Friday, November 14, 04:28:52 PM

great movie

Friday, November 14, 03:25:37 PM

Wasnt as good as I hoped, wasn't horrible. It was long - I think I drifted off about 3 times...the last part was so unrealistic, it kinda ruined it for me.

Friday, November 14, 09:56:32 AM

Liked it, would have preferred it shorter. Cool visual and sound effects. Great cast; Matthew McConaughey,John Lithgow and Matt Damon were all amazing. The story very interesting and entertaining. Worth seeing.

Thursday, November 13, 09:10:12 PM

was off the edge of my seat the whole time! Best movie of the year!!!

Thursday, November 13, 12:17:05 PM

I joined a friend who wanted to see this and was pleasantly surprised for the 1st 2hrs. It would have been better had they dropped the Matt Damon encounter (much as I love him) that dragged it out far too long.

Thursday, November 13, 03:58:00 AM

Great movie, bring out the family relationship and value of time. A really tear jerker, very sad story.

Thursday, November 13, 02:04:24 AM

Chris Nolan is a 5 dimensional creative genious. Chris's latest tale is a complicated love story between a father and a daughter.that ultimaely perseveres through practical and metaphysical dimensions. I m still deeply touched & in awe after viewing Chris's latest masterpiece.

Wednesday, November 12, 08:39:31 PM


Wednesday, November 12, 06:33:01 PM

boring want to leave after the first 1/2, also couldn't hear them talking most of the time.

Wednesday, November 12, 03:43:10 PM

This movie was beyond boring, very unrealistic, if you like sci-fi then you might enjoy it but just painful and extremely long.

Wednesday, November 12, 11:53:24 AM

Despite the negative reviews, found the movie very entertaining. It had my attention for the entire script. It's science fiction people not a documentary. Maybe a little knowledge of quantum physics or theory of relativity helps.

Wednesday, November 12, 11:19:40 AM

The first hour is soooo slow I kept checking my watch. The last half hour was absolute nonsense. Wish we had waited for it to come on tv.

Wednesday, November 12, 10:26:05 AM

The acting was good until the actors or the script couldn't keep up with the science. Where was Sheldon Cooper(the Coop, coincidence?)when the movie needed him?

Tuesday, November 11, 11:44:45 PM

Fantastic movie that is ahead of our times. A movie from the future indeed! I am very happy and I feel privileged to be alive and to have had the chance to see this masterpiece.

Tuesday, November 11, 09:52:10 PM

Very emotional and exciting story with great acting and vfx. The musical score was, at times, overpowering the dialogue, which was leaving some people in the theatre confused as to what was going on. Has a space odyssey quality, not just a run of the mill sci-fi movie. Worth watching in theatres as opposed to waiting for dvd.

Tuesday, November 11, 09:44:51 PM

Incredible! I haven't been that affected by a film in years! I cried, jumped out of my seat, and clung to the edge of it in parts. I went in expecting to be entertained, never needing to 'make sense" of the science, and that's what I got - incredible entertainment! Amazing acting! A must see!

Tuesday, November 11, 08:13:50 PM

i was on board until the last 30 min! then went to star trek sci-fi and ugh, really??

Tuesday, November 11, 11:59:21 AM

Great acting and visuals. Problem is movie is pitched as something real that you can relate to and plausible enough to happen in our future and then takes a sharp turn and becomes very far-fetched so you lose interest. I found it as a bit of a cliché and not as entertaining as I thought it would be.

Tuesday, November 11, 11:11:01 AM

Must have been a timex!?!?? HOrrible horrible movie. DON"T DON'T DON'T go see Interstellar. More holes in the storyline AND science that swiss cheese. Half the dialogue of Matther McConnahey was unintelligible and mumbled, a watch that lasts over 40 years with no need for a battery replacement, just plain crap crap crap. not sure why the reviews are so was painful and thought of walking out several times. and i am a sci fi buff!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 09:49:48 AM

Wait for it on TV. Like sci-fi but this is far to unbelievable. Can tolerate if it entertains but this almost put me to sleep

Monday, November 10, 10:14:01 PM

Love it! Very good movie! It is the best futuristic of our time!

Monday, November 10, 10:09:51 PM

Interstellar was an excellent movie, it is worth seeing, Matthew McConaughey was really good in the movie.

Monday, November 10, 10:02:49 PM

This movie is great. If you liked Inception, you will love this movie. Must see.

Monday, November 10, 09:43:11 PM

So fake

Monday, November 10, 07:45:00 PM

If you like Inception you will love this movie. Interstellar would blow Inception's mind. The acting is phenomenal. It's a movie you need to watch many times to grasp. I can understand why those who aren't Sci-Fi fans may not be able to suspend disbelief long enough to enjoy it. This is the greatest Sci-Fi film of all time, next to Star Wars.

Monday, November 10, 02:59:14 PM

Absolutely great movie, if I had gone to see it, but, it costs so much, I'll go to Pirate

Monday, November 10, 01:44:50 PM

Absolutely Stellar Movie! Did not seem like 3 hours AT ALL! Very interesting that the passage of time was not the same for the people on Earth as it was for the main characters traveling through Space.Cool Cool

Sunday, November 9, 03:21:12 PM

Great special effects but the music ruined a critical scene when Michael Caine dropped the bomb about the whole theme of the movie!! Incoherent last third so the best you can do is si back and let it go.

Sunday, November 9, 12:51:31 PM

Christopher Nolan DOES IT AGAIN!

Sunday, November 9, 12:47:29 PM

One of the best movies of the year

Sunday, November 9, 12:45:15 PM

Another masterpiece from director Christopher Nolan. Amazingly awesome.

Sunday, November 9, 12:15:47 PM

The best movie I've seen this year. It is a masterpiece!

Sunday, November 9, 09:09:18 AM

Anyone giving the movie less then 5 stars clearly did not understand the movie.

Sunday, November 9, 05:48:38 AM

A long enthralling story, generally well-told. First-class visuals. Mackenzie Foy and Jessica Chastain were quite good. The writing suffered, at times. Some of the technical dialogue was overly simplified and unrealistic. Overall, very entertaining.

Saturday, November 8, 11:38:50 PM

I don't know if it was the theater or the movie but the picture quality was horrendous and the music played so loud in places that you couldn't even hear there dialogue.

Saturday, November 8, 08:19:05 PM

anyone giving this less than 4 stars is a complete moron

Saturday, November 8, 09:50:07 AM

Just an average movie. Biggest detractor was the music. It was much to loud. That's the soundtrack, not the theatre. There were many scenes where the music overpowered the dialogue. Just couldn't hear people talking. Would have been nice to know what disaster had befallen the earth to necessitate the need to save the earths population. Life seemed somewhat normal but some worldwide disaster had occurred but there wasn't much background to explain what had happened. Bring some ear plugs.

Saturday, November 8, 12:12:45 AM


Friday, November 7, 11:02:49 PM

Felt clubbed to death by the amount of exposition and narration explaining every inch of the film and leaving nothing for the film goer to figure our on their own. It spoiled the movie for me.

Friday, November 7, 10:08:40 PM

This is the single greatest movie I have seen in recent years, the effects were exceptional! The acting was superb, the story was provoked all sorts of emotions. And it brought up a major issue that we are going to have to start considering for the sake of our future. Everyone must go see this!