Amber Heard not fired from Aquaman despite fans' petition Published By Tribute on Jun 15, 2022

Amber Heard as Mera

Despite reports of Amber Heard being fired from her role as Mera in Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, a spokesperson for the actress says that she will remain in the film.

The spokesperson said, "The rumor mill continues as it has from day one — inaccurate, insensitive, and slightly insane."

Reports stemmed from gossip website Just Jared, which claimed an anonymous insider had informed them Heard's role had been recast. They later updated the story stating, "Amber has not been completely cut from the film. She still has a small role."

The rumors of Heard's removal come as no shock, as a fan petition demanding for Heard's removal from the DC film has over four million signatures. Despite the public outcry, Warner Bros. seem to have no intention of cutting the actress from the film. Early reports estimate that Heard appears in about 20-25 minutes of the film.

During her infamous trial last month, Heard testified that her notorious relationship with ex-husband Johnny Depp was the cause of her decreased screen time in the DC film. However, Walter Hamada, president of DC films at Warner Bros, denied such claims, stating that Heard was never intended to have a large role in the movie. During his testimony, he did confirm that there were talks of recasting Heard after production of the first film, due to the lack of chemistry between Heard and Jason Momoa, the film's lead.

Despite these talks, she reprised her role for the film's sequel. She has also appeared in Justice League and Zack Snyder's Justice League alongside Momoa.

Warner Bros. has yet to make a statement surrounding the rumors. The film is scheduled for theatrical release on March 17, 2023.

