Monday, July 4, 11:20:09 PM

The best of the last three for sure, so if you bothered to see the other two and well enjoyed the pain, go see this one.

Monday, July 4, 02:23:47 PM


Friday, July 1, 12:19:13 AM

I think it was awsome. the best part is where you get to see yoda fight

Wednesday, June 29, 03:39:11 PM

I thought Star wars 3 was the best movie i have ever seen. I recommend it to everyone to see because it shows how Anakin Skywalker became DARTH VADER. When I saw the first 3 I always wondered how Anakin became Vader. Now I understand. But there`s more to the story than man becoming machine. It`s about the Dark side of people. When we let our anger/hatred of other people get the best of us/we lose control. We become the Anger. Jack G. M.

Wednesday, June 29, 12:41:43 AM

So basically Darth Vader comes into being because he`s a whiny kid who can`t wait a cpl years to become a jedi master? So full of logistic holes it boggles the mind.

Tuesday, June 28, 06:49:53 PM

It was by far the best of all 6. It`s hard to compare it to the classics but it was the best. The lightsaber duels were brilliant! Especially the final duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan. Anakin`s transition to the dark side was perfectly done. it was believeable and you could sympathize with the charactor. It helped you understand how someone with such a good heart and good intentions could become so evil. After seeing it, if you go back and watch episodes 1 & 2 again they`re even better and it makes sense why they were written the way they were. The dialoge could have been a bit better but being someone who writes scripts in my spare time, i k

Monday, June 27, 09:34:33 PM

Amazing. This put everything in perspective. The fight scenes are amazing, Yoda rocks and Anakin`s transformation, to see what really pushed him over the edge, was crazy. I loved it.

Monday, June 27, 02:40:41 PM

A flawed masterpiece, definitely the best "prequel." Star Wars III ranks up there with the Episodes IV, V, and VI. One short coming was Hayden Christensen`s inability to provide the emotional punch needed for the transformation from Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader and as such the last lightsaber battle between Anakin (Darth) and Obi-Wan Kenobi (McGregor) did not have the desperate feel it should have had.

Monday, June 27, 06:39:05 AM

it was the worst film i have ever seen in my life!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 24, 06:57:09 PM

Even better than Empire....Absolutely awesome!!!!

Friday, June 24, 01:49:28 PM

Thank you for this Master piece of work!!! In all honesty, we felt something was missing from the portrayal of the relationship of Anakin and Amadala. It was very well done but some phases could have been fleshed out. More great meaningful dialogue was needed to keep the great acting from falling somewhat flat/short. Also, the decent of Anakin into the dark side could have been more detailed and fleshed out as well. There were other relationship/emotion/dialogue fine tuning instances in the movie that could have been strengthened. Great job with this Masterpiece anyway!!! Congradulations Mr. Lucas!!!! Love and deep appreciation to you for the

Friday, June 24, 01:30:15 PM

For those of us who grew up on Star Wars, this third instalment in the prequel to the original fare delivers the goods in bringing back the epic space sage that we all know and love. Well done Mr. Lucas!

Friday, June 24, 11:30:24 AM

its a great movie

Friday, June 24, 02:46:19 AM

We ate pizza, we had soda, we had pop corn and saw a Master piece of work!!! Agree or hush!!! Thank you! In all honesty We felt something was missing from the portrayal of the relationship of Anakin and Amadala. It was very well done but some phases could have been fleshed out. More great meaningful dialogue was needed to keep the great acting from falling somewhat flat/short. Also, the decent of Anakin into the dark side could have been more detailed and fleshed out as well. There were other relationship/emotion/dialogue fine tuning instances in the movie that could have been strengthend. Great job with this Masterpiece anyway!!! Congradula

Thursday, June 23, 03:17:54 PM

Better by far than the trailer trash movie #2 but still lacks imagination.

Thursday, June 23, 12:45:04 PM

A very good movie wraps up the plot in a very satisfying way.

Wednesday, June 22, 11:49:12 PM

Great! Awesome! The special effects were amazing breaking new ground as the original STAR WARS. Lucas tied in the story to the next and original installment well. Great job!

