Thursday, July 17, 04:51:08 AM

Best summer movie ever!

Saturday, January 7, 06:50:15 AM

To concerned realistic sifi fan;l really believe;that we made it to moon but,until people sit alien in front of camera great.l didn't say life doesn't exist in outer space.l do however suggest people with major issue see head doctors more often get there lithium beefed up & shock therapy increased .l can say that to be visionary my father was born 1923 & watch flash Gordon with his ray gun & fake rocket ship blast through air.l think you should realize the First Television Transmission: Felix The Cat, was in Scotland. Basically my dad say it all come to pass after see German jets over France during second world war as tail gunner in a Lancaster bomber that's my point to crack pots

Sunday, January 1, 08:29:50 PM

A good fictional thriller ! Those were some big dust mites, I may have nightmares about those critters. Definitely reccommend.

Saturday, December 31, 06:19:25 PM

Ya, the actor from 'Sanctuary' was actually an astronaut in the '60's... but I KNOW the Apollo moon landings were fake - just like 'airplane rides' through the air and 'moving pictures in your living room'. Come on!!

Friday, December 30, 12:27:03 PM

Real my butt. NASA never actually made it to the moon. All the "real" footage ever filmed was cold war propaganda. There are several documentaries which prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that no man has ever walked on the moon.

Thursday, December 29, 02:04:41 PM

Hellooooo, not real.....I have some land I would like to sell

Thursday, December 29, 02:42:50 AM

Knowing what you're seeing is actually real makes this the greatest adventure known to Man. 5/5

Tuesday, December 27, 03:09:30 PM

Wow,the movie wasn't scary but the comments posted are! I really hope the people that believe this was real and that it's proof aliens exist are kidding! If not I'm glad I'm not you!

Tuesday, November 29, 09:33:28 PM

Movie of the year! APOLLO 13 was a tough act to follow, but the filmmakers pulled this off brilliantly!

Saturday, October 29, 07:05:50 PM

Stupid waste of money. Blair witch goes to space.

Sunday, October 2, 05:16:27 AM

Don't watch this alone! More scares per minute than all of the Jigsaw movies put together!!

Friday, September 30, 07:55:22 PM


Friday, September 30, 03:39:02 AM

This movie wasn't the best , much rather spent my money on a good movie , very boring didn't keep my attetion at all and it says it's horror but it's a snoor film

Tuesday, September 20, 08:56:14 PM

Interesting "what if" flick. You had a sense that something bad was going to happen but if you like conspiracy theory stuff and movies like "Cloverfield", you might dig this one.

Monday, September 19, 03:34:50 AM

My favourite film of the year by far.

Saturday, September 17, 08:46:14 PM

Now that the world knows the truth, how can ANY government be trusted?

Saturday, September 17, 05:07:30 PM

OK, I get it that video was crappy - grainy, blurry, etc - in the 60's but you only need to do that once or twice - not for the whole movie. And, the creepy aliens was something I expected - but if they turn out to be laugh-out-loud funny, you've missed the mark. Stupid, boring and a waste of my money.

Saturday, September 17, 03:09:27 PM

WOW! Real live aliens are much scarier than anything Hollywood can come up with!!!

Friday, September 16, 06:45:09 PM

Really stupid.

Friday, September 16, 06:02:47 PM

A MUST on the big screen! 10/10

Thursday, September 15, 10:34:51 AM

Loved it!

Wednesday, September 14, 03:50:03 PM


Wednesday, September 14, 01:26:43 PM

I was expecting much better. Not much happens and then it quickly ends.

Tuesday, September 13, 06:43:09 PM

Really thought this was a very weak and not very entertaining film!! Would not recommed it at all!!

Tuesday, September 13, 03:19:05 PM

Compelling proof that we are not alone.

Tuesday, September 13, 03:15:30 PM

It's so AWESOME!

Tuesday, September 13, 12:12:40 AM

If there was an option for 0 stars - I would choose that. Blair Witch on the moon. Absolute crap. What did I expect? I dunno . . . nothing this bad.

Monday, September 12, 06:57:26 PM

A piece of crap...really...does anyone seriously believe this happened? Only the very gulable I guess. I could not stand the phony grainess and odd how certain camera angles were obtained on the moon. Did they have extra help out there???

Monday, September 12, 04:24:01 PM

worlds worst movie

Monday, September 12, 08:58:37 AM

I left the drive-in with 1 other movie to go. It was horrible.

Saturday, September 10, 05:15:45 AM

I was surprised to see what aliens really look like. Why did the government keep this footage from the public?

Friday, September 9, 07:45:27 PM

I can't believe someone actually made this movie. If you need to catch up on your sleep, this is the movie for you.

Friday, September 9, 05:15:51 AM

understanding, how gov'ts hide the truth, from everyone. makes this movie worthwhile. still wondering are ya why millions of folks could not all lie/as good a movie as would i have made a documentery

Thursday, September 8, 09:11:01 PM

Worse show I've ever seen .... I mean how gullible do they think we are?

Thursday, September 8, 10:12:26 AM

Great fiction. Premise was interesting and scenes were exceptionally well done. Only knock would be the depiction of the other worldly life.

Thursday, September 8, 07:37:09 AM

Outstanding! As much fun as AVATAR and as provocative as JFK. I give it a 10!

Wednesday, September 7, 10:50:29 PM

A perfect 10! It's this year's STAR WARS!

Tuesday, September 6, 03:00:55 PM

WOW it is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad

Tuesday, September 6, 09:54:31 AM

I'm amazed how much I enjoyed this. I was blown away!

Tuesday, September 6, 01:13:40 AM

this was the worst movie I seen all summer.Don't be fooled by the previews, this movie is pointless. The plot is boring and as about as scary as an old smurfs cartoon.Save your money and download this piece of donkey feces,but only if you have absolutly nothing better to do.....