Monday, August 8, 01:31:13 PM

Perfect timing. NOW, make the move away from the DNC and truly show your love for our country! 5 stars!

Sunday, August 7, 10:27:45 PM

No time back needed...Your life isn't worth anything ;)

Sunday, August 7, 07:53:58 PM

Inspirational,very accurate,truthful ! God bless America the Home of the Brave and the Free🙏🏻👼🏻💒

Sunday, August 7, 05:20:38 PM

Thank GOD for some truth! The media sucks so bad now and they wonder why they have no viewers. Thanks only to Dinesh and FOX News. Gotta go--I have a job, unlike the Liberals on this board. :)

Sunday, August 7, 02:34:05 PM

Total waste of time. Wish I could get that part of my life back!

Sunday, August 7, 02:27:33 PM

It should be required for all students to view.

Sunday, August 7, 01:12:57 PM

Should be required watching for any potential voter prior to November.

Sunday, August 7, 09:35:48 AM

Truthful documentary. Highlights discriminatory activity of liberal judges going after a conservative filmmaker. Showcases the lying liberal media covering up the lies of the origin of Democratic Party .. Must see.

Saturday, August 6, 11:31:26 PM

Factual and unvarnished. Wow!

Saturday, August 6, 04:21:15 PM

Hmmmmmm..illiterate poster below is worried about Trump's hot wife saying a few similar words. LOL WTF! How about lies after lies...manipulation after crime after crime. Are you serious?? Hillary is as criminal as they come....just because she can read a teleprompter doesn't make her qualified or decent. YOU are the people that NEED to see this movie, but you won't. You are too busy whining and complaining about the "Right wing". LOL It's the LEFT wing you need to fear, my friend. We are all going to be poor with another 4 years of this. But, no worries. ISIS will kill us first. Hillary will do NOTHING!! I say, the Liberals should all step up and sacrifice themselves first since they're so dumb.

Saturday, August 6, 04:13:41 PM

Hillary isn't real, she's a puppet. I'm voting for real change-TRUMP 2016!

Saturday, August 6, 04:12:20 PM

Female news anchor back....took my whole family so they could see what my industry doesn't show you. Hillary is going to Hell...that I know for sure.

Saturday, August 6, 04:11:09 PM

Clearly the same douche posting below cuz he's scared to lose his entitlements!!!! Wake up and get a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 5, 10:22:31 PM

People claim it's propaganda and not based on facts. Yet no one can say what part of the movie was based on fiction. From Obama's 2008 Campaign Ad: "The Washington Post says Clinton isn’t telling the truth. [...] But it was Hillary Clinton, in an interview with Tom Brokaw, who quote 'paid tribute' to Ronald Reagan’s economic and foreign policy. She championed NAFTA –- even though it has cost South Carolina thousands of jobs. And worst of all, it was Hillary Clinton who voted for George Bush’s war in Iraq. Hillary Clinton. She’ll say anything, and change nothing. It’s time to turn the page. Paid for by Obama for America." If you really want to know what Obama thinks of crooked Hillary then google Obama vs. Hillary 2008.

Friday, August 5, 05:40:03 PM

It is all right-wing hate agenda with little truth.

Friday, August 5, 09:04:04 AM

Political-propaganda movies are for you... if you want to be fed fictional junk that feeds your dislike of a specific candidate. This is a propaganda piece, not a "movie".

Friday, August 5, 06:33:00 AM

How much Trump gave to Regals Cinemas to set this movie? Let's watch a movie where Trumps make fun of disable people,criticized veterans who were prisoners of war, plagiarism speeches etc. The conections with the KKK.

Friday, August 5, 03:17:20 AM

Went to see this for a neighbour's kid's birthday party. It was great.

Thursday, August 4, 07:51:43 PM

Misrepresentation of history. Obvious scam. I really can't believe anyone would watch this and take it at face value. A movie about trump would be two dimensional as a cartoon.

