Wednesday, January 25, 02:53:05 PM

Another step forward in brainwashing the masses into believing that sex between men is normal by putting it onscreen in a mainstream movie. Congratulations.

Wednesday, January 25, 12:14:48 PM

Splendid movie for all lovers!

Wednesday, January 25, 08:51:34 AM

In a word OVER-RATED. While the performances of the lead actors are great and the movie beautifully shot, the movie itself is just okay. Like "Philadelphia" years ago, which was simply an okay movie that drew accolades from fawning Hollywood due to its perceived ground-breaking subject matter, so too is this movie being lauded for breaking a taboo subject and once again, Hollywood is tripping over itself to congratulate itself.

Wednesday, January 25, 07:48:57 AM

The absolute best movie made to date....... Loved it yet it`s very sad

Tuesday, January 24, 10:24:23 PM

Agreed that this movie starts out slow but it pulls you in and makes you forget where you are and that the two main characters are having a homosexual relationship. You see them as two people in love. Fabulous and stays with you long after you leave the theatre.

Tuesday, January 24, 07:26:52 PM

Great movie. Regarding some of the comments made - Ennis knew he would marry Alma when his job at Brokeback Mountain is over. He was not about to meet other men for sex until he met up with Jack years later. It was not like he cheated on Alma for the whole time! When he left Brokeback Mountain, he would not know whether he will hear from Jack or not - if ever again. Even if he chose not to marry Alma and have the kids, he would probably remain as a loner for rest of his life. Ennis` love is for Jack alone - not just for just any men out there. On that point, I think it is better for some of you to get a copy of the novel and read it as it is

Tuesday, January 24, 06:51:41 PM

An extrodinary film! Definatly a movie that should be seen be all! Amazing acting by by both Ledger and Gyllenhaal. Anne Hathaway and Michelle Williams nail the roles of the wives who suspect that they might not be the love of there husbands lives! 5 star film!

Tuesday, January 24, 12:02:15 PM

I disagree with the comment below. Society does not want or expect homosexuals to marry women. That would be hurting innocent people. Not to mention children, if they come into the picture. Imagine someone marrying you, only to find out they used you to make themselves look a certain way. How selfish is that. Movie was mediocre, by the way. I found it boring and didn`t empathize with the two leads at all. Scenery was gorgeous, though.

Tuesday, January 24, 11:56:23 AM

A tragic love story of two lonely men that discover love for each other. Homosexual love scenes, and a slow story are sure to turn off many movie goers. The scenery cannot make up for such a slow story. Not even worth a rental.

Tuesday, January 24, 01:01:30 AM

This is a breakthrough movie! one of the best movies i`ve seen in recent times. I agree that the lead stars` performance should be recognized. It was brave for the 2 hunk-actors to accept roles like this, and they succeeded! If i were to give a score for this movie, on a scale of 1 to 10 (being the highest), i`ll give it 9 stars!

Monday, January 23, 02:16:57 PM

The best movie ever

Monday, January 23, 01:38:17 PM

Great scenery, slowed pace and a distasteful subject

Monday, January 23, 12:43:17 PM

I had doubts about this movie, just because its gay content, doesnt necessarily imply that gay people should like the movie. It is a good story about how society is towards homosexuals, and from societys view.. . this usually makes homosexual men marry women. I liked this movie, as it diplicts how society forces homosexual men to marry into a hetrosexual relationship.

Monday, January 23, 12:35:59 PM

The Best Film Of 2005. Right up there with 1970`s Love Story and even 1942`s Casablanca as a great and tragic love story. Great scenery, acting and direction. I can`t get this movie out of my head. Finally, a movie that I`ll actually wish would win the Academy Award.

Monday, January 23, 11:11:54 AM

I saw this movie last night, and can not get it out of my head. Though I`d like to think this story would play out differently in 2006, in some cases it wouldn`t. When people are marginalized to the point where it is a life and death issue they will closet themselves. Mathwew Shephard was killed not so long ago - a tale similar to that of the man from Ennis` childhood and Jack. Thank you to everyone who told us this sad story... we need to hear it, until the ending is different!

Monday, January 23, 10:56:12 AM

My boy friend dragged me to this. Now I`m wondering about him. BTW, I hated it.

Monday, January 23, 10:55:37 AM

3 words. Obvious gay propaganda. When will gays learn that shoving their lifestyle down our throats is going to turn people away from empathizing with them, not sympathize?

Monday, January 23, 10:52:53 AM

absolutely loved this movie. Great acting, footage and storyline. Was totally moved by it.

Monday, January 23, 10:14:26 AM

I am a 53 year old male hetrosexual, who thought this was a story that needs to be told because of the strong opinions still held by many. It is very sad though and doesn`t show the hope for a better world that exists. If this is a `Gay Movie`, then I proudly declare myself as gay rather than be associated with a group of fear-filled hetrosexuals.

Monday, January 23, 09:50:32 AM

Words to describe this movie: Gross, ugly, disgusting, boring, plot stank, ewwww, bleh, umm....don`t waste your money on this hunk of

Monday, January 23, 01:29:44 AM

i saw this movie today. i went in with high expectations and an open mind from reading all of the great reviews. this was the worst movie i`ve ever seen. i run a website that reviews movies, and i`ve seen my share of crappy movies; however, this was by far the worst movie i`ve seen in a while. please dont waste your money on this immoral, deprecating, abomination of a movie!

