Thursday, June 23, 08:03:44 PM

Cool action packed movie with relatable characters. The troll below could not walk out of the theater because it wasn´t in theaters at all.

Tuesday, October 12, 05:16:55 PM

family melodrama, a cheesy one at that, with boring retro looking aliens and dead bodies everywhere. this movie was a very ambitious project that turned into a massive flop. wanted to walk out after 30 minutes....

Monday, July 5, 05:20:03 PM

The best movie I have seen for years. It´s action packed, the alien creatures are fugly and scary but there is also a big emphasis on family bonds. Never believe the rotten critics. If the movie isn´t woke, they will give it low ratings. Funny thing is this movie has diverse cast and badass women but it´s not enough because Chris Pratt is the enemy just because he´s a white man and Christian.