Saturday, April 6, 08:26:53 PM

Finally a movie that shows us that a fetus is a human being, a baby, has life, has a heartbeat a brain, I loved how they showed the whole truth about the procedures of abortions. It put tears in my eyes. Very well performed. The actors were amazing.

Saturday, April 6, 08:10:48 PM

Well done. Story line was very moving and emotional. Applaud your efforts to expose the evil being done by Planned Parenthood. Have always been pro-life, but even so it shocked me back into reality. Have posted on Facebook encouraging everyone to go see this movie.

Saturday, April 6, 06:23:36 PM

Wonderful depiction of the horrors that accompany abortion. So glad this movie was created. It’s about time.

Saturday, April 6, 06:23:35 PM

Wonderful depiction of the horrors that accompany abortion. So glad this movie was created. It’s about time.

Saturday, April 6, 06:16:30 PM

All I can say is God's hand is at work through so many who are doing all they can to save innocent, tiny lives. Thank you to the production company and actors who had the courage to stand firm in their faith doing all they could to help protect the beautiful lives of the unborn. Also, thank you, God, for creating and giving us the gift of life. May we all use our gifts and talents to bring others closer to His holy ways.

Saturday, April 6, 03:49:32 PM

One-sided and biased against pro-choice point of view. Practically propaganda

Saturday, April 6, 03:39:53 PM

As one who has worked in pro-life ministries for years, I pray this movie will be a game-changer. One reviewer said “I don’t like the way the movie portrayed some of the pro-lifers as radicals yelling at the young woman.” I agree. But this was just a brief scene at the beginning, and the young pro-life couple outside the fence (acting the role of Shawn and Marilisa Carney, co-founders of 40 Days for Life) made a point of distancing their group from the “radical” pro-life group. I just wish the producers had made this point more explicit. Some of the most powerful scenes were those inside the clinic where young women, even teenagers, sat in the “recovery” room. They looked heartbroken, devastated, hollowed out. This is what abortion does to a woman. It “hollows out” her body, her motherhood, her womanhood, her soul. May God have mercy on our nation.

Saturday, April 6, 01:23:55 PM

This movie let's you see the truth from both sides. I recommend for teenagers and adults of all faiths.

Saturday, April 6, 11:57:45 AM

Every American should see this film. Very well done and fairly presented story on the topic of abortion in America.

Saturday, April 6, 11:46:23 AM

Finally the real truth is coming out about abortions and those sorry Planned Abortion Clinics

Saturday, April 6, 11:43:04 AM

Great movie, more should be made just like this. Killing babies that are inside a mother or just born is deliberate 1st degree murder. I don't see where an R rating is needed. There is no nudity, or sexual scenes or speech. PG would have been fine. The younger teens are the ones who surely need to see this movie.

Saturday, April 6, 09:54:19 AM

Haha I find it funny how most of the ratings are either 5 or 1 star because soome people think that because it doesn't represent their opinion, it's propaganda trash... it's a true story! Very touching, the R rating doesn't suit it though, I have seen worse PG-13 movies. So what it supports religious views, no one is forcing you to watch it, it's not propaganda. Gosh are people not allowed to express themselves? It's a great movie, but please, be open minded.

Saturday, April 6, 09:27:25 AM

A real eye opener,must see,all teenager and up.

Saturday, April 6, 12:02:16 AM

Shocking but tastefully done considering the topic. Eye opening. PP lied to my best friend in college and it destroyed her life, 30 years later she still has anguish.

Friday, April 5, 08:41:42 PM

Must see!!

Friday, April 5, 07:59:34 PM

This is an excellent movie. It is definitely a movie for open minded people to see.

Friday, April 5, 06:26:07 PM

Well done. Presents a volatile issue from both sides. The R rating is appropriate in my opinion. Some scenes are difficult to watch.

Friday, April 5, 03:40:13 PM

Gripping and poignant...a “must see “

Friday, April 5, 02:27:00 PM

Well acted. Very realistic. Non-judgemental. Accurate, factual, believable, compelling. An eye-opener which all people should see.

Friday, April 5, 12:52:00 PM

The film revealed the accurate account of what actually happened in Abby's life. The movie had a very good message and done in a very polished and powerful way. The actors and actresses were very excellent in their roles, The movie had a tremendous impact on some friends that went to see this film. It gave me a real true understanding of what happens in the abortion clinics.

Friday, April 5, 11:17:04 AM

This movie is very well made. Great acting. It gives us a behind the scenes look at the abortion industry with sensitivity. The story is compelling -- and totally true.

