
City girl and aspiring singer Nancy Taylor (Madeline Merlo) travels to a cottage with her best friend, Ainsley (Sophie Tweed-Simmons) but on the way, her car breaks down. Although she's good with cars, she can't fix it. Luckily, local mechanic Charlie Bishop (Munro Chambers) comes to the rescue.

Charlie, a country boy, took time out during his teens to take care of his sick mother, putting his studies in mechanical engineering on hold. Immediately attracted to Nancy, he has to struggle to find the courage to ask her out on a date. With his older brother Cody (Kevin McGarry) doing a tour of duty overseas, he gets advice from his sister-in-law Katherine (Jana Kramer) and decides to follow Nancy back to the big city to pursue the romance, despite her declaration that she has a boyfriend.

  Canadian Connection: Filmed in Northern Ontario. The crew and many of the cast members are Canadian.

Andrew Cymek
Defiant Empire
Brigitte Kingsley, Nick Baillie, Marty Beecroft, Glenn Coulson, Robert Kingston, Andrew Cymek, Ron Kitchener, Brad Pelman
Munro Chambers, Madeline Merlo, Sophie Tweed-Simmons, Kevin McGarry, Jana Kramer
Andrew Cymek, Jake Helgren
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