Monday, January 23, 01:19:02 AM

Brokeback Mountain was one of the greatest movies I`ve ever seen! I absolutely loved it!! With the breathtaking scenery throughout and amazing acting by Heath and Jake, this is one movie I`ll never forget. It was an emotional roller coaster and hits you like a shot in the heart. I cried for many days afterward and am still recovering from the beautiful impact it made on me. Regardless of who you are, where you’re from, or what you believe in, everyone should see this movie at least once.

Sunday, January 22, 06:04:31 PM

Comming from a younger persons point of veiw this movie was AMAZING!! Id pay to see it again and again until i can buy it!

Sunday, January 22, 12:05:40 PM

My wife really wanted to see it so I went, to be fair as I dragged her to see "Sahara". I hated it and she hated it. We kept on looking at our watches through the whole thing and only watched the entire film to see if the ending made it worthwhile. It didn`t. She was very disappointed, and it wasn`t the gay aspect that bothered me. It was just long, boring and slow, in my opinion, so it will probably win a bunch of Oscars. The acadeny and myself really don`t agree on anything anyway.

Sunday, January 22, 11:55:20 AM

This is a wonderful romance movie with stunning scenery and excellent storyline. From an nonprejudicial, hetero male`s point of view, it`s too bad that so many people are judging the story based strictly on their reluctance to accept homosexual relationships. The loss is their own, as this is a beautiful story with just enough subtlety that it makes you think, bold enough to make the relationship between the two lead actors seem real, and cinematic enough that it makes this movie all the more enjoyable. Bottom line, its not for everyone. You`ll either love it or hate it, and that is directly proportional to your acceptance of gay relationship

Saturday, January 21, 10:24:47 PM

Good acting. Beautiful scenery. I was able to identify with the characters. It was a sad but powerful love story. It created feelings of sadness, frustration and anger. Two gay lovers living miserable lives.

Saturday, January 21, 09:55:40 PM

I was actually quite impressed with the sensitive way they dealt with the characters` love story.

Saturday, January 21, 05:04:22 PM

Oh my gosh, this is the most incredible movie i have ever seen, its such a touching love story, BEAUTIFUL, and i mist say jake and heath are smokin hott!

Saturday, January 21, 04:48:03 PM


Saturday, January 21, 01:12:56 PM

Brokeback Mountain has raised my awareness about being different and being in a relationship. The story was so well acted and portrayed that I can`t shake this movie. I don`t believe any movie has effected me this way. Ledger and Gyllenhaal should at least be nominated and possibly win Oscars for their work. Lovely soundtrack and beautiful visual effects of the area. The best movie of 2005 and beyond. Great!

Saturday, January 21, 12:44:28 PM

I had great difficulty hearing the dialogue. It was well acted but I don`t think it should win best picture. Think Cinderella Man was better. It was slow getting going and missing quite a lot of what they were saying didnt help

Saturday, January 21, 11:15:35 AM

how far will this world go. When will it be too much? Someday will an oscar go to a movie about a love story about man and animal.

Saturday, January 21, 08:56:31 AM

i really love this movie so much but i cried the whole time because the end was soo sad. i like the character too even though am not gay,i just love the film

Saturday, January 21, 08:45:08 AM

When I read all the comments about Brokeback Mountain, it seems there are many that are missing the point. In my opinion, the movie isn`t about being gay. It`s about supressed love and what society would say if these two were to express their love openly. We all grow up with values and opinions from those who are in charge of us, however warped they may be. Ennis grew up knowing the same horrible fate would await him that happened to that poor old man of his childhood, if he were to ever express his feelings openly. It crippled him and kept him in a miserable life he didn`t know how to get out of as it does so many others in the world. Go see

Saturday, January 21, 07:46:47 AM

Six times I`ve seen the movie and I get new insights each time. None of the four characters win in the end. What a tragedy, that when we look honestly at life, there are so many relationships that are exactly like these two men and their lives. Denying their true feelings, and in reality denying their lives, because the world wasn`t ready for it. Being different from some one else, wheather from a different race, religion, hetrosexual, or gay, we all pre-judge others that are different from us. The period of time, 1963, where this story starts, I was 14 years old with thoughts similar to Ennis`s. Afraid to look at my true feelings because tho

Friday, January 20, 11:31:30 PM

Anyone that says this movie was good is doing it to promote that lifestyle. Not a bad idea if you think about it. Not worth paying for.

Friday, January 20, 11:28:48 PM

No need to show full nudity and love seen. I did not appreciate this film.

Friday, January 20, 09:08:16 PM

I have been waiting to see this movie for months, and I was not disappointed. This is a beautiful, quiet, incredibly moving love story between two superbly drawn characters. The film stays remarkably faithful to the short story upon which it is based--some of the dialogue is verbatim--and the two leading actors give brilliant and subtly nuanced performances. The cinematography is beautiful without feeling artificial, and the score is sparing yet emotionally powerful. An absolute masterpiece and one film I cannot wait to own.

Friday, January 20, 09:07:40 PM

Absolutely breathtaking.

Friday, January 20, 09:02:48 PM

Brilliant film. It made me feel like I was right there. Heath Ledger portrayed Ennis` emotions with incredible skill. May be the best performance I`ve ever seen on film in 50 years. My only criticism: The love scenes were too cursory and designed to fend off the homophobes. It`s my only criticism after seeing it once. Going back tomorrow to see it again. "I swear to you...."