Monday, July 3, 10:04:15 PM

Loved it, Harrison Ford still rocks Indiana Jones

Monday, July 3, 09:28:17 PM

Great action and exciting. Loved it.

Monday, July 3, 11:24:40 AM

Not worth your time.

Monday, July 3, 10:22:16 AM

Could not hear them and the sub closed caption was too small and never stayed on long enough to read. confuding story and boring.

Monday, July 3, 01:53:19 AM

Movie is for fans of the famous archaeologist and is a fun filled, sentimental conclusion to the saga. Only issue I had was the casting of Phoebe-Waller Bridge, as Helena. Although not a bad actress, just appeared to be out of place in the movie. My rating is 3.75, not sure why it appeared incorrectly.

Monday, July 3, 01:51:37 AM

Movie is for fans of the famous archaeologist and is a fun filled, sentimental conclusion to the saga. Only issue I had was the casting of Phoebe-Waller Bridge, as Helena. Although not a bad actress, just appeared to be out of place in the movie.

Sunday, July 2, 10:11:35 PM

Loved it! Enjoyed the characters both old and new and their interactions. The action was great and in the tradition of an Indy movie (though the underwater sequence could have been less murky). A fitting final story for an iconic character!

Sunday, July 2, 09:49:31 PM

I was a bit worried that I might be disappointed but I really enjoyed the movie and seeing Indy in action again ! Rates up there with the best of the series. Lots of action and some touching moments too . I'll see it again before it leaves the theatres.

Sunday, July 2, 07:03:37 PM

Loved the action, the fun and seeing Harrison Ford in the limelight again!

Sunday, July 2, 02:04:23 PM

I really wanted to like this movie. As one of the 'older' fans of the series, having seen the original in the theater when I was a tween, I was hoping a return to the older style. None of it. The plot was soooooo weak, and other than the villain (who was pretty good, but had limited screen time), there were only 2 types of characters: new, contrived characters (e.g. 'god-daughter' - really?), or the old actors dialing in cameo performances, including Ford. Salla, Marion were tossed onto the pile, but with no tangible result. The movie was too long for a story that drags, a predictable outcome, and really a movie that should not have been made, sadly. The only reason it's not 1 star is because the de-aged sequences were actually pretty good (if you can ignore Ford's old man voice coming out of a young body), and as mentioned, the villain was pretty good. What a letdown...

Saturday, July 1, 10:52:25 AM

I am glad the reviews are good cause I love the series

Saturday, July 1, 10:34:41 AM

DISNEY delivers once again a terrific Indiana Jones film you don't want to miss this one the last one and the best ending will surprise you. Very exciting and the acting was top notch, the scenes were true Disney creations. Wonderful and worth every penny!

Saturday, July 1, 09:20:32 AM

Best Indy movie since "Raiders". Non-stop action, good story, good acting.

Saturday, July 1, 03:13:39 AM

Best of the series.

Saturday, July 1, 01:54:16 AM

It’s the end of an era. And what a great way to go out! James Mangold and Harrison Ford captured the spirit and heart of the character. Harrison Ford is pure magic; an action hero; an icon of adventure and of cinematic history. Spielberg, Lucas, Ford, Mangold, cast and crew - thank you for giving us one last adventure with Indiana Jones! It’s spectacular film! A+

Saturday, July 1, 12:40:09 AM

I am embarrassed that I stayed even 1 hour. Harrison Ford has always been a favorite of mine but no more. This movie, and his acting, was just crap. Clearly an sad end of a career.

Friday, June 30, 11:38:00 PM

Exciting, kept interest going, great action, great actors!

Friday, June 30, 11:24:22 PM

Indy Rides Again! For all of you older folks out there, this movie reminds us why we went to see the original again and again. Keeping the mystery of archeology alive, Doctor Jones is drawn back into his past and his love for artifacts that he has held so dear his entire life. When we catch back up to Indy, he has almost lost all reason to live. His life is a shambles and he is retiring from teaching. His God-daughter shows up just in time to drag him back into the present. She has alternative reasons for wanting his help; Indy finds out how many others are after the same piece of history in their meeting. The chase begins and the struggle to find the missing artifacts makes this a worthy story. Indy's old bones and worn-out muscles are put to the test while his God-daughter and her compatriot fight the bad guys in true Indiana Jones style. There’s plenty of references to the original movie to please all the old timers like myself. Getting to see Indy Ride Again makes it an easy choice to buy that ticket and a popcorn !

Friday, June 30, 10:23:15 PM

A worthy sequel to the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. 5/5

Friday, June 30, 10:23:03 PM

If you're an Indy fan, or even if you are not, this movie will not disappoint. It is everything an Indy movie should be.

Friday, June 30, 10:15:37 PM

Really fun movie. The story worked really well.

Friday, June 30, 07:41:36 PM

Spectacular! A wild ride with adventure and plenty of action with suspense. Acting was super good film well done. The ending is so very special it is epic. A must see movie!

Friday, June 30, 06:31:27 PM

I enjoyed watching this movie. It was one of Indiana Jones better adventures. Lots of action. I don't understand how it got lukewarm reviews. Maybe it wasn't woke enough for the liberal media? Anyway, the movie is more PG-13 than PG in my opinion. Good movie to see.

Friday, June 30, 02:02:31 PM

I enjoyed this movie very much. My favourite part was the time travel into history. Both lead actors were great. Two thumbs up.

Friday, June 30, 10:25:37 AM

A true DISNEY experience and Harrison Ford one of the Great actors of our time, this will be a blockbuster! Director James Mangold who game us Ford Vs. Ferrari, well what's not to like. Plenty of action in this movie and will keep you in your seat. Sounds like a classic to me. Let's go see!

Thursday, June 29, 11:52:31 PM

My husband & I saw this move and it was very well done. It was action packed right from the get go. Even Antonio Banderas had a bit of a cameo and he is always good for a laugh. It kinda wrapped up from where he left off with his previous adventures to the present. It was a good ending!! Loved the CGI as well!

Sunday, June 25, 03:52:20 PM

I expected Harrison Ford to be in this more, but the female lead was outstanding.

Wednesday, May 31, 11:16:58 AM