Better than the first one!
This is one of the worst movies I have even seen. I had no idea it was a musical. Acting was horrible and the movie was very poorly planned. Don't waste your time or money on this one folks! BOOO!
Ever since I saw the original Mean Girls, I thought, “This movie would be so much better if the girls weren’t white!” It’d have the potential to be even better than the Ghostbusters remake! Now I just have to wait for them to remake AirBud with a vegan girl dog, the mere fact that it’s a boy dog is simply not believable. Who is honestly writing all of these lazy remakes?
Better than what some here say.
We left within 15 minutes. We thought Tina Fey would turn out something really good. What a disappointment.
This movie was pretty bad, and not in a good way.
This movie was pretty good. Don't listen to the haters.
It keeps you interested in what’s next. Great producer and director.
It's a waste of money - 3 of us walked out in the middle of it. It was totally ridiculous.
Oh we have seen the movie portrays young women as sexy sexy air heads.
I took my niece (22 ) to see this movie. I am a senior and did not expect much, except for a bunch of air heads and woke teachers. I was partially right. However, she found it entertaining and so did I. Never bored. Certainly not what I would want in my dvd collection, but it was fast paced and reminded me why I hated high school with all the cliques and mindless drama only on a much worse scale. I would recommend it if you have nothing else to do on a miserable day. The bus incident is hilarious. A number of other scenes too. Certainly NOT five stars. This is not one of them. That is reserved for quality pictures which are seldom made nowadays. Something that most reviewers here have no idea what that is or the pitiful troll (s) who have nothing else to do and have never seen the movie.
Save your money!
They blew it. Sometimes it's just better to leave the classics alone.
it was weird
This is how you do musical to movie adaptations. It was already a good show and we alll can recite the first movie, huge shoes to fill and they di it! The fact that you get some of the same lines from the first movie is great, they are ackowledging this is the same movie and giving you some of those same iconic lines, but with the songs and the crazy musical vibe to it feels different and is a great time. Reginas songs are all great, she also played Regina in the show and she was great. There was one song that had a bit of strobey things that was a little confusing, but its better they did too much than too little and the rest of the movie makes up for it. Very early on in the movie theres a couple great transitions and thats how I knew id love it, there was cool choreography and great transitions, overall yes, very fun time, happy 20 years since Mean Girls
Love this! Only thing was when Regina George was singing it was soooo loud and kind of shrill in the high notes. Other than that, great!
best movie of the year already!!!
better than the original!