Thursday, August 4, 05:17:40 PM

Fabulous synopsis of the true roots and misdeeds of the Democrat party and the corruption of the Clinton "Favors For Sale" machine. A little over the top in some areas, but a movie every citizen should see.

Thursday, August 4, 12:32:09 PM

Love this movie! I used to be a sweet person, but now, I refuse to talk to liberals. I ask everyone who they're voting for, if they say Hillary, I walk out of their store or wherever. I don't want your services or goods. Obama has divided us big time!

Wednesday, August 3, 11:54:29 PM

A must see, factual documentary. It should wake up some of our Democrat friends. It portrays a scary future, which would most certainly be those times the prophets of the Bible wrote about. The "End Times".

Wednesday, August 3, 12:11:18 PM

I want a Trump movie.

Wednesday, August 3, 11:51:10 AM

They vote that way because they are stupid Americans. And what personality does Hillary have? Fake as sh-t! Great movie! going again this weekend

Wednesday, August 3, 02:26:51 AM

Actually, people DO vote based on personality and popularity; it starts in school and grows from there.

Tuesday, August 2, 07:34:17 PM


Tuesday, August 2, 07:33:26 PM

We don't need one about "Donald". You don't vote for a President on personality and popularity!! You vote on issues!!!!!!!!!! HELLO!!!! This film was true!! You don't see emails and lies and manipulating like you get from your girl, Hillary!

Tuesday, August 2, 05:17:48 PM

Excellent documentary. It reveals truth and is well done.

Tuesday, August 2, 10:42:24 AM

I sure hope they make one about "the donald" !!!!! But I guess none of you would believe he's anything but a kind, honest, well informed straight up guy who should be the next president of this country. God help us all if he is!!!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 09:24:01 AM

Wow should be standard history for all school kids,

Tuesday, August 2, 05:12:16 AM

I've always found her sexy.

Tuesday, August 2, 12:43:20 AM

Loved the honesty of this movie. Trouble is, those who should watch it won't. They would not believe it. Everyone should see this movie. And this is the person likely to be the next president? God help us all.

Monday, August 1, 11:28:07 PM

Finally the truth

Monday, August 1, 05:10:58 PM

The only truthful documentary on Clinton's ever written....only it just touches the surface. Dinesh D'Souza is a true patriot sacrificing much for all Americans to get the truth out to all of us. Course, if any of us had read about them for the last 25 years you would already know we would never, ever put her into the highest office of the land. She needs serious jail time. D'Souza needs a medal for heroism beyond the call of duty as an American citizen, for what he has done is nothing less than take his life into his hands with this... a 2nd time. He is my hero.

Monday, August 1, 03:28:32 PM

Historical accuracy and detail. Crucial for Americans to know.

Monday, August 1, 01:08:09 PM

Truth hurts. Wake up, America!

Monday, August 1, 12:53:43 AM

Learned a lot. Fact filled and easy to verify.

Sunday, July 31, 03:09:07 PM

Spot on

Sunday, July 31, 03:06:02 PM

Brace yourself for this one....I'm a young, female news anchor that loved this film. It is true that the networks try to undermine Trump; I've sat at my desk and watched feeds come from NBC in NY with stories that are soooooo slanted. I want to quit and go to FOX News. :( I'm bummed for all Americans, especially the naïve who believe the lies they are fed. I make my co-anchor do political stories because I'm afraid I'll blurt out the truth. How dare I do that? lol I feel like a disgusting person for being an anchor, but at least I speak up in the news room. Some one has to!

Sunday, July 31, 02:46:24 PM

It is for democrats like finding out your beloved father has been a rapist all his life in secret. They just can't accept the facts. I have researched most facts brought up in the movie and they are correct. Denesh's predictions about Obama did come about. They are steeling our freedom at an alarming rate. Freedom of speech has taken a hit with Obamas new LAW we can't say anything offensive to Muslims. That's illegal to first amendment and another for government making laws in favor of a single religion. God has warned us, democrats are doing everything they can to go against God. Lies put Hillary in the frying pan with company of legions.