
Dusk offers Austin's hottest DJ, Jungle Julia (Sydney Tamiia Poitier), an opportunity to unwind with two of her closest friends, Shanna and Arlene (Jordan Ladd and Vanessa Ferlito). This three fox posse sets out into the night, turning heads from Guero's to the Texas Chili Parlor.

Not all of the attention is innocent: Covertly tracking their moves is Stuntman Mike (Kurt Russell), a scarred, weathered rebel who leers from behind the wheel of his muscle car. As the girls settle into their beers, Mike's weapon, a white-hot juggernaut, revs just feet away...

Alliance Films
Elizabeth Avellan, Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino
Vanessa Ferlito, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Michael Parks, Michael Bacall, Rosario Dawson, Jordan Ladd, Kurt Russell, Rose McGowan, Eli Roth, Zoe Bell
Quentin Tarantino
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