Wednesday, January 1, 10:09:39 PM

There's a new WINNIE THE POOH movie out and it's the best one in years. While the character's origins lie in traditional animation, this one scores points for the live-action format. A few more songs next time would be nice, but that's just quibbling, really.

Tuesday, April 9, 05:51:51 PM

Winnie the Pooh is Savage and Relentless! 5 Stars all the way , Best Horror, Terror movie in Years ! To Horror lovers , this one is for you!!

Saturday, March 30, 12:39:06 AM

Yeah..I just got out and I wouldn't go anywhere near calling I lt the best of the year There's things that I liked, but alot more that could've been better . Absolutely loved the movie. the gore bloody kills everything I want in a Slasher. Best horror movie 2024 so far. Can't wait for more. 10/10 ? Pooh is relentless yeah I did overall have a fun time with the movie. I'm rooting for you guys and your cinematic universe! Always up for supporting indie filmmakers in the horror world.

Tuesday, March 26, 08:35:46 PM

Haha silly snowflakes! This Pooh rules!

Tuesday, March 26, 03:51:08 PM

How DARE you massacre a wonderful children's Classic, I won't see this movie in my lifetime. Hopefully it BOMBS at the box office!

Tuesday, March 26, 09:54:42 AM

Is nothing sacred Really a gem of a children’s story made into this How sad

Monday, March 25, 01:00:56 AM

The best Pooh in years!

Sunday, March 24, 02:24:46 PM

Why would a producer take a beloved children’s storybook figure and add violence and evil to make a story? The almighty buck speaks loudly! Such a travesty

Friday, March 22, 08:25:58 PM

The one movie this year you must not miss.