Saturday, April 27, 11:14:17 PM

if you like action you like this

Friday, April 26, 04:56:27 PM

I LIKED some of the acting and actors/actresses, but after 10 mins. of non-stop violence and fighting I started thinking 'What's the POINT'? I thought the principle's talents were WASTED among all of the hyper-violent nonsense. After a day I can't even REMEMBER what it was ABOUT, really. That TELLS me something right THERE. Maybe I just don't like these killing for killing's sake, videogame-style Movies. A GOOD FLICK needs to involve my BRAIN. This doesn't DO least for ME. But I'm old as dirt....whadooIknow??? PASS.

Thursday, April 25, 09:00:13 PM

Wow , did Michael Bay ,back in the late nineties, direct ,lazy edits that land flat with no focus , like someone before the hit ,pulled a drape, and black the action out ,then there is the ghost sister that makes no since ,and is incredibly annoying , no bad ,I wanted better , you decide .

Thursday, April 25, 08:32:29 PM

Had high hope , just awful , blurred Unfocused edit s, fight screens to quick , to fast no solid punch lands , sorry pretty bad, like transformers back in the day , just not good .