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Comments & Discussion

  • Sandra - 6/16/2022 9:48:52 AM
    Well done Johnny Depp, poster boy for misogynists everywhere and to those women who revictimize women who’ve been abused in a relationship and on trial, words fail.
  • James - 6/16/2022 9:56:45 AM
    FRICK AQUAMAN! Frick him right in the gills.
  • J - 6/16/2022 10:13:54 AM
    I guess I won’t be watching Aquaman2 then. She admitted in tapes that she hit him. She lied on the stand.
  • Stephen - 6/16/2022 10:26:01 AM
    Sandra, it’s clear you never watched any of the trial. Or understood the Jury’s conclusion.
  • J oneil - 6/16/2022 10:39:47 AM
    So Depp was accused of abusing and then As result second Alice in Wonderland suffered and cost the studio millions of dollars in tickets. Allegations continued and suddenly Depp was cut and replaced in Dumbledore yet he showed up for first day (so he gets paid). So Heard causes millions of dollars multiple times to the studio and Depp. Their case goes to USA showing both sides butts (neither are innocent) and now she gets to stay in the movie??? Their case showed both sides actions but does not and cannot repair the damage to the studio and loss revenue to Depp and yet Heard gets to work on set, gets the film released (soon) and will earn from ticket sales? I hope no one goes to this sequel and costs the studio 10 to 100 millions of dollars in losses. If you run a business you don’t cut one guy, cost yourself millions, and then bet on a far lesser actor (Heard is simply not a great performer and I have forgotten her many times) especially when there are millions of fans (ticket buyers) who want her cut ASAP (no such petitions existed to cut Depp from Dumbledore; the studio was afraid of backlash and cut him to try and save face, try and support a victim, and try to tell the world they don’t want to support an abuser): she earns regardless because she has shot some/all of her scenes (she doesn’t lose income) and she has been proven to be an abuser as well (regardless of the lies she has been caught in). Not only is it a bad choice for the studio to now literally support an abuser but to not listen to millions of fans who don’t want her in this film. The studio should be taken to court and charged with double standards!
  • Johanne - 6/16/2022 11:28:52 AM
    Oh well. I will pass on seeing Aquaman then. Sometimes a principle outways entertainment. This is definitely one of those times.
  • Devin - 6/16/2022 11:43:12 AM
    I don’t care about the trial. Who is right or who is wrong. Both are terrible people as far as I’m concerned. Both were terrible to each other. I don’t want to see her in Aquaman because she is just an awful actress. Whether or not she was an abused or an abuser she is just not a good actress. If WB doesn’t see that then their DC movies will continue to be bad.
  • sheryl dergousoff - 6/16/2022 12:25:49 PM
    Wont go see it if she is still in it!
  • Donna - 6/16/2022 1:32:22 PM
    On principal I will not be seeing Aquaman movie. She is not a good actor to start with. By playing her stunts she has set back legitimate claims of abuse by women (and men).
  • TWS - 6/16/2022 2:05:08 PM
    She should have been fired from the movie If Johnny Depp was removed from Fantastic Beasts and Pirates and all his other projects So should she! That is what true equity is Neither of them should get special treatment They both should have been pulled out of their projects until this was worked out.
  • Terry - 6/17/2022 2:48:13 AM
    She was definitely abused!! Don't say you never saw the video of him slamming things around in their home & her trying desperately to calm him down!! I'm certain there were many other incidents that weren't caught on video when he slammed things AT & ON her. Police had been involved many times. He's violent. She had the perfect proof but the jury chose to ignore it even though the video clearly showed that the moron has no control over his temper.. That so & so has a very mean, violent streak in him & you only need to look at him to see it. The jury went on his side because he has always been a kids favourite in the Jack Sparrow series. He's been the hero of all the children belonging to the jury members. She was seriously duped by that star struck jury with the pittance they awarded her in comparison to the pot of money they gave him. Whatever movies he was pulled from doesn't matter --- he made a mint from abusing Amber thanks to that incompetent jury. He can lay back & eat cake on his couch & count his money while she has to continue working for her earnings. This is a slap in the faces of women everywhere!!
  • ChattyCdn - 6/17/2022 10:19:47 AM
    I seriously don't know what the WB decision-makers are thinking! Even apart from either trial, it's disgusting that they are giving her any screen time at all, because: (a) Long before her involvement with Johnny, she had already been arrested for domestic violence against her former partner Tasya. And though Tasya tried to protect Amber by lying about masogynistic, homophobic cops and instant releases from custody; the arresting officer was an openly gay woman and Amber was actually held overnight before appearing before a judge the next day. The, now retired, arresting officer testified about the arrest during the VA trial, and there is a recording of that morning court session; so this is confirmed info, not gossip or speculation. (b) Amber is literally "on tape" (yes, yes, it's all digital) admitting multiple times to multiple instances of domestic violence against Johnny, including initiating fights, hitting him, kicking him; throwing pots, pans, vases and cans at him; AND telling him that she couldn't promise she wouldn't get violent again. Add to that, the fact that: (c) WB dropped Depp for mere ALLEGATIONS of violence. But they kept, and continue to keep; not just one, but two; irrefutably PROVEN PERPETRATORS (Amber Heard and Ezra Miller) of violence (against women and men alike!) on their payroll. So, regardless of the outcomes of any trials, and regardless of whether people believe her allegations against Depp or not; Amber is, all on her own, a proven, serial abuser; and should not be "celebrated" with continued celebrity, nor be rewarded for her violence with ongoing movie roles. Obviously, I will be among those who will, rightfully, be boycotting the movie.
  • Mike - 6/17/2022 10:24:51 AM
    You'd have to get me tanked to the gills to make me watch an Aquaman movie.
  • ChattyCdn - 6/17/2022 11:52:26 AM
