everything about this movie is bad. It's very boring, weak story, awful end, no creativity and it's a singing movie. This movie doesn't reflect the real joker legendary character that you used to see on all the movies that you have watched about the joker starting from the batman saga to suicide squad to joker part one. Joker part one it was much better in everything, I thought that this part would be epic but unfortunately it's very disappointing. I really regret to waste my time watching this movie.
Loved it.
Very sad. Dull too.
I was not going to see it because reviews are so bad. How can a movie with Juaquin Phoenix be bad? And Lady Gaga is so talented! Then I learned that it's a musical. I love musicals! But it's a lousy musical. I should have left.
I had not read about this movie , I expected some action. Movie with Batman or lots of wham bang action But it was a musical drama I stayed and did enjoy this Take on the Joke story
Todd Phillips and Phoenix did not want to do the movie, so they alienated the fans so that there won't be a Joker 3. I liked it.
This was a huge disappointment. The idea behind it might have been intersting but it's painful to sit through and ultimately felt pointless.
Why did they make a movie sequel that works hard to alienate the fans of the original film? It's just lame, unenjoyable and disappointing in every way.
A stunningly beautiful film.
Interesting, but most people will hate it. If you like something that's bold, weird and daring, this is for you.
I thought it was brilliant. Very well done and acted. Great story line. The "musical" aspect was not in any way hokey. And then... the end. Wtf? It was so confusing I had to go home and look up an explanation for what I knew I must have missed. What I learned kept this movie in the brilliant category but they really blew it. The message at the end was done so subtly that it seems almost everyone else missed it too. Hence, the bad reviews it is receiving. I can easily think how they could have made the ending more clear so everyone would understand it. Too late now though. What a shame. Do they not have screenings before they release big features like this one. How could they blow it so badly?
Should have ended earlier. Too long. Gaga is great though.
Bring your kids
More harlips movies
No more hare-lips in our movies please!!!
Great movie and awesome acting.
I thought this film was brilliant. Both Joaquin Phoenix and Lady GaGa were perfect in their roles. I really don't understand the negativity being dished out - did everyone just want wall-to-wall violence? Because there is quite a bit of that for them to enjoy, along with the clearly underappreciated music. I wish Todd Phillips and everyone associated did not have to listen to their work being bashed so relentlessly, when it is truly a work of art.
It was a hoot
Yes, the acting was excellent. Visually as dark and muted as expected. But I would have fast forward through the singing. If had known about that bit I wouldn't have wasted my money. The plot was linear and unchallenging. The whole thing could have been edited down to under an hour. Nowhere near as good as the first. Don't bother.
Phoenix embodies the songs with raw emotion ranging from hurt and pain to the joy experienced by a hopeless, lonely man who believes that he has made a real connection. The pacing is excellent with one hit after another coming alive on the screen, and contrary to what many reviews state there is indeed a storyline; it is based on the tragic life of Arthur that is characterized by deception and rejection with the songs serving as a through line to his fleeting moments of happiness as well as his overwhelming sorrow. Phoenix gives a tremendous, resounding heartfelt performance down to the heartbreaking end.
Another exercise in stigmatizing/slandering the mentally ill. The Nazis had a similar attitude towards those unfortunates.
This movie was awful, just awful. I was expecting something on the order of the first one, and what a disappointment. No story, no real plot. Its way too long. And then make it into a quasi-musical? Ugh. Save your money, I'm serious.
I'm with the sleeper crowd, should have stayed home.
It was amazing! I contend it's the Cadillac of comic-book movies and it's going to make Lady Gaga a star.
The script takes the audience down a dark and sensless path. Lady Gaga's character was dismal and depressive, and Joquin depiction of the Joker was that of a weak and frail idiot. Worst sequel EVER and DC will pay a dear price with audiences drop off.
I loved the movie.....Hated the ending. Lady Ga-Ga was good, but didn't feel like a Harley. The songs were cool....didn't feel like a musical. The twist at the end was lame....after such a appogetic film.
The musical aspect is so unique for a hero/villain movie I loved it!
Joker and Harley’s descent into madness was amazing to watch the ending was surprising
Loved everything it’s such a great film the first movie is better but this one is still amazing
you could tell after 15 minutes you should probably walk out on this one.
Sweeney Todd *is* a musical, you idiot! This speaks volumes about the mentality of the childish idiots who like this garbage.
A masterpiece of mirth and mayhem! Phoenix is deserving of another Oscar for his outstanding reprise of the character -- every punchline lands and the songs are all catchy and memorable and sure to hit big! Is it better than the first one? I'd answer with an emphatic YES! JOKER: FOLIE A DEUX plays like a musical SWEENEY TODD and rates as one of the best films of the year. Phoenix is unforgettable and Lady Gaga is a star!!! 9.5/10
Not the Joker movie we needed or wanted. It's a passable movie but not a good movie. A rather dreary and moot 2 hours.
Seen it twice
Before watching this movie it is imperative to see the first joker movie, otherwise this one would make no sense. The sequel was well done as a musical but not overly musical. The movie at a little over two hours kept my interest. There were a few twist and turns which kept it interesting and an ending that made sense but yet was not expected.
Absolutely amazing!! I didn’t think it would have been better than the original but it was. Wouldn’t have changed a thing.
Could not stand 100 minutes if a 134 minute movie being absolute torturous singing!!! WORST.MOVIE.EVER!!!
This is cinema