Thursday, October 27, 10:16:54 AM

Another movie pushing an agenda and poisoning children's minds. One star for the animation only.

Thursday, August 18, 07:24:38 PM

The family that sticks together stays together ,sort of. I liked it a lot. There are some strange things but who cares -- it is supposed to be feel good movie and funny so in this respect it was.

Monday, December 6, 10:03:37 AM

Meh. I mean, it's not bad, nice family moments but the father was a hunter with trophies all over the place and then at the last moment, a major character is gay? No thanks. Ruined it for me. If she'd been gay from the outset, but to spring it on the audience like that is just annoying and that's when I know there's a gay agenda. The filmmakers thought they'd sneak it in at the last moment, knowing a lot of families wouldn't go if she was openly gay. From the lack of comments votes here, I guess most people didn't really care for this movie.