    Dear Terry, While I've no doubt that your heart is in the right place; it is, unfortunately, very clear from your comment that you have not payed any attention to either of the trials nor to any actual evidence. Here are a few corrections to the misinformation that you seem to have received from other sources: (1) The version of that video clip that was initially submitted, was edited to remove both its beginning and its end. Depp was not even paying any attention to Amber at the start of the video. He was busy having a solo fit against THE CUPBOARDS (a fair inclination when someone has just discovered that their money has been mismanaged and embezzled to the tune of $650 million). At which point Amber came in, set up her phone to record him and then intentionally *inserted* herself into a tantrum that had absolutely nothing to do with her... whatsoever. At the end of which; after Johnny saw that Amber was recording him, tossed her phone on the floor and took off in a huff; Amber can be seen picking up her phone and walking away with a chuckle and a self-satisfied smirk - clearly neither harmed nor afraid. (2) All four police officers (2 separate sets) involved, on the ONLY day that there was any police involvement at all, testified (one by sworn statement, 3 by video deposition; including body cam footage from 2 of those officers) FOR Johnny Depp, AGAINST Amber Heard; that, when the officers responded to the two (same night) 911 calls; contrary to her claims: (a) Amber had no visible injuries of any kind (b) There was no evidence of destruction, damage, or disturbance (c) There were, in fact, even after a walkthrough of the penthouse, no visual indications that a crime had occurred (3) Many of the people supporting Depp, myself included, were/are not fans. But are, instead, survivors of domestic violence too, who listened to the audio recordings (not in snippets, but in their entirety), looked at the evidence and clearly recognized which of them was the violent abuser. And, as a result of the evidence, felt obligated to stand, not only in support of Depp, but against the actual abuser, because she was spitting in the faces of survivors and undoing years of progress, by falsely masquerading as the victim. (4) The approx 9 million (that he won't ever see because Amber doesn't even have that much), is peanuts compared to what he has lost from dropped movies AND spent litigating these trials. This wasn't about the money for him. It was about having the chance to fairly present his side of the story. (5) The verdict is not a slap in the face of women, nor of victims. It's only a slap in the face of liars. Do not confuse the two just because the liar in this case happens to be a woman.
  • Neum - 6/17/2022 5:05:16 PM
    Waaa waaaa, "then I won't go see the film now " waaaa. Yes you will. And if you don't who cares. Why don't you look up how Depp screwed over a tribe when he promised them he would buy them land and then never did. And that's been years in years. Or about the fact that he has a perfume called Savage. He's a racist POS
  • Barbara Muszik - 6/17/2022 9:29:51 PM
    Well I am another customer you have lost!!!! I will not be seeing Aquaman 2!!! Yes I watched the whole trial to make my final conclusion and those WHO CHOOSE TO BELIEVE Amber's nonsensical testimony well your S.O.L. She is a true abuser despite what you believe and will go on defending this phony "B" actress then so be it!!
  • Keith Wigley - 6/18/2022 8:11:45 PM
    It's a shame there is a fight over these two, who is better and/or who is more violent. Johnny lost a lot of roles based on the outcome of the trial in England as well as his drinking and drug use on sets. Many people have said how he is and how he treats co-workers. Amber is no sweetheart either and got most of her fame from being with Johnny. I have seen her in other movies and thought she was a good actress as well as seeing Johnny in many films thinking the same thing I watch most movies for the plot and the whole cast rarely for one person. Everybody should have contempt for both of them not for one or the other. Lets hope people can forget these 2 and move on with other actors who deserve our praise. Just my opinion thanks for reading
  • Renee - 6/23/2022 1:10:56 PM
    Terry you could NOT be MORE WRONG. You OBVIOUSLY have NEVER been a victim of a narcissistic abuser. They PUSH YOU to the point of crazy and then TURN IT AROUND To make you LOOK crazy. But quick question if you had found out someone had stolen thousands of dollars of your hard earned money wouldn’t you be slamming stuff around too? Or have you NEVER gotten mad or lost your temper or felt like someone was pushing you over the edge with their stupid petty selfish bull crap? Or are you an abuser too? Ahhhh there it is!! And yes he IS innocent bc he DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO HER. He just finally had enough and ANY victim reacts the same damn way. They just aren’t publicized. He just was able to AFFORD to fight to tell the truth. Told his personal story of hell growing up that was none OF OUR BUSINESS yet he did it so that the truth could be told and you can see why he is like he is. Funny how in all his years he has never been accused of this crap and here she comes and accuses him of it (which she has by the way) and the whole world believes her bc she is a female. She is an absolute disgrace to all women and all victims. She tried to manipulate the entire world and apparently she has managed to do so to a few. I hope and pray you are never on the victim side bc heaven forbid you actually might just understand how bigoted you are
  • Renee - 6/23/2022 1:27:58 PM
    Terry you could NOT be MORE WRONG. You OBVIOUSLY have NEVER been a victim of a narcissistic abuser. They PUSH YOU to the point of crazy and then TURN IT AROUND To make you LOOK crazy. But quick question if you had found out someone had stolen thousands of dollars of your hard earned money wouldn’t you be slamming stuff around too? Or have you NEVER gotten mad or lost your temper or felt like someone was pushing you over the edge with their stupid petty selfish bull crap? Or are you an abuser too? Ahhhh there it is!! And yes he IS innocent bc he DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO HER. He just finally had enough and ANY victim reacts the same damn way. They just aren’t publicized. He just was able to AFFORD to fight to tell the truth. Told his personal story of hell growing up that was none OF OUR BUSINESS yet he did it so that the truth could be told and you can see why he is like he is. Funny how in all his years he has never been accused of this crap and here she comes and accuses him of it (which she has by the way) and the whole world believes her bc she is a female. She is an absolute disgrace to all women and all victims. She tried to manipulate the entire world and apparently she has managed to do so to a few. I hope and pray you are never on the victim side bc heaven forbid you actually might just understand how bigoted you are Chattycdn that was very very well said. I have been on both the victim/survivor side and the side of an advocate for victims of dv. I have also been on the side of seeing a loved one go thru it and not being able to help. Bc a victim will leave their abuser an AVERAGE of 7 times before they leave for good. Bc the abuser has got their claws in their victims mentally emotionally physically and most times financially. What Johnny did I believe will bring more focus on helping those of dv. As for him as a person we tend to forget he is human and therefore not perfect. But he is one of the best there is. His drinking and drug use? They are how he deals with his traumatic hell of a childhood. Is that the right way to deal with it? Probably not but he didn’t lie and doesn’t get volatile towards others. He keeps it to himself and if he got mad at someone on set then you don’t know that it was bc of anything other than a fallout! Who in the hell is anyone to judge another? Are you perfect? No? Then shut the hell up.

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