Everyone should see this, men and women alike
Humans can be kind!!!
Sometimes in life we think we can fix the circumstances of life. It may feel like God is distant, doesn't hear our cries for help. All the while, God is orchestrating the events that bring the answer to prayer. Don't lose faith, don't give up, because God has everything under control. His thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are his ways our ways.
If your faith is ever in need of a boost, this is the show to see! All actors do very well in their roles. Hillary & Alan are a great match in the leads. And keeps you fully engaged throughout! So good to see some real grit & life coming back to the big screen. Hope we keep seeing more! I never waste time or $ on the crap shoved at us as ‘movies & entertainment’ the past several years. But I won’t hesitate to dig in my pockets for substance. Keep it coming! Noah’s Ark is next for us. And only getting 2 DAYS!!! Hope it shows close enough. And hope OA at least gets a nod for something, to bring more attention to quality ppl want.
Very moving family film.
Great movie
Great movie
Great movie
BRING TISSUES! Absolute must see film. Will keep you glued to your seat. A real test of faith you won't be dissapointed.
Hillary Swank knocks it out of the park.
Hilary Swank is Awasome!
I loved this movie! It shows what a difference one person can make. And how perseverance pays off. Truly inspiring. All the actors were amazing, but Hillary was excellent. We need more of this kind of movies! God bless the all who were involved with project.
This movie was an incredible story of one person who in her own pain took on the role of someone who could make a difference. Totally changed her life. Couldn’t stop telling everyone I know to go see this beautiful story.
You knew what was coming but the details were funny.
I loved everything about this move!
What an absolutely wonderful movie.. and indeed shows Who is in charge and with FAITH, truly mountains can move. It also showed the true “ordinary” angels, not just the BIG ones like Hilary represented but all the other angels we are surrounded with in our human journey…waiting to be tapped into. We desperately need these kinds of movies to remind us of that. Thank you.
It had it all-good storyline, great acting, based on a true story, easy to watch, and you were happy at the end. The movie makes you think about humanity and if you are a "giver or a taker". You find out that other people have bigger problems than you and you need to continue to try and never give up.
A wonderful movie that hits all the emotion buttons & keeps you thoroughly engaged from beginning to end! The leads are great! Hillary shined in this challenging role that made you believe her, 💯! So did Alan! The 2 worked well together on screen. The girls were also very good in their rolls. Everyone was! Reminds us all, God is the ultimate Waymaker! No matter how bad things look, keep your faith. B/C God is ever faithful! Hope to see more movies w/such good, dramatic content. No foul language or lewd scenes needed. Hope this touched the actors hearts, as much as it did mine. You won’t be disappointed.
Wow!! That lead was awesome!! And so were the little girls! It was funny, sweet, heartbreaking, and miraculous! None of us is perfect, but if we listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and reach out and help our neighbors, we are doing God's will and you can change hearts and souls for eternity! What an awesome privilege He gives us!
This movie kept your attention for the whole showing. Never lost interest with the storyline. Highly recommended!
OH MY acting terrific true story major miracle you will enjoy. Hillary Swank was perfect for the lead part did super performance. Some tense scenes you won't be disappointed.
I loved it. It was a true story, and I’d love the actors too.
Great movie !! So positive and the kind of movie we have been missing !! Its about time to see this kind of movie again !!!