
    A lot of villains here. Despicable.
  • Stephen R Jacks - 1/20/2022 8:42:04 PM
    If all yu people really understood what that jab does to your body yu would all run for the exits.. also anyone ever stop to think that that job is not really a vaccine??
  • stephen R Jacks - 1/20/2022 8:43:39 PM
    Error that jab
  • Maureen Sandra Currie - 1/20/2022 9:29:47 PM
    I can't believe how many stupid, ignorant people that are in the world today. No common sense whatsoever. I guess with this virus and I hate to say this, that it gets rid of the stupid.
  • Rider - 1/20/2022 11:37:42 PM
    Here's a better idea. Let's lock up all the vaxed. Proof they're the ones spreading covid amongst themselves and others, considering non-vaxed can't go into restaurants, bars, movie theaters....and that's where we're having multiple outbreaks.
  • Bee - 1/21/2022 7:54:54 AM
  • Stef - 1/21/2022 9:07:56 AM
    People, give your head a shake. This is by design. To divide us sheep. I had my booster and for two days , I had chest pains, sore shoulder,(same one that had the jab lol), and a headache every day almost since and I normally dont get headaches. The point is, I’m still here and feel great. I went and got tested for Covid because I felt like shite , like a cold, 2 days, that was it. Everybody should learn more about it before you judge. Everybody might get it eventually because it’s going to be here a long time. This virus was mentioned on the show “ The Walking Dead” several times.
  • Ash - 1/21/2022 9:55:16 AM
    Rob, and Grant - You're both sad and pathetic men. First off, ASSUMING I'm not vaxxed.. second worrying so much about other people. First "vaxx" in history that depends on someone else taking it to keep you safe. HILARIOUS! If you have it then you should feel safe, and MIND YOUR BUSINESS! Other people's medical history has nothing to do with you. Just admit that you fell for the government lies, and got the vaxx because they told you you were a hero for doing it. Your LITTLE MAN COMPLEX needed that virtue signalling hero title to make you feel superior. It's funny really... and very sad. Have a great day.
  • M - 1/21/2022 11:01:14 AM
    Maggie and J - the best part is you vaxxed idiots are just as likely to die with them. Why don't you go into that same "shower" and preach this as well. Those Swastika Tattoos you two lasered off are started to poke through again.
  • Jay - 1/21/2022 6:18:26 PM
    So, what about all the statistics right now that show a majority of those who are getting infected, AND hospitalized, are the "VACCINATED"? What about the recently released CDC information that states that prior infection for those unvaccinated provides better protection than the vaccine? What about the CDC information, and "experts", that now say masks are basically useless? LOL all the fearmongering among all you who have taken the jab is what's wrong with this world. You trust without verifying. You live in fear when in reality, COVID is nothing more than a pretty harsh flu. Amazingly, there are next to no deaths from "normal causes" (think heart attacks, stroke, etc) over the past couple of years. Why? Because everything is attributed to COVID!! It is SUCH a sham. Is the virus real? Sure it is! Can the sickness contribute to someone's death? Absolutely! Will the so-called vaccine keep that from happening? LOL nope. Does COVID ALONE kill people? Probably not.
  • Rick - 1/22/2022 9:37:40 AM
    I’m a doctor who volunteered for the vaccine when it was first being tested in June 2020. So, I’m almost 2 years in and have yet to get Covid and I haven’t had a single complication. I did this so I could help patients make up their minds about it when it become available to the public. Most people who get the vaccine don’t want anyone to get sick or die. In fact, it’s a big reason we get it in the first place. I believe in discussions of risks benefits of all of our choices. I have patients who are ER nurses who cry every night because they lost otherwise healthy people to Covid. First hand experience, not reports or statistics. Another patient is a priest who spends every day helping children cope with the death of their parents (yes, plural). I’ve seen too many people walking around with the guilt of causing a family members death by bringing Covid home. Yes, unvaccinated can bring it home too, but it’s easier to sleep at night if you know you did everything you could to prevent it.
  • Rick - 1/22/2022 12:34:30 PM
    I’m a doctor who volunteered for the vaccine when it was first being tested in June 2020. So, I’m almost 2 years in and have yet to get Covid and I haven’t had a single complication. I did this so I could help patients make up their minds about it when it become available to the public. Most people who get the vaccine don’t want anyone to get sick or die. In fact, it’s a big reason we get it in the first place. I believe in discussions of risks benefits of all of our choices. I have patients who are ER nurses who cry every night because they lost otherwise healthy people to Covid. First hand experience, not reports or statistics. Another patient is a priest who spends every day helping children cope with the death of their parents (yes, plural). I’ve seen too many people walking around with the guilt of causing a family members death by bringing Covid home. Yes, unvaccinated can bring it home too, but it’s easier to sleep at night if you know you did everything you could to prevent it.
  • TF - 1/24/2022 2:12:10 PM
    I´m pro-choice when it comes to the vaccine, but I find it troubling that so many of us who are vaxxed are wishing death on those who are unvaccinated? Seriously, seek help because you´re in a dark place. But I just hope the family of this woman knows that it´s almost always something more than covid that kills people. No healthy person has yet died from covid, they always have a pre-existing condition (obesity, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, lung conditions, metabolic syndrome, poor diet, etc). Many have claimed to have lost a ¨perfectly healthy¨ loved one to covid, but not one single case has been proven. We all need to relax a bit and only wish for another what we would wish for ourselves or a loved one. #GoldenRule
  • EC - 1/24/2022 3:51:53 PM
    Why is no one even questioning the actual cause of death? Every story I've seen is the same first hand account by the son: she felt ok, went for a walk, felt back pain and then died minutes later. Does that even sound like a covid death? A death WITH covid; sure, but a death FROM covid? Highly questionable. I know there seem to be a lot of covid cheerleaders who are just jumping at the chance for it to claim another victim with bonus points if they are not vaxxed but Covid doesn't generally kill in minutes. In most cases it takes hours or days to cause severe lung inflammation to the point that you can't oxygenate your blood and you effectively suffocate. By that point you aren't taking a walk in the woods, you are struggling to even stand let alone leave the house.
  • Rick Meade - 2/1/2022 1:19:24 PM
    hope fully god has for given her and she is with him

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