Friday, April 5, 11:10:37 AM

Such a good movie. Very informative as to how things really happen. I would recommend that more young people go and watch this movie before making in decisions and see how it impacts you for the rest of your life.

Friday, April 5, 11:04:25 AM

This movie was very revealing. Everyone should watch this and make their own decision about abortion, not be blinded by the skewed media coverage. It is sad that I had to search to find a theatre online because the local papers refused to publish the movie details.

Thursday, April 4, 10:34:02 PM

This movie was so well done. The acting and cinematography was awesome. This true story of Abby Johnson's life working in an abortion clinic should be seen by all. If I could I would give it 100 stars! Truly done well showing both sides of the abortion issue. I pray everyone goes and sees this movie.

Thursday, April 4, 09:09:53 PM

Thank you so much for showing this AWESOME movie UNPLANNED. I give this movie a 10+ rating for FINALLY dealing with REAL LIFE ISSUES. I give a 10+ to the manager of FLAGSHIP/AUBURN, MAINE for honoring the request of so many of us in this community who wanted to go see this SUPERB MOVIE. Hopefully, we will continue to have quality movies that have a redeeming value such as this movie. THANK YOU to the manager of FLAGSHIP in AUBURN, MAINE for showing this FABULOUS movie. We want MORE...

Thursday, April 4, 08:11:39 PM

This is a must watch!!! Not only should all students in middle school and high school watch this movie but their parents should be with them when they watch it. It’s a awesome presentation of what really goes on in an abortion clinic. I was shocked as well as heart broken watching this movie.

Thursday, April 4, 03:47:16 PM

Finally, a movie worth watching. A voice for all those who have been silenced.

Thursday, April 4, 03:09:10 PM


Thursday, April 4, 01:57:36 PM

True story from a person who has been on both sides.

Thursday, April 4, 01:27:40 PM

Great story well done. It is not an R film at all

Thursday, April 4, 12:10:45 PM

Everyone on this beautiful planet we live on will be better off for just seeing this incredible story.... People are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

Thursday, April 4, 12:00:09 PM

A real eye opener..... must see for every person!

Thursday, April 4, 11:08:26 AM

This Unplanned movie exposes the inconvenient truth of what happens to our most vulnerable innocents. Just as propaganda deluded the Germans from their own atrocities, we are foolish enough to believe that those with money and power are not willing to kill for gain— and lie and deceive the masses that their motives are noble. This movie challenges that great lie. We don’t have the right to kill just as the Germans didn’t. As a result, we face the fastest decline in birthrate in US history. At this rate, US towns will decay and disappear and we will be left with robots to pretend to care for us as we say, “Alexa” as our dying words instead of our beloved offspring to carry on our legacy. This movie helps to wake up America that it is ok to re-evaluate your opinion and realize this is about having a concience in a pro-human position.

Thursday, April 4, 10:08:39 AM

Finally a truthful look at the true goals of the abortion industry. It’s not about women’s health it’s about the money

Thursday, April 4, 02:02:31 AM

Excellent film that sheds light on a very ugly truth in our country/world. Thank you to the artists who made this film and thank you to the theaters that had the courage to show it. Shamefully, the westside of Los Angeles decided we should not have an anti-abortion film in our theaters.

Thursday, April 4, 01:42:52 AM

I was captivated by Abby's story. As awful as it was to glimpse what occurs behind the closed doors of an abortion clinic, I felt compelled to see the movie in order to better engage a culture that still wants to decry what Abby counseled. This is not a baby, it feels no pain, you are better off to abort your baby if this is an unplanned pregnancy. The movie was non-judgmental and offered hope to women struggling with guilt from an abortion. If God can forgive and then go on to use Abby, he can forgive others.

Wednesday, April 3, 09:27:18 PM

Very good movie. It brings out Planned Parenthood's true agenda.

Wednesday, April 3, 08:59:44 PM

Truth is sometimes hard to take. We all need to wake up. Choice is an illusion. The reality of abortion is hard to face but necessary. Everyone should see Abby's story.

Wednesday, April 3, 06:20:05 PM

This movie was tough to watch, particularly if you have had an abortion. If you are suffering from the choice of abortion there is hope, and there is healing. There are a lot of ministries which reach out to help those suffering from this choice. Rachel’s Vineyard, and hope after abortion are two of the best. Don’t continue to suffer alone.

Wednesday, April 3, 05:54:31 PM

Eye opening. A must see