Wednesday, June 22, 11:04:01 PM

How can people not like this? It is the best of all 6. For all the great action scenes it has a very deep story. And as for the story being pridictable everyone should know what will happen, did you know the Titanic sank?

Wednesday, June 22, 07:35:23 PM

Thanks to George Lucas for ignoring all the backlash from episodes one and two, to create worlds that were stunningly impressive and beyond all expectations. Bravo George. We are saddened by the thought of the completion of the saga we all grew up with and love.

Wednesday, June 22, 06:00:15 PM


Wednesday, June 22, 04:13:40 PM

I thought it was by far the best Star Wars so far.

Tuesday, June 21, 05:06:58 PM

dialogue was soo cheesy, it would have been much better with a different script

Monday, June 20, 05:11:54 AM

Not a bad Movie. Does a great job of tying it all together and setting the stage for episodes 4 - 6. Acting was lack luster to say in the least, humour was well placed. Think movie could have been longer to help show Anakins decent to the dark side in a little more detail, that part of the plot seemed rushed but over all a good movie I give it three and a half stars.

Sunday, June 19, 11:23:18 PM

Wow! I was very impressed! It all makes sense now! To think what we were actually missing as kids..... Knowing the end is not the same as knowing the whole story...

Sunday, June 19, 10:54:55 PM

Needed better dialogue. Empire Strikes Back is still the best.

Sunday, June 19, 08:23:40 PM

This was a great movie. Even though it didn`t have comparism to the original three it was still a wonderful movie. I enjoyed it, it was interesting. I suggest you all see. I LIKE I HOPE YOU LIKE lol- Borat

Sunday, June 19, 12:09:39 PM

i thought it was the best one, can`t wait to see more of George Lucas`s work!

Saturday, June 18, 07:52:15 PM

I like light-sabers they are really cool i also like the movie but the episodes 4 5 6 were better than it. I LIKE LIGHT-SABERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 18, 06:56:35 PM

It was better than the first two prequels in the trilogy but compared to other films, this movie did not measure up. I think the reason a lot of people saw the movie is because Star Wars and specifically, Darth Vader, has become part of popular culture. It has become an event that people had to see. Hayden Christensen`s portrayal did not do justice to the character of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. His acting consisted mainly of frowning and looking hostile while his dialogue and the way he said them made him look and sound like a spoiled brat-child-man who throws a tantrum whenever things don`t go his way. In any event, it`s a mystery to

Saturday, June 18, 03:35:37 PM


Saturday, June 18, 11:48:11 AM

I like it. I see it. You see it. It makes money. We happy. No jar jar. We laugh. we cry. we scream.we die! Great film

Friday, June 17, 10:51:48 PM

I was very worried at first. When did droids get a sarcastic sense of humor? Droids were not so advanced in the later episodes. Episode 3 started off very corny, however, after the first hour it did start to redeem itself and by the end I did like how it tied itself with 4,5 and 6. Was nice to see the Wookie introduction in this episode as well.

Friday, June 17, 08:07:03 PM


Friday, June 17, 06:04:53 PM

It was AWESOME!!! 5 Stars for sure. Monica M

Friday, June 17, 02:15:02 PM

I can`t see how this movie could possibly be any better. It tied all the movies together and was way better than the last two. Great action! I loved it and can`t wait to see it on DVD.

Friday, June 17, 01:39:09 PM

I enjoyed the movie; however, I felt that something was missing at the end to tie the movies together. I think expanding on how the rebels began to organize when the empire formed could have been shown. Otherwise I really enjoyed the movie and I am disapointed the series is over.

Thursday, June 16, 09:45:57 PM

I was very good, but at the end I was waiting for more. I guess that shows how spoiled we are these days at theatres. We always want more and more action, special effects and new ideas.

Thursday, June 16, 08:10:03 PM

"Have the protocal droid memory wiped". Ill see it again to get that line. Anyway Iam impressed by the movie. Even the `Lucas` cheezy dialogue was good. I was actually sorry to see the series end. Ill buy the book and read it when it hits paper back.

Thursday, June 16, 12:48:14 PM

the best one yet and can`t wait for it to be on DVD

Wednesday, June 15, 11:46:44 PM

this was so cool, i like the lightsabers and how they kill little jedi wannabes. yoda is the shiznatt.